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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. No wonder why you're working 3 jobs...? Throwing some luck you're way that it's an inexpensive issue. Although that might not be a good idea. I was with dad yesterday and he said: "Son, if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any." I still love him none the less.
  2. I know really, another no doubter over the centerfield fence. Beauty @Ski
  3. My mother will be undergoing tests for the big “C”. ?
  4. Just curious, did you find the problem?
  5. I probably won’t make much in tips but I’m sure I’ll have some good laughs. ?
  6. I’m in commercial construction and can only speak to my field. What you mention in your post is very true. There are good ones (bolded) but are few and far between. The only thing I can add to your post, again it just pertains to my field, we brought it on ourselves. Our construction schedules got to ridiculously shortened in duration that we couldn’t make time - in most cases - to teach the next generation. That’s on us mostly and partially on the educated person who thinks they deserve a salary of someone who’s more seasoned. Great post bud
  7. Appreciate your opinion. Whiskey, I’m finding, is way more of an acquired taste. Dad was always a scotch drinker, a good friend of mine who was an umpire in our little league was more rye. I’ve gravitated to bourbon but I’m still pretty novice when it comes to whiskey. Where do you stand? BYW I just used the no bueno earlier. ?.., love it!
  8. Haha! I’m not sure if you’re serious.
  9. That’s because you dig for worms at mid-day and fish the rest of the afternoon. Come back late and bang in for OT! Your pics on here are leaving a trail! ? Just kidding bud!
  10. When Mass went to no lead jigs and sinkers back in ‘11 I think it was I started making these
  11. Oh ok. Wait a minute Gotta make some phone calls (all bets are off, all bets are off) Ok. I’m back. Good deal man. I envy you!
  12. OMG @Ski!!!! Every time you post a pic lately it’s a deep shot to center field no doubter! Beautiful fish man! So, if I come down a pick you up, how’s your luck at the casino? ? Just kidding. Congrats on that beauty!
  13. The moose stayed in the woods the other night. I worked out instead. ? Today I had the day off and went to Maine to get an additional 75lb mooring, chain and hardware. Then went to town hall and submitted my mooring permit application. Dad came with so it was nice to spend time with him. Next week he’ll be 82 y/o so those one on one days are becoming more and more valuable to me. We stopped to get some wine for Easter and I picked up a bottle of Tin Cup. Anybody ever try it? I thought @TnRiver46, you had it? I could be wrong. I only had a couple of sips but it’s good so far. ? Wish I had a ? to go with it. ?
  14. I’m glad you brought this back as well. It’s slowly getting warmer around here and getting to that time when I clean up our vehicles. This reminder will get me in product purchasing mode. Thanks again
  15. I did 2 hotel renovations as a construction supervisor. I had to interact with hotel staff from top management down to housekeeping staff on a daily basis. The maintenance and housekeeping staffs were not well paid at these positions. Although I’m not sure most of them knew that. I saw what goes on behind the scenes that maybe management doesn’t see. All I can say is good luck in shaping the hotel into what you image of it should be. You really have you work cut out for you. I know you know this, but what you going thru now will be pretty cyclical. Just the nature of the beast.
  16. Jigfishn10

    Baby Steps

    Hey @5/0, sorry about the tournament, that’s a bummer. Strand count is a personal preference IMO. It’s also my experience that you won’t get the “flare” you want with rubber band. At least I couldn’t. If you can get a piece of wire around you skirt and twist it down pretty good you should get that flare. It also depends on how long the skirt length is. Try trimming some of the top laying strands down to about the hook length maybe even a tad more and check that how that is in and out of water. Should be a remarkable difference Good luck
  17. After work the Moose will be loose. Moosehead Lager
  18. Surprised just 1 confused reaction. Plesae read it again...?
  19. We're gaining on it...Down to 2
  20. No really, take time to think about it...?
  21. Sorry buddy, I did read that earlier today. That's just me trying to work and socialize at the same time. My bad
  22. I believe it was Tom Petty who said: "The waiting is the hardest part" I know what you're going thru, I have exactly 1 month before I pick up my boat from the dealer. ?
  23. I take it that the good old fashion sharpening file is staying in the drawer...?
  24. I don't know. To be on the safe side I'd go 1' over, 2' maybe pushing it. Can you take a pic and post what you have?
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