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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Good question I was just sticking to the title of the topic. ? So, hypothetically, you get a tradesman in to do the work, why wouldn’t you call that person back?
  2. Jigfishn10


    Honestly, in the summer of 2008 I told my wife to get a job. At the time she was a stay at home mom to my new son. I told her we have 1 year before the bottom is going to fall out for us. In 2008 the bottom fell out, our economy was flattened for 4 years for me. All the signs that are happening today is on par with what happened then. Crazy housing prices Crazy food prices Crazy fuel prices Crazy a lot of prices Now you know where we’re heading
  3. We’ll be getting into dogfish (sand shark) soon does that count? ? Good luck. That would be quite the thrill for them.
  4. Jigfishn10


    @A-Jay, you do live dangerously From what I’m hearing it’s not a supply issue but a lack of drivers to truck the supply. But what do I know. I’m still figuring out how to catch my first Black Sea Bass.
  5. My son actually caught both. So glad to have a fishing bud again. Haven’t had that in 11 years.
  6. Oops, sorry @WRB, my bad. I can honestly say I never saw you post about using fishing line but I’m not doubting it either. Glad you righted that ship @TnRiver46. Thank you for giving Tom the credit he deserves! Sorry bass resource members. My intentions were all good.
  7. LOL I cut a piece of PVC drilled 2 holes at the bottom fairly close together and 2 at the top so I can get a tie wrap on. The PVC is tie wrapped to the vertical post of my bimini top. One on each side. Rods goes in there. ? Not if you decide to have a yard sale. ?
  8. I am finding that if you register the product the manufacturers are pretty good about replacements. I have had a good experience with Moen in the past.
  9. I have tix for the Yankee game on the 25th at Fenway...access to the State Street Pavilion...It's a Sunday game so I'm thinking MLB will be move it to Prime Time. Can't really expect a lot from Sale this year, basically lost a year and a half. Maybe when the playoffs start - that's if the Sox are still in it - he can be that 7th or 8th inning guy they kinda need. Otherwise, I can't see them throwing him out there for 5 or 6 innings. I think he needs to be eased in. Great read guys. Always fun to talk baseball.
  10. A lot of anglers, me included, have found that they have a little time on their hands and want to go out to get a couple of casts in. You grab your rod and a few lures and off you go. You hook into a nice oinker, have no scale or measuring tools and post a pic asking about the weight of the fish. Here's a way to get a ballpark weight - from a recent post I wrote: "One thing you can do the next time you catch an oinker and don’t have anything to measure with is to lay the fish down and measure the fish with a piece of fishing line. Cut the line to the exact length of the fish. Use a second piece of fishing line and get the girth of the fish. Stuff both lines in your pocket and measure when you get home. There’s a fish calculator on this site - here - plug in the numbers and you can’t get a ballpark weight of your fish." Italian ingenuity at work here! ?
  11. One thing you can do the next time you catch an oinker and don’t have anything to measure with is to lay the fish down and measure the fish with a piece of fishing line. Cut the line to the exact length of the fish. Use a second piece of fishing line and get the girth of the fish. Stuff both lines in your pocket and measure when you get home. There’s a fish calculator on this site - or they used to be, not sure if it’s still here - plug in the numbers and you can’t get a ballpark weight of your fish. Italian ingenuity at work here! ?
  12. Most all of my repairs are done on a home and I find more electrical components -switches, receptacles etc - being substandard than anything else. Although, faucets - both bath and kitchen - are catching up in the substandard category. I will say, and I’m surprised, that my appliances have held out. My dishwasher gets used a lot and in the 8 years I’ve had it, I just recently - like a year or so ago - replaced a valve on it. Only cost like 5 buck plus shipping. So not bad.
  13. Second half of the season starts today which means it’s time for clubs to buy or sell. The Sox were big sellers last year and should be spenders this year with their surprise 1st place record to date. I’m guessing another arm for the hill and an outfielder for the wall. What’s your team need?
  14. The first pic shows a good size fish. The second pic doesn’t do the fish any justice because of the angle the fish pic was taken. 3.5 - 4 lbs. A good one for the memory bank for sure!
  15. I personally don’t think the color of the line would make a difference on topwater or any depth of presentation. As far as losing sight of you lure on top water, to me that’s a good thing. ? I cant tell you how many fish I lost because I saw the strike and set the hook too early. One of the things I read many years ago, when I was learning to walk the dog, was to look away from my lure and focus on something else. When you hear the splash, wait for the weight. Meaning, wait until the fish takes your lure down, then set the hook. Good luck
  16. Couldn’t spell Washington Post, huh? No worries, I thought it was funny anyway.
  17. I honestly don't think that requires 2 separate rods. You'd be surprised by what you can get in those weight ranges. I'm using a Daiwa Fuego as my Leatherman rod, believe it or not for mostly jigging in saltwater 80' down and that rod can handle 1/4 oz to 1 1/2oz. It a heavy/fast action 6'9 rod that has the attributes of a MH/MF rod I mentioned. That rod was $78. Love it!
  18. T-Rigs for me means something in a 1/4oz weight and less, so for me MH with a MF tip is ideal.
  19. A-Jay, my apologies, I'm just seeing this for the first time. Based on the streak of snow coming down the side, it looks like Teddy is shedding a tear. Kinda made me do the same. Sorry for your loss.
  20. Those look sweet @king fisher!
  21. Looks like some of you guys have been crushing it this year! Keep up the good work and keep posting. Love hearing about PB's being broken! I haven't fished for freshwater bass since early spring but have been on a pretty good run ground fishing in Maine. Still looking for my first black sea bass, but have read reports of people catching them, so off I go for the next couple of days while the seas are cooperating. Good luck boys.
  22. I'm looking for a crustacean imitation for a saltwater presentation. I mainly fish bucktail jigs for ground fish. I'm fishing some rock piles and the target species forage on crustaceans more so than bait fish. I thought I'd try a Rage Tail Chunk on the back of the bucktail jig. Not sure if I should lace it on the jig or just spear it thru like you would an Uncle Josh pork frog? Thoughts? Generally I'll be vertically fishing the rock pile, drifting from 1 side to the other, dropping into holes. These fish are very structure oriented, so I really have to present in front of their nose. I’m not sure if the way you rig the chunk will snag up more 1 way or the other? Maybe I’m thinking this all wrong and should be using something else as a crustacean imitation, IDK? Any thoughts/advice is appreciated.
  23. I can honestly say that I've never had it, but do hear that they are tasty.
  24. Ah man, that stinks! Hope the pain subsides enough for you to get out and fish the 4th! Get well @N Florida Mike!
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