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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. I believe that most of your questions you are asking are legit questions but we as fisherman read a lot about how to fish for bass. Most of the authors of those articles or books are from other fishermen's experiences and/or beliefs. I read a lot of those books and articles, but I take some of the info with a grain of salt. Like Raul indicates in his post, the match the hatch theory is what it is, a theory. Why would a bass hit a bubble gum colored soft plastic in shallow clear water. It doesn't exactly match the hatch, but a bass can see the color of bubblegum in shallow water pretty darn good and still hit it. Drop that bubbleum in deep water and you may go fishless or at least not get a lot of bites. bubble gum at deeper depths just doesn't exude much color, in fact it may just turn into a primary color or invisible the deeper it gets. Wearing bright colors: Skeet Reese wears bright yellow, he seems to be doing alright...LOL. I was sight fishing during the spawn and pitched my jig to a bass that was 4' away in clear water. I was wearing a sky blue golf shirt standing up on a bank with the bass facing towards me. It took me about 15 mins of snapping the rod tip and barely moving that jig before that bass would hit it, so from that day on, I beleived that I got the bass because my presentation was the deciding factor in getting that bass and any other bass for that matter. With all that said, I do try and tip the odds in my favor by going by the book when it comes to line diameter and color, baits and bait colors that I think will work as well as my appearance and movements on the bank. It may not make a lot of difference in the world, but some days you just never know. JMHO
  3. Don't count to three so fast...LOL With reaction type baits, I generally, for the most part, wait until I feel the rod load up before I set the hook. They should hook themselves if you're getting that viscious of a strkie. So wait until you feel the weight of the fish before you set the hook. No need to swing for the fences either, a good tug and that fish is buttoned. Hope this helps...
  4. I'm sorry I missed this thread and being so late Rhino, but I'm real sorry for your loss.
  5. Looks like it will dive 1' - 5'. Because of the way the front lip is, it will hunt nice to....Fish it and let us know how you do.
  6. A fine fish for sure...Nice on anglejoe!
  7. I'm with you there...LOL...I'm starting to look like BigJigfishn10!
  8. Very well said...
  9. Rolo, I'm from Boston and when I travel ouside of Boston, people tell me I don't speak proper English. I have to remind them that the english settled here first...LOL...So there is no "northern" accent.
  10. Rhino, I'll make the 23rd work, heck or high water. I need some wiggle room tho, at least a week prior notice so I can get someone to take my shift. BTW guys, I'm a non-boater.
  11. The method I tried a few times and with great results was to form a loop on the wire and made a hole big enough to accept the formed loop. Drilled a hole on the side of the bait so I can insert a portion of a 4d nail so it catches the inside if the looped wire and epoxy it all in. It gave more flexibiltiy to position the ballast. It's been working great.
  12. I don't think you become a "floater" because your feelings were hurt...PM if you want clarification.
  13. If it don't work for ya then ship it on up and I'm sure I'll slay em for ya...LOL...JK...Again, great work BigBassMan, I wish you all the best...Hope you and your family enjoy the 4th my friend!
  14. Mr. Burns had Smithers released it in the lake behind the plant..."Excellent Smithers"
  15. All are very nicely done Big Bass Man, but that Red Eye Gem Shad is the nuts.
  16. That new one you posted is killer. What water depth are getting from them, I can't tell by the pics?
  17. I'm not sure how much time I'll be on-line this weekend, but I hope you all enjoy the 4th of July weekend! Have fun and stay safe.
  18. I finally have time to fish tomorrow and Saurday...I will be posting a catch if it kills me...LOL Enjoy the 4th weekend all!
  19. C'Mon Hooligan, you would have broken down and done the same thing now....
  20. I know the "book" says "go smaller", but I say go bigger and hope everyone "goes by the book". In all honesty, I never bought into the "book", so I would get both an let the fish tell you what they want on any given day.
  21. That's a bit profound...
  22. Good post brushhoggin!
  23. From your OP you sound like you're a reaction lure type fisherman. I'd say run those t-rigs, c-rigs, jigs, drop shots etc until you get confidence in them. Heck, run a tube down there and see what happens. Without knowing your conditions, it's a hard question to answer, but you need to get more confident at slowing down and fishing those lures. If you're dead set against it, slow roll a 1/2 oz to 3/4 oz spinnerbait along the edge, tree stumps or hop it down the drop off. Get the confidence in that presentation and then try it with the above (t-rigs, c-rigs etc). JMHO
  24. Only for the blessed few that actually get a tax return these days.
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