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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Wow. Any reason why Ed Orgeron isn't returning next season? Pretty amazing considering LSU just won the nat'l title a couple seasons ago?
  2. Just saw it Good one! ?
  3. YOU SOLVED IT! Unbelievable man. You were able to sift through 40 plus replies to this thread and swiftly came up with the solution. On top of all that, you even added a little wit and levity to the thread. Thank you so much, Mick. I’ve learned a lot here. ?
  4. HAHAHA...I should have known...I'll check it out later
  5. Sorry, I won't click on links on my work computer. ? It does look like carp @TnRiver46...big one you got there too! Annnnnd .... pretty ugly too. The fish, not you ?
  6. That thing was huge! Not sure that I would have tried to put that in the boat alone tho. BTW: What's buffalo fish? I never heard of it.
  7. I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I saw a game warden. I know it was before Y2K. ? You know your old when you refer to the year 2000 as Y2K. ?
  8. I have a "Powder Paint Lessons Learned" file going in my "Notes" app on my phone. Your advice on the clear powder just made it in there. Thank you very much for your help.
  9. Sounds good to me!
  10. Just PM your address and I'll send them down. ?
  11. This year I will be tying bucktail jigs for the coming season. I powder painted 42 and tied 2 last Saturday. With 1 eye impaired, tying the last 40 should take the rest of the winter. ?
  12. Hey man, sorry I didn’t meet your expectations. I know that you’re culinary skills are way more advanced as well as your level of sophistication than I’ll ever achieve. Thanks mi amigo. Have a good night
  13. Looks good buddy...oughta "likes" today, but I'll get ya
  14. I had a feeling you were going to post this...? I watched the whole game...it was a good win for the Maze and Blue.
  15. I've never had walleye or bluegill but heard that they both taste really good. I haven't caught any walleye where I live, I've only caught them in NH many years ago. Send over some walleye fillets in exchange for, say haddock? ?
  16. I agree. I actually report cards stolen just to get new card numbers. I upped the security on my bank accounts and get notifications on purchases that exceed a certain amount. Definitely a different world. Good luck
  17. Nope, not recommended. My last trip of the season about less than 1/4 mile in front of me was a 10' thresher shark Beautiful to see, but we didn't catch up to it to exchange pleasantries. ?
  18. Up here that's called salt cod. It's actually faster to catch fresh than to flush out the salt on salt cod.
  19. My apologies if this question is redundant, I haven’t logged in for a couple of months. I’ll have to make use of the search feature.
  20. Valid question. The fish I'm looking to harvest come from the Atlantic. The restrictions can be a bit confusing i.e, no size limit in territorial waters but 17" or greater in federal waters. I fish along that line so I basically obey the more stringent regulation. However, to get a fish that meets the more stringent regulation can be hard to get, so If I get one or two that I can share at dinner with my father, I want to make sure it's fresh to put on the table. I think I'll bleed the fish as Mr. Hottle & 813Basstard suggest.
  21. I've gotten to the point where I'm buying a visa gift card at a local stor and using that for online purchase. If there is a breach, whatever is left on the gift card usually isn't enough of the hassle to try and recover.
  22. I was thinking about this thread last night and made fish sticks and onion rings. The fish sticks were just as good today as they were last night.
  23. "Back to the mooring"...That's actually no fun at all!
  24. BTW: I have no livewell.
  25. Sometimes I go out to fish and I get one early and I want to keep it, but I want to fish the rest of the day. It was recommended to me that I should gut the fish and get it on ice as fast as possible. Is there another way? Just wondering what some of you do?
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