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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Nope, that coon would be dead and on a skillet. Raider likes coon wings...they fly like squirrels in Alabama. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/131418-garlic-hot-wings-and/?p=1454615
  2. Overcast and wind in you face = White skirt and white blades. Chartreuse blades for smallies Chartreuse and white skirt or all chartreuse skirt and orange blades on overcast days or when bass are feeding on perch General: Painted blades when I feel the bass don't like the flash from a metal blade(s)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYa0jpGFUeY
  4. OMG slonezp, we had 54* temps yesterday and today we're reaching 50*, but this week we're back to mid-20*'s, you guys expecting single digits? That stinks!
  5. 160" is a lot, A-Jay, is that true? I can't inagine the kind of winter you just went thru. Back in '08 or '09 I think it was, I had an ice dam that damaged the walls and ceiling in my addition and kitchen. The following spring I repaired the roof and ceilings and have had no problems since. This past fall, I painted the walls and ceilings in the addition, kitchen and hall. As luck would have it, I got another ice dam and have sheetrock staining on the beam that separates the kitchen and addition. Not gonna fool around this time, the roof on my house is at the end of it's life expectancy, so I'm planning on replacing the roof and I'll repair the sheetrock on the beam. Just another home repair job I really didn't want to do this year!...LOL
  6. My son Dillon (this pic is about 2 years old):
  7. My 9 year old son is Dillion and was born in 04, some of my work pass words are Dillon04. But I thought it was really cool the that your name was spelled Dillon as well as my son's and not Dylan as most folks seem to think it should be spelled.
  8. I actually thought it was "Double Ought Mod", like a hook 1/0 or 1 ought...man was I way off...Sorry bout that.
  9. Sorry for your loss and my apologies if you posted and I missed it. All went as well as can be expected...It's all good....Thank you, that was very kind of you.
  10. Thanks, hopefully we can meet up one day! Take care my friend. BTW, thanks for the kind post today in regards to the death in my family, all the support shown was a big help!
  11. Man, Shane J, I may just have to take a day off and meet you and Derrick up in NH one day this spring! Nice pics Bud!
  12. Yep, I know, they hate that. I'll spend yours, but don't touch mine...
  13. I think you're right. The one I'm thinking of was started by bill lee, I believe he was a mod at one time.
  14. Man, that's funny right there! ...and I can understand what a great screen name that is now!...LMAO Should be mandatory that you explain your screen name in the intro section when you sign up...LOL
  15. Man Catt?!?! You've always had great replies! I haven't talked to you in a while, I hope you and mrs catt are doing well. Take care my friend.
  16. Man, I wish I could find the thread started a few years ago titled something like "What's Your Handle" and was about 8 pages long of how peeps decided what their screen names should be. But anyway, it's a great topic! I fished T's in a club for quite a few years before I got out of them and jig fishing was a great bait for me. There was quite a few years that had elapsed that, for some reason I had al but abandoned the jig. The year I joined BR was the year I rededicated mystelf to using a jig again and hence, Jigfishn10. Turned out to be the year I caught my PB, which has since been broken, but it made me wonder why I stopped using them in the first place!
  17. With bird poop all over you! J/K
  18. Ya know Catt, I mean no disrespect to you and I think you know that I really do have a tremendous amount of respect, but if you're hearing a slight dripping noise coming from the north, just know this: THAT'S MY @$$ BLEEDING FOR YOU!!...
  19. You know, I really like BTD and have no complaints ever since they were a sponsor here.
  20. They all produced Alabama state drivers license and were all from....Birmingham...I had no clue what they were talking about. They grind and polish old concrete floors in a 7 step process, add colorant and burnish to a semi-gloss sheen. Pretty neat process and the final product is an unbelievable transformation for a VCT floor to a beautiful polish concrete.
  21. Man, when I read the opening post it brought me back a couple of years when we had this crew up from Alabama polishing/burnishing concrete floors and they had talked like that...I first asked for their green cards then went on Amazon and purchased "Hooked on Phonics".
  22. Boy, this is gonna be a tough day for my wife,kids and I, we wake him today and funeral services tomorrow. This will be the first time we see him since Christmas.
  23. ROFL Clayton, I've played jokes on my kids, but that joke is off the chain...
  24. Wow, Raider lost a lot of weight.
  25. deaknh03 nailed it as far as what I see in spinnerbaits that are truly innovative. The StrikeBack produced by Bobby's company with the swinging hook and Dr. Spinnerbait with his cable idea for the blade arm. I fish them both. Put the 2 together and you got something there!
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