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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I'll make one up and you can attach it by a split ring, that way you can fish it as a buzzbait as well as a frog.
  2. Ahhh, my daughter is the same age, which explains why she told everyone she outfished you...LOL My daughter, however thinks she's 18...LOL
  3. You picked out a good dog walker to learn on for sure! Good luck!
  4. The swivel keeps the tube from sliding down the hook.
  5. I'm not sure if this helps you, but this is a 3/0 Gammy G-Lock EWG:
  6. I've tried it for the first time this year and really liked it. It does have some stretch to it, but like others have stated it is strong and abrasion resistant and for the money it's well worth it. I just picked up some more @ Dicks, same price but it was in the overstocked bin for an additional 50% off...$1.98.
  7. That's awesome, how old is your daughter?
  8. Great photos! I'm glad you enjoyed your time here in the states and you picked a great state to visit for sure! Congrats on your vacation!
  9. Sounds like the hook is the right size, generally spooks use a #2 treble so anything smaller would be fine, bigger not so good. What size line are you using and how do you tie on - direct or with a snap or split ring? Line that's too thin will bring the nose down and heavy snaps and split rings will do the same. On the cast, let the lure hang down about 12" and in one fluid motion bring the lure back and cast forward. The lure should vortex out without tumbling over causing the front hook to grab the line. Hope that helps. Good luck.
  10. I will give each lure equal opportunity until one produces that day...the next day, I do the same thing...no favorites
  11. Oh Man, Big-O, I just started on the Rage Craws and now this! LOL...Kind of ironic, I'm going to Maine tomorrow for some striper fun, I know they'll love these! I'll have to pick some up on my way!
  12. What test or line diameter are you using?
  13. I tie with rod builders thread, but have stripped the plastic off of telephone cable and used the copper wire from it.
  14. My son and I will be hitting Buckmaster's tomorrow after school. I know the jig and craw has been on, we'll see if I can get him on a spinner bite. Spinners have been touch and go, but man, I would love to see him nail a nice one this year! Here's some of the spinners he's been using:
  15. Topwater action will be heating up in the next week or so and I've never used a hybrid line for topwaters, can anyone recommend a decent hybrid line for a dog walker? I've always used mono and I wanted to try something else. Thanks all.
  16. All my jigs lasted a long time, it's the fishing line I have problems with!
  17. Usually on a slow day I'll finally hook into a couple, the first one would be...let's say...undersized and the second would be "this one's got some meat to it!". Always turns out to be around 2 lbs or less...LOL...always the glass half full fisherman, ya know?
  18. Never. Most bottom type lures are hard enough to detect a strike at times, why add another piece to the rig?
  19. Jig. It's pretty much the first bass bait I learned. I strayed from it for a while and jumped into the Senko type bait craze, but in '10 I went back to my roots and went back to old reliable, the jig.
  20. Wow, sorry about your day. That old adage about a bad day of fishing beats a good day at work really doesn't apply to your outing. Keep your chin up Bud!
  21. Having a better day?
  22. I was using them the other day and used a stop and go retrieve along the bottom...great action on the and a great time! Sorry for the confusion, I used them on a spinnerbait, that's what made me think of swim jig.
  23. Every day I get home from work...
  24. I was actually thinking about a 3" Berkley Powerbait Minnow, not so much for the finesse aspect of them, but for a little more speed.
  25. White (blade) on white (skirt) on an overcast windy day can't be beat. Chartreuse blades for smallies can't be beat. My personal favorite is a flourescent orange blade with a chartreuse skirt in clear to stained water...killer for me this year. IMHO, a painted blade sillouettes better under water than a metal blade. I find that sometimes the fish get spooked on the flash and would rather have something more subdued. BTW, you can buy painted blades and the finish will last a lot longer than if you sprayed yourself...trust me, I've tried the painting route...LOL Good luck.
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