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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Awesome man! Before you know it, she's graduating college. And he's a Junior in High School. Time flies my friend. Hang on to those times as long as you can.
  2. Happy B-Day
  3. Little Cunner he thought he was 5lbs. We had a wave come in and rocked us when I took the pic…little lumpy out there today. Dillon got big fish of the day. I had gotten a nice one earlier in the day. Later in the day I added a little Megastrike to his bucktail which caught the attention of a beauty cod. So glad to have this time with him. It’s going to change real soon as he gets older. I just hope that he has the relationship my father I have later in life. Ok, you can put on Harry Chapins “Cat’s in the Cradle” song. LOL!
  4. Glad you got out @MN Fisher! My daughter was up the house the other day taking some pics for her portfolio. Surprised me with this one. My boat waiting to get off the leash.
  5. I can see if I had mulch but hardscape? Well so far so good. By October they start to die off
  6. Crabgrass, I believe.
  7. Perfect! Probably has some grass on the bottom and in deeper cooler water. Way to go!
  8. Probably your answer right there. Sounds like it’s oxygen depleted. Find the vegetation and you’ll probably have some fish stacked up I would think.
  9. Hopefully they get it done soon!
  10. I mean, we are entering the new millennial…? But don’t get rid of the fax machine…because of all the internet fraud, it’s making a comeback, believe it or not.
  11. The fountain broke? This pond doesn’t sound very deep. Does it have any vegetation? I would think the fountain provides oxygen so there maybe a few things going on there? * Fish the shadiest spot with the most cover if there is any. * Go smaller and slower. * Fish deeper
  12. I’m assuming this is a fairly big area? I rebuilt my deck and put down pretty much the same thing as a patio/landing in front of it. I didn’t want to deal with the weeds either. Prior to laying down the hardscape materials I put a tarp down. Not a weed to be had. But, I’m assuming you wouldn’t want to do this now.
  13. Makes sense. I have a checking/savings acct that’s used just a an emergency acct and if a purchase is made for anything Over a certain amount of money it will not allow the transaction to go thru unless I approve it via text. So I can see how PayPal wants a mobile number attached to it. It’s also going the other way as well where the entity is looking for a mobile number just to send you spam. That’s where you have to draw the line. I have an old aol acct that got hacked for places that require an email. All that spam goes there. Just rattling my brain here, but I believe you still can get a cheap flip phone and get text only. At least a couple of years ago you could
  14. @ranger 361 are you still looking for spinnerbait heads? I got heads, blades and what not I need to thin out.
  15. Wow, awesome collection! Are you pretty much finding these in VA or are you going to different battle sites?
  16. It’s amazing isn’t it, they just want what they want. Good thinking @Sphynx.
  17. I’m fishing a little deeper so I’m looking for that bait to be horizontal on the fall. If I’m seeing fish on the sonar I may try and snap the rod about 6” or so. Most baitfish - and I know most know this - will quickly swim up about 4’ if they know a predator is around, then slowly drift back down horizontally. I’m trying to mimic that. If the lure falls in its side on the way down…well bonus! ?
  18. Even that’s controlled. As soon as you let go of the spool and jerk your rod up, you can slowly drop your rod down with just enough slack in the line in case you see your line jump, you won’t have as much line to recover in case you need to set the hook. If you drop all line down at once you may not have enough recovery time. My opinion/way of doing I guess.
  19. I have one and have had to use it. My daughter has my truck today but when she gets home I’ll let ya know.
  20. That’s a great idea about the log book @desmobob. He got certified for 30’ (almost positive it wasn’t more than that) last October as a sophomore and I believe that was his 4th open water dive. I think he said someone brought up a lobster….Lol They missed a few due to weather and choppy seas but he enjoys it. I will pass on your advice. Thanks a million des!
  21. My son at his club’s scuba dive
  22. I think a Corona and a lime works here.
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