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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I got a lot done yesterday, so I'm doping off today...LOL Good luck with the project and your fishing trip!
  2. IMHO, both and any walk in between work. Fish fast, slow or any speed in between. A steady or paused retrieve or anything retrieve technique in between. I haven't been appraoched by the stickbait police yet, so whatever works that day, fish it and most of all have fun. You can't have a better time fishing than topwater fishing.
  3. In water that cold I like a single colorado blade preferably attached to a short arm with a white/charteuse skirt with some blue strands on top. You can slow roll, yo yo or use some type of deep water stop and go. The single colorado will slow that bait down, keeping it in the strike zone longer and will be at it's best on a yo yo retrieve. I see no problem with you choice of line. ww2farmer is right on point with the way a fish will bite a spinnerbait. It could be a bite where they darn near rip the rod out of you hands or as in the way I caught my PB, feel like you snagged. Last January I was fishing in Disney and the blades just stopped and didn't feel any weight...whatever the case is, when the spinnerbait doesn't feel right during your presentation, set the hook. JMHO
  4. I'll be hitting Blue Hills Reservoir tomorrow...it's suppose to be a balmy 48*, I can imagine what the water temps are since we've had highs in the 30's...Oh well, fishing in the upper 40's beats painting a room...LOL
  5. Paul Roberts color selection is spot on and is what I use. I'm a Bayou Boogie fan and an original Rattle Trap fisherman. I don't use these as much as I used to, but spring time is yo yo time in cold water and when it gets a littlle warmer I'll rip the weeds.
  6. Oatmeal w/ peanut butter and honey does it for me. Add an apple or two for a mid morning snack on the boat and I'm good till lunch. Yogurt works for me on the morning as well.
  7. I see the new guys refer themselves as noobs more than anything. I don't recall Any of the older members on here refer to or call anyone a noob. It's just a way for the new folks to settle in and gain acceptance I guess. It's all good, IMHO.
  8. Me as well but for some reason on dog walkers I'm constantly pushing the top section down into the bottom section after a period of time from casting and dog walking. I never lost a section but my son did...he was 6 then and was fishing the new rod that Santa got him for the first time...poor kid was devastated.I would say that after many years of fishing, I like a split rod for pond hopping and a 1 pc for the boat.
  9. I've been jogging 5K's 4 times a week since October, road and treadmill, and want to supplement the run. Has anyone tried the Insanity Fast & Furious 20 min workout? I was thinking of getting it.
  10. ROFL...thanks Marty!
  11. That's a tough decision for sure and I know you'll make the right one. All I can do is wish you nothing but the best of luck my friend. I'm sure the folks on here will support your decision either way. Good luck!
  12. LOL...2 weeks ago I did the same thing and found a couple of spots iced out after a few 50* days, then we got 24" of snow last weekend and iced the waters back up... Can't win this year Felix!
  13. All the lures mentioned are very good baits, if I could add one more to the party, it would be a 3/8 oz short arm spinnerbait with a #5 Colorado blade. Great with a grub trailer on a lift drop or slow rolled. The #5 blade will allow a snail's pace retrieve and a very slow rate of fall on a lift drop.
  14. Fished for the first time yesterday on a balmy 37* degree day...expecting 6" of snow tonight...Man, I'm tired of winter!
  15. Sweet baits, Christian!
  16. Awesome, I'm in the market for a yak, I'll have to check Hobie Cat out! Welcome aboard.
  17. Are you bank fishing or fishing from a boat? Blind casting with a jig from the bank is a good technique to find structure and cover, however, to do this you will need to know what things feel like when you bump your jig into them. You can use that data and get a sense of where spend more time in areas and less in others. I personally can't explain what it feels like when you bump into obstructions, you really have to spend time on the water to experience it yourself.
  18. Great job Joe! Sunday will be my first day out hopefully it will be as productive as yours.
  19. Tom, this train ran off the tracks a few times.
  20. From. Northerly wind blows from the north towards the south.
  21. Yikes, I've never seen that before! Thanks for posting. BTW, that peacock is a beauty for sure!
  22. I think the reason I use the short arm spinnerbait is that, it is more compact and does cast a little further, not quite as far as a lipless, but it does get out there. I keep the skirt count down to about 30 strands which helps in the distance as well. Just confidence is what it comes down to Goose, just confidence. I wish I could make a trip out to your neck of the woods and fish with ya one day...Good luck this year my freind!
  23. What size lipless cranks are you using? You use lipless cranks like I use short arm spinnerbaits. The short arm spinnerbait has caught me my PB to date and like you, it was this time of year - 1 1/2 weeks after ice out for me. For me, it's the most versatile bait I use from shore and one that I have the most confidence in. Jigfishn10 is just a forum handle, but the short arm spinnerbait is a lure I fish a lot. Nice post Goose!
  24. Better get that monkey off your back, Goose!I will have to say Goose, you are the king of the lipless crank!
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