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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I would think that if you're putting bitters and a simple syrup in, why use a good whiskey? Doctor up a middle of the road whiskey and make that a good whiskey. I guess the OG Old Fashioned was made from rye which make sense...some ryes can be very peppery and bitters and a simple syrup would add a nice depth of flavor. Couldn't tell you when I had one tho
  2. I recently bought 2 tanks for my generac generator - it takes both gasoline and propane. I tried to fill tanks I had from previous grill purchases but after a certain amount of time you need to recertify them and I think you can only do it twice before you have to turn them in. The tanks were $80 per tank plus fill and like @slonezp mentions, they open the valve to fill and stop when it starts to spew out propane. It's certainly cheaper to just fill an existing tank, but add in the cost of the tank and recertification(s) and it's probably the same as an exchange. Happy memorial day weekend.
  3. If your statement is true, then we had some rain days that would have had Buffalo type amounts. Not doubting you either.
  4. Sorry bud, that was a bad attempt at a joke....I actually agree with you TBH
  5. This has to be the rainiest winter in the Bay State I can remember. Can't imagine if it were a chillier winter what the snow totals would be like. Guessing @A-Jay like snow totals.
  6. Wanna bet? Oh wait I'm liking the Sox' starting line-up. Some good (3) home grown talent there. They lost 1-0 to the Mariners last night without Devers...The line-up is a much different team without Raffy
  7. You going soft on us?
  8. I'll take the beer with the pizza. Oh and BTW @NorcalBassin, you might not get the glass back...just putting it out there.
  9. How's the new gig A-Jay? Needed a few days off, got back to it on Sunday. Went all old school with a Peary Rader workout. Good luck!
  10. They always hype these “shows” up and then the night of the fight comes and goes and I’m like; “oh yeah, there was a fight last night”. I guess it goes to show how much it interests me.
  11. Stealing internet from one of his tenants like a typical slum lord.
  12. Growing up in New England I guess you experience both extremes. Maybe not as hot as Arizona last summer or the Canadian cold of winter. We swing 100* during the year. But this I do know, as I get older my tolerance for extreme cold is wearing thin.
  13. Oh wow, hate reading this. Thoughts your way my friend.
  14. Hey @Redlinerobert, it’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen you round these here parts. Who’s next? @bilgerat? 😅
  15. I was a hockey nut and played growing up. Once out of college I played no-check recreational and pick-up. Ice times were late and some guys took it waaaay to serious. Separated my shoulder twice and missed time at work. Figured it was time to get out instead of playing up to the knuckleheads who thought every pick-up game was game 7 of the Stanley Cup being played in the '70's. I don't watch pro, but love watching college and Olympic hockey.
  16. Leaf peeper season is right around the Columbus Day weekend. I have a house in Kennebunkport and usually don’t venture far, but Maine is a beautiful state and most towns in and around the coast is a sure bet. Good luck Jig Man
  17. Oh man, I was thinking about how cooked I feel lately and the thought of taking time off and switching things up. You beat me to it @A-Jay. Enjoy the time and get after it when you’re ready. Good luck on the new gig. Tired today, but the show still goes on. Have a great weekend buddy.
  18. I appreciate that and it should go without saying that my fingers are still crossed for you guys.
  19. Another long busy week but the workout train rolled along. Thoracic spine is finally back to normal. Was getting frustrated there with tightness and lack of mobility. I’d say I’m glad that’s over but it’s always going to a work in progress. Been feeling really good mentally and physically, although my mother in law’s health has really deteriorated. Gonna be a bit of a roller coaster here for a couple of weeks. Will be hitting it later today to close out the week. Giving the body a much needed break. ItZit for now. Chat later
  20. I know what you mean A-Jay, although I know I'm being disingenuous in trying to compare knowing you're 7 years ahead, but there's just nothing like feeling...you know...right. Took a step back this week to work on a still stiff t-spine. Lowered the weight, introduced a rotation (transverse plane) movement, upped the reps to a more strength endurance type exercise. Feel waaaay better now. I plan on doing that for the next 2 days and will hit the heavier weight on Monday. ItZit for now. Chat later
  21. Can't wait for the All Star game in July...The American League All Stars vs. the Dodgers...Man, are the Dodgers stacked or what?!?!?!? Meanwhile, back at Fenway? A lot more of this coming this season:
  22. I have about 10 years left so I'm jealous Glad you went out with your head high and the way you want it, enjoy!
  23. Usually you need something to sell, buy or swap. J/K great advice above
  24. Oh man, looks like my legs would have been Jello at the end of that one...Great work mi amigo. Getting after it later on. T-Spine on my left side is still a little tight. Yesterday was an off day and spent some time trying loosen that up. I'm thinking some may be required here. ItZit for now. Chat later
  25. Man, what a way to find a love one...Prayers brother!
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