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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Typical Habs-B's series, gotta take it to a 7th game...doesn't get any better than this, boys.Should be a great game!
  2. Or fall pattern...gotta cover the bases, I guess
  3. Thanks for joining central.PA.bass. I'm assuming you read thru this thread and understand what's going on?
  4. Collegefishing12 brings up a good point GMAN, I know you like your 1/2oz weights in jigs and spinnerbaits, are you using a 1/2oz sinker on your t-rig? LOL
  5. Hmmm...what are some of the typical t-rig components are you using...type of: weight, soft plastic, hook? Are you bringing the soft plastic up and over the eye of the hook burying the knot? Maybe post a pic of a typical t-rig set-up you use. EDIT: BTW, Good question Hooligan
  6. 1/2oz spinnerbait 1/2oz jig & grub trailer bone spook jr.
  7. What do you all think, do you want to make this a Northeast Topwater Nuts Tourney now that central.PA.bass wants to join? I'm game. The more the merrier, central.PA.bass will give us 12.
  8. JFrancho had a great idea I saw in another thread about this topic. Try adjusting the combatibility view in the tools menu or use the button next to the address bar. Nates posts look fine, but when I tried it, it became very long.
  9. Nothing wrong with Nate's posts. Looks normal here.
  10. I love to use my 5 weight fly rod with a royal wulff or some type of panfish popper. I carry a few of these flies in my bass tackle box just in case the bass aren't cooperating that day. I'll take the rear treble off a Pop R or a Spit n Image and tie a leader to the lure an put on one of those flies and use the lure as almost like a strike indicator. Every now an then you get a bass to hit the lure or even better, both a gill and a bass. That only happen once, but it was still pretty exciting.
  11. Unfortunately, dealing with ignorant people is like dealing with drunks. I think Getfished is dead on, look them in the eye and state your displeasure. It probably won't get them to move, but at least you'll feel somewhat satisfied by letting them know your position in the matter.
  12. I wish I could head south, I need a vacation. Now get off the forum and go and catch some more!
  13. Very nice fish you got there! WTG! I wish t-shirts & shorts weather was here as well.
  14. Glad to have you aboard.
  15. Difrano, that was one of the best stories I've read here!. I am so glad you had that expeience with your son, that should be or would be the best memory a man could have with his son! Good luck my Italian (I am as well -although italian-american) friend!
  16. NICE!!! WTG! I just visited your profile, birdy, and your about the same age as me. One word of advice, don't get your heart rate up by hooking into a fish that big on 4# test. The ticker just isn't used to that...LOL...Just kidding. That's one fine fish you got there.
  17. That would be fun. Like BassThumb, I would use either a spinnerbait or jig, although I would lean towards a spinnerbait. I fish with both a lot, but I went thru at least 30 jigs last season and only lost 1 spinnerbait due to operator error...LOL In the Northeast Forum, we have a topwater only on-line tourney which will start on Memorial Day and end on Labor Day. Maybe, you can do something similar with some members here? Just a thought...
  18. I'd say a good 4 pounder and judging from the look on, I'm assuming your son's face, a very momorable day! If you're in a situation where you don't have a scale or measuring tape, take a piece of fishing line off your rod and use that to measure length and girth. Bring it home and measure the line and you can use the fish calculator in the "Tools" menu above or Length x Length x Girth/1200 to get an approximate weight. Nice catch my friend.
  19. I won't "steal" your idea...LOL...make it and post it.
  20. I personally don't think it matters other than the sound the blade makes. Conventional wisdom says colorado's in a gold finish would be the rule of thumb there, to answer your question. For me, it doesnt matter on blade style. Crawfish roam a lot at night and I've had great success with a jig and chunk trailer....pretty silent. I'll give them anything in a dark colored skirt spinnerbait, to keep on topic. Nickel blades are great on a full moon (brighter skies) and darker colored blades on a new moon (darker skies). Pick for the moon in between. JMHO Keep it simple to start with. Dark blades for low light conditions and bright blades for high light conditions. Streamlined blades (Willow) = less thump and vibration, while wider blades (colorado) = more thump and vibration.
  21. zerolimit, we'll have to get you into Fenway this summer when th Cubs play The Sox for the first time since 1918 (I think it was) this year.
  22. You guys have ways to go....I hope it works for you in all honesty
  23. EastTexasBassin, what a great lure you mentioned! Stripers love em up here, so do freshwater bass. Catt is right on. Big Spinnerbaits are making it into striper fishing up here and Luhr Jensens Crippled herrings are awesome for fresh water bassn.
  24. I gave you a plus 1...How'd that work for ya...
  25. GMAN's DNA Series and Brush jigs (almost positive it's thoses 2 jigs) are very similar. If I'm not mistaken, cadman has something similar to the Paca's as well. Maybe you should PM them both and ask? Both are great guys, IMHO!
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