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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Anyone have/had it?
  2. Please accept my condolences.
  3. Love ‘em. My father and I can polish off our fair share, that’s for sure. Steamers, lobsters, quahogs don’t have a chance either.
  4. Oh boy...
  5. I'll be on vacation starting this Friday, July 15th and will be trying a new - to me - technique of 3-way bucktailing for stripers. Last Saturday I found some Mackerel schools, but I wasn't rigged for stripers, we were mainly ground fishing. I'm looking to go back to those spots on vacation to try my luck. I'm not hearing much from the locals, although I hear the Piscataqua River up to Wells has been on fire lately. If any Mainers or anglers fishing southern Maine and NH fishing for stripers, let me know how your doing?
  6. Liking these bucktails
  7. I was thinking the same thing.
  8. I don't mind them, I won't go out of my way to see one, but I have seen a few. Chicago was one of my favs. My then girl friend, now wife went to see it. Jasmine Guy had the leading role. Jasmine Guy played Whitley Gilbert along side Lisa Bonet in the Cosby spin-off A Different World. Smokey Joe's Cafe was another fun one to watch along with Queen Musical, We Will Rock You. That was great if you're into music by Queen.
  9. Had a good day on the water with my son. Seas were fairly calm and weather was mid to upper 70’s. We fished the hook of low tide outside of Curtis Cove and got some nice Atlantic Cod: I would like to thank @cadman for all his knowledge he shared with me with powder painting jigs. These guys took some bucktails I made over the winter.
  10. The way CATT explained it is how I fish a jig in veg. When I was a fine young strapping I used to rip it through with some success and a lot of lost jigs. Now I have way more success and less jigs lost finessing them through.
  11. Perfect description @Catt.
  12. I agree but there are times when you lines scopes out and you need to finesse them out on a more horizontal presentation. I started bank fishing a jig in veg, to me, if you can finesse out on a more horizontal presentation then you have a life lesson on jig fishing vertical.
  13. Agree. If by chance you do overcook it, then cook the crap out of it to make em edible again. It works!
  14. Agree...sometimes I get tired of finessing them out. The name of the game is getting your lure to where the fish are. The more casts you make, the better chance you have. IMO, that's where a t-rig in thick veg outshines a jig.
  15. Besides what @TnRiver46 mentions above, my biggest problem was having it serviced. Seems like nobody around me could make repairs to it.
  16. Was at it last night. Body mobility was on point; ankles, hips, thoracic spin and shoulders were as good as they had been in forever. Little sore today though.
  17. I like a good cold green tea hint of sugar and lemon
  18. Thanks, I thought I was having a seizure.
  19. For me they both are pretty interchangeable. I do get tired of finessing jigs out of thick veg and would switch to a t-rig. Then there are times when 1 out shines the other on that day. My preference is a jig first then t-rig as the back-up.
  20. Same here. Love em
  21. I can take about an hour of Zoom meeting before I go stir crazy. At least people are recognizing hard stops now. They used to get outta control.
  22. Sounds like some type of obstruction. Just spit ballin here, but maybe some crud in the tank that's getting into the line?
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