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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. 9 times out of 10 I walk it like a spook or a sammy. I use a quick retrieve (as fast as I can walk it) at first to see how the fish react to it. If no takers I slow down. I don't usually stop it at all, but have used a stop and go retrieve on occasions. This goes against the grain a bit, but I start the cadence up as soon as it hits the water and found that I get more hits that way then letting it sit until the water rings are gone. Hope this helps. Oh, I do one more thing. If I'm looking for a really slow retrieve, I snap the rod tip down hard and let the bait seal under water...it can be deadly at times.
  2. DVT is right. I made jigs in the past and had priced up a bismuth alloy and it was about 5X more than lead. I remember pure bismuth was more and I can't remeber how much that was. I did the research a couple of years ago, so I don't know what this alloy costs today. You have also got to factor in not only the 5X cost for the material alone, but if you want a 3/8 oz jig, you need to make one the size of a 1/2 oz one (assuming you're using a mold made for lead).
  3. Wow JF, I forgot about that one. If the Woodwalker was still being produced, I think it would have made that list. Nice post!
  4. Spit'n Image and Bayou Boogie. Still being produced but perhaps lost a lot of popularity. The Spit'n Image I have was produced by Excalibur and is now produced by Heddon.
  5. This post is on point! Great post Chis! If you're feeling creative, try this blade configuration on a tandem: Remove the large rear willow and small front colorado. Attach the willow to the clevis and colorado to the swivel. Man, bass love that spinnerbait!
  6. I would be very interested in fishing some more of these. If you guys wouldn't mind me participating in some of the 2012 outings I would be more than appreciative?
  7. I like a 6'0" moderate - moderate fast action with medium heavy - heavy power rod for dog walking. My reel is a 6.3 : 1 gear ratio. I still use 17# mono b/c I like the additional stretch for striking fish along with the flex of softer action rod tip which allows the fish to take the lure down further. The 6'0" rod is a lot easier for me to dog walk than a longer rod and with those types of baits, casting long distances is no problem. I would say start out with with different rod lengths and see which one you're more comfortable with. Good luck and let us know what you end up with.
  8. Will do, ww2farmer. Thank you.
  9. ww2farmer, we're not giving slack line, what Buckeye, meant was reeling down on the line to feel resistance. I respectfully disagree with a hookset on every occasion because there are too many variables. Sometimes that "thump" is a snag and if you set the hook with noone home, you risk the rest of your presentation. Should you be able to subtlely get thru that snag in my experience, you can get another fish. if you swing away, that opportunity is gone.
  10. It's much better than what he would give you, right?...J/K To be honest, I use your technique more often than not, especially for strikes that happen that way. The first strike I would do exactly what Cliff did, and then I wait for the line to tighten up on any subsequent strikes...Fool me once and you won't get a chance to fool me again, type of thing. May not work for some folks, but it works for me. You're not gonna get em all the time, but your technique atleast, IMO, increases the odds in your favor.
  11. LMAO...I had no idea...I can understand your frustrations now...LOL
  12. LOL...why would you open your post up like that? You made a great post, why would you feel that the OP wouldn't take your advice?
  13. I'm experiencing the same thing. On one particular water body (24 ac) the water turned over. I found "warmer" water in the western and southern ends and have resorted to an inline spinner retrieved fairly quick w/quick pauses. It's about the only technique and lure that's been working for me. The slow methodical presentations have not worked for me at all.
  14. Straight from the Forum Rules and FAQs:
  15. I'll have to agree with ww2farmer. The person working the jig has more to do with hook-ups than the jig itself, IMHO. I have no problems with most grass/flipping jigs that are currently produced.
  16. ROFL...You certainly are, FishinDaddy!
  17. Old English which means "tip for tap"...Never understood some english terms, like carpenters are called "chippys" (SP).
  18. Derrick, you should try and make some of these next year. You'd have some fun for sure! Out of state license are pretty friendly (I think it was $10 more than in-state this year) compared to, say Maine which was like $80 for out of state. I know Rhino originally set this up as an Eastern MA thing, but you're in like Windham/Derry, which is an extension of Eastern MA, besides, we can smell your Derry Air...
  19. Great question, gk. What do you fish the most from a percentage standpoint: Horizonatal presentations? - spinnerbait, crankbaits, swim jigs etc: M-MH Power and M-F Action Bottom bouncing? - T-Rigs, C-rigs, Jigs, Tubes etc: MH-H Power and F-XF Action Shore fishing or boat? To me it does make a difference. Answer those questions and your rod choice would be easier to answer. I like a MH Power/MFAction for my all around rod
  20. You and your girlfriend? That's the funniest thing I've seen so far this year...LMAO
  21. I went to a second interview, came home and switched my line out, organized my tackle and put everything in my truck, ready to go...then I checked my e-mail and got the bad news...LOL Good luck out there guys!
  22. Not shabby at all SoFlaBA. Very nice indeed. I never had the chance to catch one, but they look like they put up one heck of a fight...Man, look at the shoulders on that thing! Congrats, man!
  23. Nice fish, WTG!
  24. I just got an e-mail that notified me that my son's hockey team will be starting tomorrow morning instead of tonight. Guess who'll be a rink rat dad? Sorry guys, I have no political spin up my sleeve when it comes to hockey.
  25. The straighter the line tie comes out of the jig head the easier to get thru the weeds IMHO. GMAN (Siebert Outdoors), just gave you 2 great jigs to try out!
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