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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. You just like it because he takes a drink of whiskey before he plays. Like you’re back in H.S. ”Yeah guy, watch this dude? He takes a shot of whiskey before he plays!” (Start laughing like beavis and butthead) ? 9 btw
  2. When I was younger I went on about 10 Caribbean cruises. I’ve been to the Bahamas a couple of times and want to spend a couple of weeks there. One of the things on my bucket list is fly fishing the flats there.
  3. They say he’s looking great! If I didn’t have tix to the Sox/Yanks game on Sunday, I’d take a ride 5 exits north of me to see his rehab start.
  4. Just saw that the Rays just traded for Nelson Cruz from the Twins. That could be a game changer in the AL East.
  5. I know. I just sat down and 1 saw 1 batter before they put the tarp on the field. Just as well. Will need the energy to fish tomorrow
  6. Just got to Maine Watching Sox/Yanks with a Gin Rickey
  7. Thanks @bulldog1935. Very helpful. This is my first year fishing this way on the new boat. Over the winter I geared up to do this kind of fishing, I knew I'd lose line to current but, wow! ? Guess you live, learn and pass down to your son (who has been really becoming a fishing buddy this year).
  8. Could be the species of fish in Japan that attack the head of the fish? I'm guessing here, but a lot of saltwater spoons that the Japanese use have an extra hook - sometimes 2 - at the line tie. The added hook at the line tie is becoming very popular with saltwater fishermen here in the states.
  9. Boy, I must have really under estimated the amount of line I lose due to current then.
  10. You're killing me Smalls! I had to
  11. I'm mostly vertical fishing in deep water, about 80' average. I'm fishing 20 lb mono and in tidal currents. My reel capacity is 12 lb/110 yds, 14 lb/100 yds so I'm guessing 20 lb mono is around 85 yds? So 85 yds should be around 255 feet, correct? At 80' I probably have about 85% of my spool out, is the current putting that much bow in the line or am I guessing wrong about the 85 yd spool capacity for 20 lb mono?
  12. Awe shucks, I hate reading these posts. Sorry for your loss.
  13. Good luck way2. Hope they show up. I don’t have a PayPal acct, but I like the option of being able to use optional payment methods on PayPal. I use American Express. I’ve been an American Express member since ‘87 and once I got scammed. I called Amex to put in a claim. They investigated it and refunded my money in the following statement.
  14. Could be your sinker twisting the line as well? Maybe? Just a thought? I've been using a variation of the DS and haven't had line twist. @J Francho will probably comment on this.
  15. LMAO! The Red Sox/Yankee rivalry is pretty heated. A couple of friends of mine went to see the Sox at Yankee Stadium. The Sox won that night and my friends decided to hit McD's before getting on the highway. Friend number 1 advised friend number 2 not to wear his red Sox hat inside McD's. Friend number 2 rolled the dice and wore the hat anyway. Friend number 2 got the 2 cheeseburger meal. 1st cheeseburger was fine, but when he opened the second, all he got was the bun, no burger! Friend number 1: "Thank god you didn't mouth off about the Sox winning, imagine what you could have gotten?!"
  16. Yes I did You are correct
  17. More and more places around here pool tips
  18. You are correct that the food chains you mentioned are changing over to a better wages than what it was, but it needs to be pointed out that these are more of the fast food variety. My daughter has been working at a restaurant since she got out of high school a few years ago. She went from being a lunch take-out cashier making roughly $12/hour to a waitress at night making a waitress pay of just shy of $3/hour. She was bringing home about $300/night, cash, all through tips as a waitress. Way more than when she was a lunch cashier. Not picking on ya bud, just pointing out a difference. ?
  19. I hear it hasn't been all that good down here. I've been doing well with ground fishing in Maine, but this weekend will be the first time this year chasing stripers. Although, based on the reports I've read, it hasn't been great up there either. We shall see. Good luck boys.
  20. Those numbers make it sensible to make your own for sure. This year I'm on pace to losing about 40 bucktails and was wondering if I should just buy unpainted heads then I can powder paint and tie my own bucktails to save a little there? I'm leaning in this direction to do it this way for the upcoming winter months to get ready for next season, but I wonder if I should invest in the hooks, lead and mold? Anyway, 34 bass landed is nothing to sneeze at. Congrats on your day Jig Man!
  21. You honestly can't forget the Rat-L-Trap. The whole story behind it as well as the fact that most anglers always seem to say that the used a "Rat-L-Trap type bait". And, since we need 2. Sugar Shad
  22. Can't agree more. My cat growing up was a hunter. She'd leave for days and would always come back with a present for us - albeit dead. One day I was playing ball out back and my cat was just sitting there while a bird would come down to with 5-6' of here trying to irritate her. After like 3 or 4 time the bird did that my cat jumped up and snagged the bird out of the air. The bird just fluttered down like a jig with a rage chunk on, only to be eaten my a hungry cat. ?
  23. This is great advice that I'll be playing around with on Friday when i get on the water...Thanks a million!
  24. Crippled Herring Bayou Boogie
  25. There's a ton of threads in this forum on this lake. I've never fished it but heard that it's a tough lake to fish.
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