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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I'm heading to Kennebunkport this weekend. I usually use a 6'6 freshwater bass rod for stripers right off the beach. My biggest being 42"...sorry I can't give a weight, no scale, but I'm sure you can guess just as well as I can. Anyway, you can go right off the beach and use jigs, chunk macs, clams, jerkbaits (somewhere in a 4.5" range) and if the water is calm enough, a Zara Spook. However, if you do get lucky enough, you will probably catch a schoolie striper. If you want to have some fun, take a trap in a fire tiger and catch the macs that will more than likely be running like crazy this time of year. Catch a few of those and chunk up and then try the stripers....I've never had much luck this time of year for stripers up there, the waters are little too cold for them right now.
  2. Hey all, We're starting on Monday, May 30, 2011. Please post your catches in this thread. List of Anglers: Jigfishn10 Wanderlust ------------------------>#1] 1.25 lbs #2] 4.94 lbs grandpa1114 GrundleLove ----------------------->#1] 1.47 lbs B-Dozer bradbass deaknh03 Shane J webertime NH Fisher tritz18 central.PA.bass GTrombly BusBassin TopWaterFiend88 Nashua Neverett birdy ------------------------------------->#1] 2.40 lbs TerryR tjc76 backwater4 -------------------------->#1] 1.30 lbs clayton86 ----------------------------- #1] 4.60 lbs Lou304 Jggernoob6 Edit 07.15.11: Added weights
  3. Sure can lou304, just added ya to the list. You make the 22nd person to join.
  4. My wife and I got married in 1995, one month after her sister and brother in law. We did a lot together with them on weekends and such. My sister in law got cancer in 1997 and passed away shortly afterwards. We decided we needed to take a vacation and went to Colorado. I wanted to learn to fly fish and hired a guide for a day. We were fishing dries and I caught my first trout. When we got back I decided to try bass fishing. I picked up a Zell Rowland signature Pop-R, a cheap rod and reel combo and went and caught my first bass. The next day I decided to try it again, but the water was way too choppy, so back to WalMart and I picked up a jig, some grubs and a book; Advanced Bass Fishing by Dick Steinberg. That was an experience, I had no idea how to fish a jig, but I kept trying different things, reading different techniques out that book and caught a bass on a jig. So self-taught with the help of a fly fishing guide and a book. I've been bass fishing ever since.
  5. Or maybe watch more Dora the Explorer...
  6. That's awesome! I'm glad all that hard work paid off for you. Congrats, lynyrdsky1!
  7. I'm impressed that you fish with treble hooks all these years without needlenose pliers. I can get a treble hook out of a fishes mouth on most occasions without pliers, but not all the time.
  8. The attributes of a spinnerbait is the flash and vibration it produces. I tend to go thru a process of elimination: I generally start off with a blade that would produce the most flash and if the fish are bumping it with no hook ups, then I mute it down with a less flashy painted or gold blade. Same with vibration, I start with more and mute it down. Then I switch out blade sizes and shapes until I get a combination that works. When all the combinations I go thru are exhausted, then I'll switch to a slower presentation. JMHO
  9. I do what JF does. Max spool tension hardly any brakes. Spool tension controls the beginning of the cast, brakes at the end. I also like a somewhat smaller rod with a slower action.
  10. You're on em birdy. Keep it up!
  11. I'm real sorry to hear that Capt O. My prayers are sent. Please let us know if they find Ryan.
  12. One of our members, PondBoss, lives in Guthrie, OK. I hope he and his family are alright. He had PM me around 5:00 pm last night letting me know about the tornado warnings they were experiencing.. Does anyone know the track of the tornado? Prayers to all!
  13. Welcome to BR!
  14. This looks ugly as sin, but it produces fish like crazy! Leave it alone!
  15. We have the same conditions here in MA as you have. Today I went out to a little res that had slick water and a ton of pumpkinseed eating of the top. I tried what I thought would be a great topwater day. Wrong, 1 fish. I tried spinnerbaits and got nothing. Jigs with a twin tail grub turned out to be the ticket, for today anyway. I got 6 in 1.5 hours and missed 3 others. All the fish were in flooded brush, laydowns and along rocky banks. The bite was agressive enough, but they just weren't chasing lure today. So, in a nut shell, I treat overcast days like any other and go thru a process elimination until the fish tell me what they want.
  16. Thanks for clarifying that, I got kind of lost in his post.
  17. Have you tried the new ones you got in? If so, please let me know how they worked for you?
  18. The 1/4 oz Pop-R sits perfectly, per design. I'm not sure what's going on with the 1/8 oz one. Is there a split ring on the 1/8 oz one? I'm assuming you put both in your tank as is, staright from the package, no line or anything?
  19. That's good to know nick76. I haven't done that in 20 years, I just remembered how horrible it tasted. Thanks for the clarification.
  20. I haven't had a bad toothache in a long time, but we used to crush like ibuprofen into a powder and place the powder right on the gum of the toothache. Tasted absolutely horrible, but it did help.
  21. Thanks clayton86, just added you to the list...Good luck!
  22. Those look awesome Bluebasser86! Hard to pick out a fav. Very nicely done!
  23. Sure backwater4, just added ya...good luck!
  24. Unfortunatley, plastic baits will be the next shoe to drop next to lead. Bass see them on the bottom like a dead sticked bait, pick them up, eat them and can't pass them out. JMO
  25. Well I made 2 up for now. One with crystal flash and crimped flashabou (my usual teaser tail) and the other with crystal flash and feathers. I do like the one with feathers tho. Changes the whole profile of the bait. I'm going to try one with marabou feathers. Problem I see using marabou is that it's kind of gentle and doesn't look like it would last long. The other is that it seems like it will retain water and kill the action of the lure. We'll see. Thank you all for your input.
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