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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. @Jig Man, thank you for your opinion, it means a lot to me. I'm going to try and tie them thinner. @Fallser, excellent post! Lot of good information there. I don't tie flies like I used to. I started fly fishing before bass & saltwater and tied most of my flies and even the flies I did tie were dries and nymphs. Unfortunately, that was in the early part of the ought 2000's. You given great advice that I will be putting into action. Awesome, thank you! ? @cadman, I bet you mentioned that before and it didn't make it on my powder paint notes...that tip is in my notes now. Thank you so much. Now to look for 1 1/2 oz Ultra Minnow jig heads for surf casting. ? One question on powder paint; my powder paint is Jannsnetcraft branded paint and I tried to minimally heat the jigs so thee paint and go on really thin, but sometimes it wasn't heated enough and the paint wouldn't cover? I heat the next jig a split second longer thinking I'd get that thin coverage to allow the detail on the jig to come thru only to find that after baking, the paint is a lot thicker than I expect? Should I try another brand of paint?
  2. HA! I actually started this thread after I shaved my ear lobes. ? Sir...That's another good one. I can't tell you how many time I go and run a construction project and guys call me sir...I tell them that we'll get along fine if they stopped calling me sir and just call me by my real name. ?
  3. Shooting up means an enema bag
  4. I got some plain Utra Minnows from a long time member here last summer and I tried my hand at powder paint. After 40 jigs I finally got the hang of it. ? I want to thank @Jig Man and @cadman for their advice and recommendations on the process. It was a great experience and a lot of fun. I tied up a couple of jigs for a start. I’m thinking going forward that I should go thinner with the bucktail? Oh well, 40 more to go.
  5. The peeps of walmart dot is pretty funny
  6. ...When you sit in your kitchen alone, you're laughing out loud reading this thread and now your dog is concerned. Thankfully (I know, it's a Thanksgiving thing) Abby isn't on our cell phone plan. She'd be dialing 119 real quick. Sorry, she's a little backwards, but we love her. EDIT: BTW, @A-Jay, I'd suspend for the weekend if I had to moderate that long post. ? EDIT + EDIT: @Jig Man, I'm sorry, man. I see my father the same way these days and it just breaks my heart. Have a great Thanksgiving my friend. I always enjoy reading your content.
  7. You start shaving hair...from your ear lobe.
  8. I have more vascular and/or neurological issues in my arm. Doc says to keep doing the correctives if it alleviating the pain...So 5 min of corrective it is. ?
  9. @A-Jay, are you doing any correctives? I find myself doing some at the end of my workout. Currently I’m dealing with some pain on my outside elbow and it causes pain in between my ring and middle fingers. Doc had a nerve study done on me told me it was an overuse injury and to rest the arm. I found that by doing a chest opener has really helped. Still have a little pain there but nothing like it was this past summer/early fall when I wasn’t doing correctives.
  10. If you’re not then I might be just as close to a jillion. ?
  11. My latest book I bought was George Hackenschmidt's The Way To Live and his squat style was with light weight and really focuses on the quads with little glute activation. I know you know the Hack Squat with the weight behind you. Kind of has that sissy squat affect where you trying to stay more upright as you drop down. Good stuff here A-Jay...always enjoy talking fitness with you. ?
  12. I bet! The narrow stance on the squatting exercise along with lunges oughta get those quads smoking! ? I know he mentions that you lose like 20% of quad activation as it transfers to your glutes, I'm assuming that why you're not dropping to parallel or below? Just spit ballin here.
  13. How's your quads feel?
  14. Thanks @A-Jay. I was actually looking at Meyer and DK2 plows, so that link was helpful. ? Just wanted to see if anyone here plows with a wrangler?
  15. Any Jeep Wrangler drivers here? I'm thinking of adding a home plow on mine and was curious if you plow with yours?
  16. Thank you...your advice won't be lost on me. Just saw a quick 5 min video of Doug Brignole explaining the book...Intrigued indeed! Thanks again.
  17. @A-Jay, I was being polite when I said my nutrition went sideways, it was more like you and an Ozzy Osbourne thing: Went off the rails of the crazy train. I'll be checking that book out for sure, please keep me informed with your results. I've been employing more total body/complex type workouts. Still a bit pressed for time, so I feel it's the best way to get more strength endurance & conditioning in to drop the fat percentage back. Surprisingly I feel as healthy and strong as I ever have right now, but I just feel like I'm carrying excess fluids...bloat. If that makes sense? Oh well, I've gotten back after it and thought of this thread. Good luck on your journey back. @Bird, Regression seems like it's part of the game. For me, my body always fights to get back to a certain point...stasis. I'll let my guard down and regression sets. Only takes a couple of weeks for the use it or lose theory to set in. Good luck on your journey as well.
  18. Unfortunately this humanoid had to basically start over after changes in summer and fall work schedule. I had to go back out to the field to take over a project that was behind schedule. Anyway, glad that's over. I didn't stop working out but had to go into an abbreviated workout mode. I guess it's something but I'm not sure there was any benefit to a reduced workout load. Nutrition went sideways as well. I jumped back on the train last week and will start ramping up intensity. Nutrition is coming along, although it always seems to lag. My body always resists changes in the way fuel is being pumped in and out. Glad to see you back at it.
  19. I like the PVC option is it's only a temporary solution. May not be the cheapest, but not a back breaker either. Where are you putting the mooring? J/K ?
  20. Our state just opened up the booster shot for all ages about a week ago. I believe I'm eligible for it now.
  21. I can honestly say I never gave rattles on jigs a second thought and it's probably because my time on the water (freshwater) has been seriously impact the past few years due to life in general. Although, this thread has made me open my eyes and I think it could be a help to my saltwater hobby. Love the responses here. ? TY
  22. Jigfishn10


    So sorry bud.
  23. I agree...I don't believe Mac Jones can get into a shoot out with Brady. BTW...I'm from New England and writing this....?
  24. If I was a delivery guy going to a location for the first time, I don’t believe I would be entering the fence/gate. I’m not saying what he did was a good decision, I would probably leave the package outside the fence/gate. He can note where he left it on his electronic device. I’ve gotten notifications via text or email that the package was delivered and where it was left. Anyway, just a different point of view.
  25. OldManLure, we think alike
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