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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Looking to improve on the first fishing outing from above this weekend. We're planning on staying within the 60' - 90' contour lines but heading over to some rock piles I charted over the winter looking for some black sea bass and tautog. The heat wave we had is being replaced by cooler air coming down from Canada which is causing rain and winds coming from the Northeast. We'll be fighting current for sure and I'm hoping the seas stay in the 1-3' range. If we see waves busting Timber Island then we'll try and get out to the end of the beach to calmer waters and will diamond jig for some stripers in the Batson River. Just hoping to fish either way.
  2. I think what's impressive with "Frank", mentioned in the OP, is that he may have only used 1 type of lure but he was versatile and smart enough to change sizes (and I would guess color) and use multiple techniques. I think that's what's missing here? Excellent thread and a good read. ?
  3. Never pictured you to be a fan of Train.
  4. Kennebunkport.
  5. I use a Daiwa for salt and do the same as @bulldog1935 recommended, a quick rinse of the reel, rod, rod guides, reel seat and lure. wipe down and a small battery powered leaf blower to get any water that couldn’t be wiped.
  6. You’re so close to the coast, I’m sure you can smell it! Let me know if you want to take a ride and fish!? You’re not far away.
  7. Believe it or not @TnRiver46, I fell asleep in the 7th....?...I fished in some 3-4' waves that afternoon and was wiped out. Had to see the highlights this morning.
  8. Fished the Maine Gulf Thursday & Friday. Could only get 2 hours each day due to weather. Both days we fished between the 60' and 90' contour lines on hard bottom. Got bites on Thursday with an abbreviated hook-up. Was happy that the area I charted over the winter had fish on it. Went back on Friday in 3-4' seas and expanded the area we fished the day prior. Fist cast a nice chunky pollock. The next cast I gave the rod to my son and he got a decent cod. His first! We could have stayed there, but I was on a fact finding mission, and moved to a deeper area right at the 90' contour line. There I got a nice pollock and a short cod, my son had a nice one unbutton. We turned around and headed back to the mooring due to a outgoing tide.
  9. I've been known to indulge in a Gin Rickey in the summer. Bombay Original Gin - Soda - 1/2 Lime - Ice
  10. Hoping the seas workout for the next couple of days. Heading to Maine to fish a couple of spots. #FingersCrossed! Good luck for those who are wetting a line.
  11. No, just ship faced!
  12. Those would make good striper tubes...great job Blue! I'll have to figure out how you did that so I can try them for Maine Gulf stripers. As far as a rod holder, was wondering if you can tack a piece of PVC pipe and drill a couple of holes about half inch apart and rope tie of zip tie to something? Hard to explain, but I post a pic of what I mean tomorrow when I get up to my boat.
  13. It might be time I get out of the ideal world then...Huh? ? Having my boat on a mooring in a beach community, I'm actually telling the truth. We all basically launch our boats around Memorial Day and retrieve around Labor Day. The ramp is located on a tidal river. We have a 4 hour window of opportunity to get down the river and load onto a trailer and vice versa. We all help each other as well as keep an eye out for each other's boats. So basically my post on this thread was was moot...?
  14. I don’t encounter this problem much. Usually if peeps are at the ramp they help each other out. You’d think it should work that way, wouldn’t you?
  15. Nothing wrong with that Mine goes on the ball (mooring) Memorial Day weekend and back on the trailer Labor Day weekend. BTW Nice boat you got there
  16. Just got handed tickets to the Yanks vs Sox at Fenway on July 25th. Be my first time at Fenway since before Covid.
  17. I’ll check it out Thursday morning. Thanks for picking up on that.
  18. It's a 5 day a week thing for me which has been part of my work week schedule for quite some time (years) now. I find that if I start to dread the workout it means I need to have a back-off week. Usually happens when I up the intensity for a block. I'll back off on the intensity for a week, maybe use less weight and allow my body to recover. The only other time motivation becomes an issue is when my body adapts to a routine that I've been doing for weeks and it's becoming stagnate. Time to adjust the routine or adapt to a new one. Just gotta make it a part of your daily schedule.
  19. That's awesome Man! I can't tell you how much I miss it. GOOD LUCK!
  20. I have no dog in the hunt, but being a baseball fan, I love this time of year!
  21. @Jonas Staggs, thanks for sharing and more importantly, glad you're ok! So easy to become complacent not just on the water but with any activity you do. Sometimes a little wake up call is needed. Good luck, be healthy and be safe my friend! ?
  22. Diamond jigs and bucktail jigs are always solid starters. If it's windy, diamond jigs are the way to go. Bucktails are time proven. ?
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