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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I know it’s been a while now but I still can’t get used to the Washington Football Team name. I guess it just doesn’t roll off the tongue.
  2. Just 1 question to the OP, is this a new guy delivering to you?
  3. Sounds like some debris slipped in between the pole and pvc in which case you need to twist and push up at the same time as new river and jimmyjoe mentions. The only other thing I can think of is the pole expanded during the hot season and fused itself to the pvc. You can try WD as jig man mention or possibly 3 in 1 oil and let it penetrate in. I’m guessing it’s debris and you’ll more than likely won’t like my solution.
  4. Sorry man...Have a great day EDIT: I’m a bit curious how my post was considered political? All I did was agree to another members post which is still in this thread?
  5. I'll have to take your word for it b/c it doesn't come up that way on my device in google. I only question it because Atlantic Cod is becoming as protected as Atlantic Salmon (not farm raised).
  6. Or at least in the codfish family...If it is Atlantic Cod, it's most likely farm raised.
  7. You're gaining on it. Looks great man!
  8. If you're questioning it in your mind now, it's telling you to replace. It's really a small insurance policy you're purchasing now in lieu of a nuisance down the road. That's just me. I hate surprises at inconvenient times knowing I could have prevented the inconvenience.
  9. This statement is a true story. Although, the items mentioned above are made from pollock, it is pretty much 100% Alaskan Pollock, also known as walleye pollock...just not from the North Atlantic...Sooooo the mystery of the OP's question continues. ?
  10. Other than an occasional trout and that is once in a great while, I pretty much eat anything from the sea. Any fish in the codfish family, shark (mako is delish), tuna family, striped bass, shellfish...etc are all great table fare. My favorite used to be mahi mahi but I couldn't tell you how long it's been since I had it.
  11. Well, unfortunately, most every organization has a couple of bad apples. I will say that I can't thank those folks enough for working thru the pandemic like they did, delivering essential packages that I/we (family) needed.
  12. Last weekend I was getting gas and then went in the store to buy a bottle of water. An older gent ran in to pay cash for gas and asked to buy 20 gallons. The last time I heard gas bought that way was when I was a gas station attendant in high school.
  13. The rule in my house: If it hasn't been touched in 2 years it's gone.
  14. Rotary dial phones. You opened a can of Hawaiian Punch with a church key. Regular steering in cars...man, it seemed like you turned the wheel forever. Sneakers were tennis shoes. Street hockey...if you were from the north. You had to be in the house when the street lights came on. You made your own Halloween outfit to trick or treat. Freeways.
  15. The hoodie would say that the season doesn't start until week 6.
  16. Yes it did fly by and your trip will be here faster than you think. You need a wake up call? Enjoy your trip mi amigo.
  17. Good deal man! Too bad you couldn't have it at the table, some tasty fish! Especially scrod size. My son and I had a great time ground fishing this year. In addition to cod and pollock, we got sea raven, haddock and cunner. Knowing where the cunner live, we should be able to tie into some tautog. I went back once only to turn around because the seas turn on us. The hurricane season really caught up to us. We found schools of mackerel so next year's goal is to fillet the mackerel on board and tip our bucktail's for larger stripers. Looking forward to that! Highlight for us was seeing a thresher shark. I looked at my son and said: "We're gonna need a bigger boat!" Of course the reference went over his head. ?
  18. Hurricane Larry is coming up the coast. Time to pull the boat out. Season is over anyway. Just pulled the plug on the pool for the season as well. See you boys around the holidays!
  19. That’s how I learned it. We called it a spring board. At the top plate we ran a dry line with a wood spacer - 3/4” or whatever sheathing scrap you had - on each end. Then you ran another piece down the wall line. When the dry line and spacer bowed out a bit you increase the tension on the spring board, it let it out if the spacer and dry line had a gap. The hardest thing I framed was a hip roof. I put one on an addition to my own home. Vaulted the ceiling creating a tray. Looks beautiful, but it took a lot of time getting the rafters going into the hip to layout correctly. Used to love home framing. Now…I can do without the wear and tear on my body.
  20. The past week we had 2 tropical storms and 4 tornados, 5 if you want to count the one on the CT/MA border. 3 of them came today and we’re still not out of the woods. Just hope all affected are safe! ?
  21. Coca Cola believe it or not
  22. That’s really good to know. I’ll have to watch my temp. These jigs have some really nice detail that I don’t want to cover with too much paint. Also, being in construction, I love the technical terms. Learn something every day. Thanks man. Perfect! As mentioned above, I’m looking for a thin coat. I was going to start with a “10” count. You think that would be long enough. I think I read some where between 10 - 15?
  23. Does anyone heat their jig heads with a heat gun prior to powder painting? I was planning on using mine and it's a 2 setting heat gun delivering 1,200 watts. I think it's 450*F/1,100*F. I would think that would be plenty to heat up the lead, no?
  24. I just traded in my 1997 Zodiac that had a 40 hp Yamaha 2 stroke and the advice I got was to run the lowest octane gas with Star Tron Fuel Enzyme treatment. Ran great for the 5 years I had it!
  25. That may be a wise decision. ?
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