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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I did the Craigslist route. I had 1 serious buyer out of a bunch. The quickest way to weed the people out that I found is I ask to take a pic of their license and registration then pray the 2 match. Then I request certified funds or cash. Then hope they weren't produced on an HP Deskjet. Good luck @Way2slow.
  2. Well, I mean, you gotta have something to look forward to. ?
  3. I bet man. My dad is 82 and mom is 79. We didn't celebrate the holidays for obvious reasons which really dampened their spirits. Fortunately we have summer vacation homes a block away from each other so hopefully we'll be able to make up for some lost time. I feel for you bud, I'm close to my parents as I'm sure you are(if your mom is still alive that is)/were.
  4. These days I'm looking for a pair of his glasses to tie knots:
  5. I will definitely give him a tap on the shoulder for sure. Thanks man, much appreciated.
  6. Mid 30*'s the next couple of days. By mid week we'll be in the 60*'s! C'Mon spring!
  7. I should. My wife and kids want to go to Disney for Thanksgiving. Me? Been there 10 plus times, I bowed out. Now with family vacation comp time, you may have me thinking a bit...?
  8. My parents have both been vaccinated and my wife just got her first.
  9. Good luck @Nitrofreak!
  10. That's must be quite a trip to look forward to @A-Jay!
  11. I know what you're going thru, I recently traded in the one I watched both my kids grow up in. There were a lot of memories in that boat. I'm sure like you that you're ready to make new ones.
  12. A friend of mine has a 16' bowrider and tows it with his Volvo crossover
  13. Oh wow, just recent too. So sorry for your loss @Randy Price.
  14. Good to hear @TnRiver46 and nice job troubleshooting the problem @galyonj. Electrical problems to me are always tricky. Never seems like there's an obvious solution. Good luck with the final repairs. ?
  15. Jigfishn10


    Pain in the butt.
  16. I agree with @gimruis, that's actually not bad. At the end of the season I used to have my Yamaha winterized/fogged and tuned up ready for next season, maybe a minor repair or 2 and it was always a $400 bill. I traded that boat in and it needs a trim/tilt motor. That was repair bill would have been north of $800.
  17. Great minds think alike...I'd throw this on. Got it at DSG for like $5-$10.
  18. There's a lot more than that giving me the heebie jeebies. ?
  19. Watched my first spring training game the other day...Jays vs Yanks. What a talented young team the Jays have and the Yanks have a scary good pitching staff. Definitely 2 top teams in the Junior Circuit this year. The Red Sox....as we used to say: "well, there's always next year"
  20. SAHWEET! What an honor that is. Congrats Glenn!
  21. I don't see any registration stickers on this? or this? ?
  22. Honestly, this is actually a great idea...?
  23. Same here. You're right, for the money it's well worth it. I was told by my agent that additional insurance for the trailer isn't really worth it, so I didn't get it.
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