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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Welcome to BR!
  2. Welcome to BR!
  3. Good for you. Every time out on the water is a learning experience in my opinion.
  4. "Look at that HAWG"... Great pic and congrats on your PB!
  5. Very nice fish, Red. WTG!
  6. It has been a welcome relief. Nice video and good luck this fall!
  7. That's awesome. It's great to know that you stuck with it and now the work you put into it is really paying off for you. NICE FISH!
  8. Sounds like you have a very good starting point. Just don't be afraid to adjust once you start to figure the pond out. Good luck!
  9. X2 The wind really stirs up the water which brings the fishery alive as many have stated above.
  10. Great question, because everyone has a different opinion or perception of "stained" water. For me in MA, stained water is about 5'-6'. I go to a "visible" color which is a white or white/chartreuse skirt, a gold blade and no trailer hook and maybe a curl tail grub. The blade I use depends on the clarity of the water. Like I said, stained here is 5-6' in water I fish in and I still use a willow leaf blade, but sometimes after a heavy rain that will be reduced to maybe 3-4' which is Colorado blade time for me. This is what I start with. I personally don't think that there is any "rules" to fishing a spinnerbait. I'll fish them anytime, anywhere. I fished just (within a week) before the water turned to ice and at high noon during a heat wave with bluebird skies and have managed a spinnerbait bite. Keep chunk'n and wind'n, you'll get'em!
  11. I feel the same way! Here the fish are still lethargic and a slow rolled spinnerbait with a stop-n-go retrieve has been fooling them. Not your typical spinnerbait bite, just a lot of weight on the end of your line when you start the retrieve back up has been working. Good luck to you, I can't wait until it picks ups again, myself!
  12. I use the fly tying meathod for my jigs as well, the skirts will stay in place and don't twist on you.
  13. I know you said "besides spinerbaits", but I fell into the bluebird sky and hot water rut while bank fishing this year as well, but a white spinnerbait with a white willow leaf blade burned as fast as you can burn it near structure and weedlines saved a few would be fishless days for me.
  14. Personally, I use a single blade spinnerbait all the time. I take off the split ring from the blade & ball bearing swivel and add a snap to the swivel so I can switch blades quickly (willows to colorados, blade finish and sizes). My spinnerbait skirt is usually a watermelon over white or pearl.
  15. Yeah...I casted a spinnerbait into the wind and had a nasty birdsnest. When I got untangled I reeled in a clam with nothing but the skirt at the end of it.
  16. Def a great technique for me as well. I usually use a single blade (just my preference) for going thru weeds. I don't usually rip as much as I reel thru it.
  17. The one's I caught usually (85-90 percent anyway) had the belly hook in their mouth and the rear hook would be fouled either in the gill or back. The only thing I could think of is they went after the lure at the belly, swiped and missed and caught the rear hook on the side of the mouth. Which hook did they fould on?
  18. Last year I was catching bass on a single spin spinnerbait with no trailer just letting it helicopter down. Then I started to fish the single spin as a jig, hopping it along the bottom. This year I caught my 2010 pb best (my avatar) on a jig with no trailer. It's been pretty effective so far this year.
  19. Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish. Steven Wright
  20. Usually "there it is" and lately it's followed up with "stay down"! I can't tell you how many have come unbuttoned lately after a jump or the fish races for the weeds you can't see. If they do come unbuttoned it's "WT.." You can fill in that blank. ;D
  21. Agreed. As Zell Rowland would say, "let the fish tell you how they want it". Try popping it and then leaving slack in your line. The lure will go to the side and on the next pop will go in the oppisite direction. Make hard pops and soft pops. The soft ones will sound like a bluegill feeding on dragon flies and will barely move the lure. I also agree, that you should try fishing poppers in low light conditions, just to to get confidence in them prior to trying to fish them on a blue bird sky.
  22. That's awesome man!
  23. If the conditions are right, I like dog walking baits over buzzbaits. For some reason the buzzbait bite has been nonexistent for me the last couple of years, so dog walkers has really produced for me. If there's a little surface disturbance, then a spinnerbait just below the surface is my next choice.
  24. Just pick-up 5 spinnerbaits (safety pin style) @ Wally World for a buck a piece at the clearance bin. Then bought a 6 pack.
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