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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Sorry @bulldog1935, I must have read through your post too quick for this 1 eyed guy...LOL...My bad man.
  2. I think the only time I fish a slack line is when I'm vertically jigging a balanced jig. Otherwise a bottom contact horizontal bait, I need to feel it with a semi-slack line.
  3. I honestly think you're overthinking it, I personally have no problems having my rods in a boat like you have above. Matter of fact, my Fuego baitcasters were in the rod holders of a 30' Tiara last weekend and we had some lumpy seas. On my boat I zip tied pvc kitchen drains to the SS post for the Bimini top on my boat and take my rods for a ride that way. I guess if you don't feel comfortable then the suggestions @bulldog1935 gave you was perfect. BTW: Sweet boat!
  4. Jig heads and powder paint just came in. I'm still on vacation so won't be able to try a few out until Sunday earliest. I'm sure I'll be reading through these posts a few times before I get underway. EDIT: I had to retie a couple of bucktails this week. Took a little longer with 1 good eye but I thought they came out good. This will be a fun project.
  5. They are good, but after 2? That's about it for me.
  6. Quite a spread in percentages among the 4 states.
  7. Those look sweet @bulldog1935! I've been on quite a bucktail jig bite and have some jig heads coming in this week. Will be tying up soon!
  8. Hoping the Sox break out of the losing streak. Unusual for them this season.
  9. Perfect! I was going to say that anything that imitates a bucktail jig in profile...obviously without the lead head would be ideal...Scott804, you nailed it.
  10. I'm on vacation this week and my asked me to get a couple of small things done...So I took a page out my TnRiver46 Construction Company experience and fished every day...so far anyway. ?
  11. A lot of guys in your position would have went the disability route and would have gotten approved no questions asked. Knowing you the way I do, I have a lot of respect for you staying in the trade like you did. Honestly, I'd probably would have done the same given the age you were at when you made that decision. Hats off to you bud!
  12. Great day yesterday. Couldn’t even guess how many fish we caught but cod, pollock, cunner and mackerel were all willing to bite a bucktail. Not huge but a lot of fun.
  13. Hey bud, seriously!?
  14. @A-Jay, you’re killing me man!!!???
  15. I’m sure in the 15 plus years this has been asked but do rods have a “safety factor” built in? My rod is rated for 1/4oz - 1 1/2 oz lures. I casted a 2oz bucktail jig, no trailer with ease. There has to be a safety factor built in, no?
  16. Beauty for sure @A-Jay! Congrats to you and Lynn? Mi amigo!
  17. @Spankey, you really had to open up this can of worms? I went home and started an oldies but goodies search! I hope my dinner doesn't get cold. I just may pull that welcome mat back! ? Great thread bud!
  18. I agree, when you get older, you'll need something to sit on. BTW: Beauties for sure!!
  19. We would be happy to send you some rain and cooler temps, like @Tatsu Dave mentions, we've been getting t-storm like every night. Mushrooms are growing in my backyard...we're not even out of July!
  20. Ah, gotcha mi amigo...just another senior moment on my part.
  21. He's not off by a few inches @Team9nine, he's off by yards. Unless I read the OP wrong, he says he's reading 1.5 feet and he's sticking a fishing pole down and getting his hand wet before he touches the bottom. Now that I think of it, the unit must be reading the weeds. Great post tho, I actually just did this adjustment last weekend after viewing Garmin's youtube.
  22. I'm by no means an expert but like @moguy1973 mentions above, I'm going with the installation of the transducer.
  23. I just find it amazing that we've been so misinformed all these years. My father was right: "John, one of these days reality is gonna slab you right in the face". Crazy, he was so right...LOL
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