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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. An article/report from 2007. Scroll down to page 3. This is NOT the article I was referring to, but if you look at the plastics that came out of this brookies stomach, you would wonder how he got that many in him. http://www.easternbrooktrout.net/docs/EBT%20Newsletter_9-07.pdf This debate has been going on for a long time. Just like the MA lead ban debate went on before it was enacted.
  2. At the time of the article I wrote about in my previous post, I don't believe the Bio-Bates were in the market, if they were, they weren't very popoular then, and my guess, pretty expensive. If you think about it, and I'm not trying to be argumentative here, fish will pick up a soft plastic off the bottom and suck it in...think about a deadstick technique we employ as fisherman. If they are hungry enough and we've all seen how sometimes we gut hook fish, they will take that bait down without even tasting it. There were and are still a lot of fishermen out there that still toss their used plastics in the water. And I can be honest here, if I'm wacky or t-rigging a senko type bait, I can promise you that I had some fly off the hook and land in the water on a cast. I'm not doing it on purpose mind you (I mean, what a fricken birdsnest that causes...LOL), but it has happened with me.
  3. You can count on me. After finding out about how much of a Jackwagon I was, I deleted my previous post...Sorry for my lack of judgement SPEEDBEAD. John EDIT 02.03.13: Donation sent...Good luck Bud!
  4. Not a treble, but how about a Zonker for a trailer? I caught my PB with this, I call it a SpinHareBait...LOL
  5. My fishing Buddy:
  6. I'm sure you'll especially enjoy the game! Have a great day my friend!
  7. Thanks Maico! I tried to "like" your post but I got this message: "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day" I can't even be fricken nice today!...LOL
  8. I wish I could, but this one has caught a few too many fish and needs to stay in my tackle box...You don't want me to send you something that works do ya?...LOL
  9. Back in the early part of 2000's there was a report/article which illustrated fish kills from soft plastics not being passed by fish and binding up the bellies. A trout was used in this particular artcle. So I guess it's been on the table for a long time and just now coming to a head.
  10. Nice! I tried to "Like This" to your post, but I got an error message saying I "reached my quota for positive votes for the day". I've never seen that, but I'll getcha later bud! Man, it's hard to be nice nowadays!...LOL
  11. There is certainly some nice bass fishing down in Plymouth! Good luck this season BassfisherMass!
  12. There is some fine looking trebles on here! Here's my version of a teaser tail on a spook:
  13. Where you from BassfisherMass?
  14. Here in MA, you can't go wrong with these, can ya je1946?
  15. Sweet looking bait...keep up the good work my firend!
  16. Most if not all dog walkers have a "roll" when retrieved, meaning they will turn on their side when retrieved, so IMHO a bass will see color. I know bone color works well, so the theory of a bass can only see the belly of the lure (bone) has to be the ticket...who cares! The lure rolls and sometimes bass don't always hit a bone colored lure. So put the odds back in your favor: I start out with this: Clear water/Clear Sky - Bone or drab/natural colored lure or a chrome/highly reflective lure in the sun Clear water/Cloudy Sky - Bright colors or dark colored lures Clear or cloudy & murky water - dark colored lures After that, I break the rules, which, in my experience has worked.
  17. Are you F'n kidding me! Someone that pretty married you! And...she puts up with you! J/K my friend, great post and sweet wife you have Derrick!
  18. Yep, went BR viral!
  19. LMAO...I think I got cloned!...LOL...For the most part I do the same thing...Jig, Spinnerbait, Dog Walker...I throw in tubes, grubs and I hate to admit this, but inline spinners when the bite gets down right tough!...LOL Great post Jig!
  20. You know Nitro, YOU ARE A FREAK! LMAO Enjoy the game my friend!
  21. I hope everyone enjoys the Super Bowl, it should be a real fun game to watch! I'm not planning anything or going to any SB parties, but I know I'll be enjoying some food. One of the dishes I'll be making and enjoying is a New Orleans Style BBQ Shrimp, jalepeno peppers and veggies over linguine. What are you planning on doing?
  22. Oh Man, that hurts...LOL...He got you Weber...LMAO
  23. In those conditions for me, would be a 1/4 oz arkie with a rattle early and very late in the season. As the season progresses I'd start to increase weight to 3/8 oz and 1/2 oz depending how the fish want the ROF.
  24. You asked for permission, I was just following your lead...which is dangerous...LOL The only thing I can add to what Nitro and Ranger posted about spinnerbaits or any horizontal presented lure for that matter, would be to keep depth and speed in mind along with the techniques already mentioned. Case in point was my trip to Disney last week. I brought down some MegaStrike StrikeBack spinnerbaits to try out. We launched at 7:00 am and the lake was pea soup fog. I was using the spinnerbait and my guilde was using a worm. I started off working it shallow, meaning a foot or so in the water column, with a slow retrieve speed, trying to locate fish. No luck. I fished a little deeper (about 5 fow) and again, slow and finally located them on the edge of thick grass. I kept this "pattern" up until the sun came up and then the "pattern" changed. After an hour or so, I decided to fish the same depth, but sped up the retrieve. Bam, I'm back on the "pattern". The sun evidently activated/changed the fish's behavior as the bite was more agressive, so I had to change to what was presented to me. So again, keep depth and speed in mind as well as retrieve techniques.
  25. I rebuilt my E-Glass crankbait rod back in '08 I believe and use it for striperfishing believe it or not...LOL I like it but it is a bit heavier than the cranks sticks that are out there now. As far as action is concerned: I find that action is really the manufacturers own interpretation, meaning one manufacturer might rate their rod an extra fast action rod but another manufacturer would rate their similar rod fast action, but you put the two rods side by side and load them up, the have the same parabolic bend to them...I hope I wrote that right...LOL Anyway, just MHO
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