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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I'm with you guys, we're preparing for another round of snow here in the Bay State tonight. Thankfully without the frigid temps, just heavy snow.
  2. Soft water where you are or did you ice fish?
  3. Man, Peyton's peeing his pants!
  4. Trading in the buffalo?
  5. Just finish pouring the second side to the mold and the first side looked really good. If all goes well, we'll be able to cast our first jighead tomorrow. One good thing happened, the second side of the mold didn't take as much RTV product, so I made a mold for brake weights to my old baitcaster. I could never find the parts to it, so as I was pouring the second side, the idea came to me.
  6. LOL...Not even close....fact is, I don'y know 1 thing about fantasy football...enjoy the day my friend!
  7. I see what you just did there, perhaps you need a new one? I'm on the jazz! LOL
  8. I was thinking the same thing and it really doesn't matter with the mold I'm using, but it would be helpful if I could use the same thing.
  9. Not quite, you mix an "A" part with a "B" catalyst part like you would with epoxy, then add tungsten powder, which comes in like a fine saw dust. Pour like you would lead and let set for 5-7 min before extracting from the mold. Add dye to the "A" and "B parts and you get a colored thru plastic. Specific gravity on plastic is 1.1 and adding tungsten powder in a 1:1 ratio will give you the density and weight of a lead jig. If you're wondering why? Lead ban on jighead less than an oz here in MA. Alternative, that's all.
  10. Can anyone tell me what the hook is on this poison tail jig?
  11. Hey all, I'm in the process of making a mold for a new jig head concept. It's a plastic jig head fortified by tungsten powder. The mix will bear an exact weight of the leaded jig head. The neat thing about it is you can add a colorant in the plastic/tungsten mix and it will be colored thru the head. I got some lead poison head jig heads from Siebert Outdoors 3/8 oz and 1/2 oz and currently they are in a rubber mold drying. I should be able to finish making the mold tomorrow and will be pouring some heads next weekend. Whatchya think about the concept?
  12. Looks great, thanks a lot bud!
  13. Gonna be quite a game and I see this as a Titans/Rams type SB where the last play of the game a Seahawk receiver is stretching for the goal line...not quite getting there. Peyton gets #2!
  14. I wasn't really thrown out, but I was out at a club with some friends we've never been at and after a few drinks I had to go to the bathroom. After asking for the bathroom location and walking/dodging the crowd, I found what I thought was the men's room door. I walked in and a kitchen staff member, nonchalantly lead me to another door...right to the back alley...
  15. Was that the son from the 70's tv series?
  16. Wait a minute, I thought he was Chinese? And yeah, that wouldn't be a bad idea if you could try and bury the ladle...ahh, hatchet!
  17. There's this one bridge I go by on th way to work that is borderline for most trucks and it never disappoints. You see all the truck drivers scratching their heads trying to figure out if it's worth the gamble or not....LOL...Amazing how many lose their jobs over laziness to turn around...LOL
  18. Oh well, another 5:16 I can't get back in life...should have read the replies first, thanks Derrick
  19. Listen youngster, I have a feeling you had to Google "microfiche".... Now back to another riveting game of PacMan
  20. I know...chilling moment for sure
  21. You're right, I'm too young and have never watched him play...I saw pictures of him on microfiche in my local library...
  22. I'm with Rhino, Teddy Ballgame!
  23. Yep, rushing to the store to stock up milk...
  24. Sorry, I need an interpreter.
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