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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. OMG 12pound. Time to throw the footy pajamas away.
  2. It's amazing what you see, isn't it? Good stuff Deleted account I'm done here
  3. The real concern is that, if there's no line voltage. Then it could be a faulty breaker or worse, a fried line like Deleted account mentions. Those space heaters use a lot of amperage and the space heater along with whatever else was in use at the time could have exceeded the circuit rating. The CB should have tripped but if it's faulty, now you have to start thinking wire.
  4. Disconnect the wires from the outlet and with the breaker on, test for line voltage. If you have line voltage then replace the outlet.
  5. Outstanding work @Further North! My tying days are pretty much behind me due to eye issues. I can tie bucktail jigs because they are bigger and not a intricate as what you're producing. Love the work. Keep posting.
  6. Just wanted to make something clear, Ditch. Back pain can be a cause of a number of things. I didn't want to recommend something that would make your back issue worse. Foam rolling is a great tool. When I feel tight and have mobilization issues, I turn to the foam roller to loosen the muscle up, then stretch then I know how to add light resistance exercises to "make it stick". Not my phrase. When it comes to back pain, I let the one's with acronyms before and after their names handle the diagnosis. I wasn't trying to be a wiseazz. Good luck with your recovery.
  7. I'm a recent believer in foam rolling for the mobility issues I had with my shoulders, usually followed by specific exercises to strengthen that part of my shoulder. My back issues, which dates back many years, was due to the weakening of my azz from sitting all day. My back issues are a thing of a distant past with core and posterior chain exercises which I won't get into. I'm not a physical therapist. I suggest seeing a physical therapist, have them recommend treatment and exercises to do to unlock the knot.
  8. We had c couple hanging out at my job site one year. After a couple of weeks you can tell who are legit homeless from the one's who peddled as a part time job. To be fair, the one's I knew who peddled as a part time job were the ones who couldn't find full time employment and worked part time at a minimum wage job. They were peddling to keep up with the bills. The couple I knew that were legit homeless I'd buy coffee at break every now an then. I'd allow them to step inside the door to warm up while they drank their coffee. Wasn't supposed to do that from an insurance stand point, but it was cold and all the tradesmen were on break. One day I came out and a homeless person I didn't know gave me some lip service. Out of the blue one of the guys I gave coffee to started yelling at him, Told him to leave me alone or he would cut him up...LOL I guess a cup of coffee buys you protection...
  9. Beauty right there Dwight. Congrtats.
  10. Looks like your team will be a powerhouse for quite some time. As we used to say in Red Sox country before '04; "There's always next year"
  11. An inexpensive (if that still exists ) electric pressure washer works great with decomposing pine needles. I know what you mean though, not a fun job to do either way. EDIT Brian, I think you an I posted at the same time...sorry, man.
  12. If you were on my job, when you got down, I would have asked how you are and if you're alright. Once confirmed, I would have thrown your AZZ off the job . Didn't you take your OSHA 10 or 30? You know better than to stand on a pallet lifted by a forklift?
  13. Looks really good @slonezp!
  14. I'll second that Daniel
  15. Beauties @Chris Catignani. That one on the left is a keeper for sure. Love the idea. Middle, short arm one was a killer spinnerbait for me for years. For some reason I went away from them. You just inspired me! Good luck with them.
  16. 8 And that's only because my country music is limited, but that sounds great to me. A more popular MCR tune
  17. No worries, man. In a funk. Should have waited til I posted I guess.
  18. I agree papajoe, blade size is a very important factor (smaller, less lift), along with skirt strand count (sparse = less lift) and line diameter (thicker = more bow). Line may not seem like a difference but I found myself in the ocean deep sea fishing in an average tidal current. I was in 100 feet of water vertically jigging w/14# mono. My reel holds 100 yards of 14# line. I dropped down and was almost spooled. That night, I switched out to a stronger and thinner line dia braid and went back the next day. I dropped down and a 1/4 of my spool had line. I don't expect people to believe that, just sharing a real experience. I also think that getting a 3/8 oz SB down to 15' is attainable. I do think you'll have a better feel for an SB with 1/2 oz or more. The lighter SB in that depth may not be felt by most anglers or at least they won't think they are rolling the bottom. My original post was merely pointing out that it is attainable it just might not be desirable. I was just sticking with the topic. Have a good day. I'll be done here.
  19. It’s a star ingredient in Caesar salad dressing
  20. HAHAHA! Wait, you have hair?
  21. Atlantic Mackerel is an oily fish and very nutritious. People either love it or hate it. I’m not in the hate crowd and will eat it. Just a couple times a season. Not bad in a fish or seafood chowder. Anchovies are an acquired taste for sure. I’ll send you mine.
  22. About the same. I’ll try for a 10# mono dia with braid which like 20# I think. Don’t remember, but regardless, it’s thin and I run a 10# leader. I might get 15’ on occasion but bout the same as you. I also tend to fish single blade for slow rolling bottom. Old school but effective. My waters are weedy, the thin braid and single blade come right thru. Hope it helps
  23. Maybe deeper, what type of line and strength? Think thin my friend and single or double willow.
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