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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I hope not either...you won't exactly be blowing the trumpet any time soon.
  2. Awesome! I'm in "like" purgatory, I owe you one.
  3. Now that you pointed it out, I do remember those old jelly jars. Ha! Perfect! We have a bunch old mason jars we make drinks in at our summer cottage. Must be a Yankee Thrift thing. Oops, probably shouldn't use that here...LOL You're bringing back some memories now! EDIT: And I can't give out "Likes" any more today. I'm in reaction purgatory. I owe you one buddy.
  4. Thanks again @Jig Man. This will be my first time powder painting jigs, should be interesting to say the least.
  5. Have I told you about my eyesight issues? ? Good time des
  6. Why in this photo does the guy - top right hand side @ 1:00 - stab his food, is it not dead yet? ?
  7. I thought it was "Pork Fat Rules!" Ahh...you maybe right...I think that was someone else.
  8. Is there a chrome like powder paint being made?
  9. Great news! So happy that your persistence paid off. Congrats.
  10. Sweet man, welcome back!
  11. Sweet Thanks
  12. For whatever reason I did better on the single tail that twin tail. not sure why though. Are you rigging the menace vertically, horizontally or both ways equally. It has to be 20 years at least since I fished for a brownie.
  13. Hey all, just a quick question on powder painting jig heads. The top part of the head on this jig is painted and the bottom looks like it's left in it's natural raw lead. Is this left untreated or would you treat/seal it with something? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  14. Great idea! BTW: You may want to be careful when you empty the shop vac. Perhaps create a flood and vac the water first...LOL
  15. The last time I fished smallies I used this recipe. The hula grub on a black head jig was very popular at the time.
  16. Metal roof painting in 90* heat? The heat off the roof alone would probably dry the paint to the paint brush almost instantly...LOL Nope, sorry. I put myself through college doing asphalt roofs in the summer...yep...good times. I used to lose at least 5 lbs just in loss fluids at the end of the day.
  17. Oh crap, I see it, sorry mi amigo...Senior moment.
  18. Are you getting into them in Upstate? I'm in MA and have never heard of one being caught...never bothered to look it up to be honest.
  19. There's doubt that Scherzer would want a trade. He's a 10/5 guy and likes the Nationals. The Rizzo thing is interesting. What do the Sox give up for a rental.
  20. Just heard a report that the Sox put their name in the hat for Max Scherzer. They've also been talking to the Cubs about Chris Bryant. Any other baseball trade talks you hearing?
  21. I honestly think the best advice I can give is to PM @Siebert Outdoors. Mike is a really great guy and very helpful. He can definitely hook you up!
  22. What is in your current spinning combo inventory? No need to change to baitcasting for stripers. I see guys on kayaks in the bay up in Maine with 9 wt and Clouser streamers having a great time with stripers.
  23. I've never gotten into one, but they look fun to catch!
  24. I envy you! The welcome mat is out.
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