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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Sorry guys, Sunday's are impossible for me. Have fun and Good luck!
  2. Not to steal from Monday Night Countdown, but; "C'MON MAN!"
  3. Very good advice. Personally I tend to use more flipping jigs for most applications. If I'm swimming one and think the weed guard is a bit too much I'll thin it out. The added thickness of the hook doesn't bother me in the least, although the lighter wire hooks on a swim jig is a plus, but to me not necessary. I say this only because I use spinnerbaits a lot and the the hooks are ususally that of a flipping jig. The line tie is usually no more than 30* and the steam lined head will come thru weeds with very few problems. Football jigs in chunck rocks really can't be beat, IMHO. The line tie is usually at 90* and really makes the trailer stand up giving a profile of a craw in a defensive position. At a dead stick, you can rock the head back and forth which has provened to be a great technique for me. The wide head bounces off rocks nicely and adds a clicking noise as if the craw is moving about. The arkie is a great timeber jig. It's line tie is about 60* and has a wide head it deflects off timber. the trailer will stand up as well, not as much as a football head, but yet still gives a nice profile of a craw in a defensive position. It can be used in rocks as well, but I would avoid using this in weeds. It does work, but the flipping head will make the day more enjoyable, again, MHO. All the member's posts provided on this thread has been great advice. Formulate your own theory and see what works for you. happy jigging.
  4. Welcome aboard.
  5. I'm sorry, I got my days mixed up, the 29th works. Now I gotta see if I can pass the bill thru congress. Freebie...welcome to the site.
  6. Don't let the shore stop ya. Keep plugging away, you'll find them. Tell us about your lake you're fishing and what it consists of...weeds, rock, structure etc...any info would be a help.
  7. Sorry, I can't make that weekend.
  8. Jigfishn10


    Glad to have you aboard Zack. That's one heck of a fish you got as your Avatar Pic! Look forward to seeing your posts in the forums.
  9. Hokie Smoke, 2 years in a row? That's awesome! I'm sure you'll have a lot of memories. I know you like to log your catches, did you log them all?
  10. Bassn Blvd is on point. Mix it up. By doing a stop and go retrieve, you're imitating a dying or wounded fish. Prey fish like bass will eat any fish in a school that is behaving differently from that school, it detects an easy meal. Try new techniques as well, no need to be a one trick pony. If you're catching smaller ones on spinners - I'm assuming you're using an inline spinner from your description - try up sizing the spinner. I like a #3 or #4 for bass. Stop and go on inline spinners is a killer technique. I use one with a colorado blade and sometimes on the stop the bait will flutter down while the blade spins and other times the blade won't spin and the bait will act like a spoon.
  11. I'll give it a whirl if you all don't mind.
  12. Jigs are one of those baits that can be fished motionless to fast. As others have mentioned, there really is no correct way to fish them. January thru December. I'm not trying to be funny, but jigs excel in any season. That doesn't mean that they will give you lightning in a bottle everytime out, but you can fish them year round. Trailers for jigs are only limited to your imagination. Heck, I've caught a 5 lber (which is a big bass for my region) on a naked jig (no trailer). About the only other concern you should have is picking the right jig head and weight for your particular fishing application. Now go out an catch some fish and be sure to post some pics...
  13. I would have to think that most boat manufacturers have some kind of handicap accessible solutions that are better suited to your needs. That's not to say that NoBassPro's solution doesn't work, but check around? OR..You can just invite me on all your trips and I'll help you out...
  14. My son Dillon's masterpiece:
  15. On single hook moving lures - spinnerbaits, buzzbaits - you can usually reel right thru the snag/obstruction On single hook sinking/hopping lures - jigs, t-rigs, c-rigs - a few light rod tip twitches will get the lure free. The worst thing you can do is try and rip it free once you feel the obstruction. If the rod tip twitches don't work, point the rod in the direction of the lure, hold your spool and pull the rod straight back to you. If the line breaks, then you were really snagged and you really needed to visit the bait monkey anyway. This was my first year that I didn't lose any sinking/hopping lures due to snags. I lost some from dried or knicked line on the cast tho. I really need to check my line more often...LOL I have yet to find any decent solutions with treble hook lures, other that a floating crankbait from the bank. Stop the retrieve once you start to get into cover and let the bait rise away from the obstruction, then stair step it from there. Works like a champ.
  16. Can my son use that pic for show and tell? Just bustin on ya.
  17. Only one way to desribe it: THE BOMB! Looks great GMAN.
  18. My largest fish to date (23.25" L x 21" G) was on a spinnerbait I made with a Zonker Strip (rabbit fur) tied in as a trailer and a sillicone skirt. I haven't used an all rabbit fur lure yet, but it does intrigue me.
  19. It sounds like you've had a lot of fun with that poppa dog, SirSnook, that's a lot of fish and a great fighting fish.
  20. OINK OINK! Nice fish for sure! WTG Red.
  21. Only one word to describe that. The BOMB! Awesome job!
  22. I can honestly say that I've been following football since the 70's and never knew that Al Davis was born the next town over from me in Brockton, MA until recently.
  23. Very nice Dwight. Looks like you shook the rust off alright!
  24. Hokie Smokes and OINKER for sure. All great fish BBM. Congrats to you and your friend on a great day!
  25. My back was a little sore the next day, but I thought it was from you racing back to the ramp for some sandwiches. I felt bad for those poor peeps you waked on the way back...LOL...JK of course
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