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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Appreciate that Bud...hope it tastes as good as it sounds. ?
  2. Lot of hating going on there...You sure you're not just living up to your screen name? ?
  3. Entering a chili cook-off? Chili has been simmering for a few hours...course I had to taste those 16 ingredients. Twice fried loaded skins were delicious!
  4. Anything red just doesn't work here, ask as friend 20 miles away and it's "red hot"! Don't mean to pull any puns with you but red, IMHO, is in the eyes of the beholder.
  5. Ya know, I asked @12poundbass to talk to his friends to the North...He blamed it on some guy named Bieber!? Did you do that intentional?
  6. Any Chili cookers here? I was making Chicago Deep Dish for the game but I switched gears and will be doing a chicken chili. I'll post a recipe if there's any interest, but seriously, there's gotta be some good chili cooks here!? CAN I HAVE A NEW CHILI THREAD IN AISLE 5 PLEASE!
  7. @DogBone_384and @Mr. Aquarium, when done I’ll pm my prototype You can make a decision from there. I only ask for an honest effort.
  8. I see it. Love it!
  9. Not fir nuttin, but don’t yuse thinks yir askings lot from us sticksmen? Or are we’s hookers like @Michigander thinks we’s is? I cants memba?
  10. Red Eye Shad...Any other lipless crank and "FISH ON!"
  11. Does "one who flew over the cuckoo's nest" mean anything to you?
  12. You know, you got me wondering after I read your post and I'm too lazy to google the answer, has it ever happened in the super bowl that a super bowl team played in their home stadium?
  13. Crystal Flash for the chrome? That's SAHWEET, man...It should be rated X and not to be shown on a family friendly site such as this one! ?
  14. Haha...Yep, that's how it works...?
  15. Basically, a member asks a question...ya know, just like you did. The question would be something like: "Identify this lure" and posts a pic or just asks the question, ya know, just like you did. Usually some member will post the answer and you can tag the post as a "Solved" post, by hitting the "Mark as Solution" next to the "Quote" button...Hence +1. ?
  16. Didn't get out today, had to fix my door and then I had the lure making bug. I'm working on a bass lure based on a salmon lure. Once I get the last piece of the puzzle I'll post up. I want to make a few up and see if I can get some lure testers here. Lemme know if you're interested?
  17. I tried that once...just once. About 10 years ago my wife and I were having a "discussion" and she called me a tool. Well I must have had a little too much to drink because I retaliated with calling her a 'wrench', except I wasn't pronouncing my R's to well by then. As @Sam would say "And then the fight began."
  18. Before you pull out the rattle can and practice graffiti for the next bridge built over the interstate, let’s first try getting you to catch a fish during the day with what you have. When I learned topwater fishing one of the tips I read about trying was to cast out, let it sit until all the rings of water around the jitterbug are gone. Start your retrieve but don’t look at the lure. Look at birds, squirrels, cars going by, humans things, but not the lure. If you hear a splash keep looking at birds, squirrels, cars going by, human things but not the lure. You only look at the lure if you feel it come out of the water in which time you cast and start the whole process up or you feel added weight to your rod in which time you set the hook. As my uncle Giovanni used to say: Capisce?
  19. I like the thought process and the wheels are spinning, but have you tried to put a plastic lure on it? ?
  20. Just looking at some notes from this past fall and I had circled Sea Ray as a potential purchase. Unfortunately I didn’t note why it didn’t make the cut. Just wanted to throw that out there. @haggard congrats on the Montauk! I was ready to pen a deal on the Whaler Sport 160 before my family and I decided that the EdgeWater was right for us. If you see an EdgeWater with a blue Bimini top in Kennebunkport it’s probably us. ?. Good luck!
  21. I really can’t blame ya there. ?
  22. Cool, pls report back. I got a couple of Fuegos I want to try out and need to find open water. Gonna make a few stops myself. I’ll let you know what I find. Where ya from?
  23. Thanks for sharing. I actually enjoy the process of keeping my vehicles detailed unfortunately I don’t have that kind of time. Usually it’s a thorough cleaning, polishing and wax in the spring and fall. Maintenance is a rinse and a Meguiar’s Quik Detailer once or twice a week. I suppose once I get more time on my hands I can devote the time b/c I really do enjoy the process. Please report back, very interested in your findings.
  24. I'll have to agree with RW, find out from people you know and make your decision from there. When I look at a product review I go immediately to the 1 & 2 star reviews...if anything for a good laugh. I told this before but but wife wanted this vanity that came with a fixture and faucet, I went down to the 1 star review. That person rated it 1 star because she thought it just "slid into place". "I had to get a plumber to install it." It's been in my bathroom for 4 years now and works great.
  25. You and I must be on the VIP mailing list then. ?
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