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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Most of my topwater bites are on the belly hook so I would leave the treble on the belly hook. I would definitely add a split ring. This is solely my opinion. The split ring gives the hook a little more range of motion and gets it away from the body of the bait more. With the hook close the body of the bait, it give the fish a little more leverage to spit the hook. You also have the ability to change out the hook faster should you need a sharper hook. Good luck.
  2. That's great to see, congrats to the young man!
  3. Absolutely, 100%! If there's vegetation I'm tying a lipless crank on till I get a bite then I'd probably soak a soft plastic and saturate the area.
  4. ^thank you
  5. Good luck @scaleface
  6. Sometimes those "featureless" flats have structure/cover next to structure/cover. Could be a rock next to a log or milfoil adjacent to name another aquatic plant in your lake. Could just as well be a clear water line to stained water. I'd set my sites on something like that than just chunking and winding....Which ends up happening with me anyway...
  7. Used to be a lot of fun @12poundbass, then auto makers started putting in anti-traction. How are you supposed to fish tale with that?!?
  8. You look like you'd be down for a good curling match.
  9. WTG JB!!
  10. Just joking bud. The way they treat the roads now compared to say, 20 years ago, at least in my state, you're right, it's not needed. I do have to give credit where credit is due, my state IMHO does a pretty good job of keeping the roads clear.
  11. It's a new thing. Blinker fluid used to freeze in our cold winters. We just got used to not using them for most of the year. Then the car manufacturers change the blinker fluid so it doesn't freeze...
  12. 2WD in Michigan?!? Does your company think that you're expendable......JK, good move staying home today bud.
  13. @Fishing Rhino, the lane change procedure has been updated. Now they turn into your lane and simultaneously put on the turn signal, whether they have room to move in or not. Can't tell you how many times I almost got hit by another car coming into my lane. They think it's a right of passage because their directional was on. Don't get me started on the folks in traffic hour who feel the need to drive with high-beam lights.
  14. It actually surprises me a bit, I've have a house in ME since 2001 and have gone regularly since 1989 and the past few years I've seen a drop in citations and less ME troopers on the turnpike. The local police are pretty visible and driving on back roads where the speeds fluctuate more than a tidal pool is pretty much adhered to by drivers. I wonder if there's more accidents in the winter months where ME has way more snow and ice than most parts of the country? BTW: I hate driving in Biddeford.
  15. Some funny things here! I think I've read through this thread about 4 times now and can't stop laughing. Great stories. @Koz, don't ya love technology?!? @OCdockskipper, I hate to admit this, but I'm a multiple time offender. I can't tell you how many trees have popper ornaments...LOL @tander, let's just call it a senior moment, at least that's what I did in a similar situation...LOL
  16. I was fishing a spinnerbait slow rolled bouncing bottom. I fell a thump and a couple of tugs. Started reeling in and "man, this thing is piggish!" Had a real heck of a time getting it to the surface. It's tugging and almost feels like I'm reeling it in against the side of the fish, like it's fouled hooked. My "piggish" thing turn out to be a fresh water muscle. The other episode was a hooked Ford F150 door mirror on the back cast. My drag had no chance...spooled me...
  17. If I remember correctly, they're sweet looking baits! Long time no see @Jig Man... There's a winning color and blade combination right there.
  18. Just saw this, please accept my belated condolences @LadiMopar.
  19. None. If I only had 1 size I'd quit fishing... Like @J Francho, mentioned, you can adjust blade sizes for running depth and speed. Lace a trailer on and you can do the same thing as well as adjust profile. I tend to fish more 3/8 oz more than anything.
  20. Oh wow, are you guys even equipped for single digits? I know when I worked for a company out of Chattanooga, they sure as heck weren't ready for 20's let alone single digits... Jet Stream sure is weird this year. Stay warm, I'll overnight ship some winter gear for you guys...
  21. This week's been weird. Monday & Tuesday we woke up to 2* with a -18* wind chill. Cars on Monday were covered in ice and I had to take a hair dryer to the windows to melt it off to get to work. Yesterday we hit 60* and a ton of rain. The weekend forecast is mid-30's - 40's and no clouds. Strange. Stay warm folks BTW: @TnRiver46, we can't launch a boat here yet...
  22. I didn't even look at the date until I got a couple posts down and saw Grey Wolf's post. I'm like: "There's a blast from the past."
  23. How do you really feel @Steveo-1969...LOL...Great post. Patriots comeback from a 23 point deficit in the second half to win in Atlanta.
  24. Good job @A-Jay, keep up the good work! I'm currently on a deload week, my body feels like it's been through a meat grinder. Back at it Friday. Be good!
  25. Interesting list you have here OC. I personally don't care about dynasty talk, I think it's great for the talk show hosts who get paid to talk about nothing. You have a basketball team at the top of the list who played against 7 other teams ALL year until about 1967 and by 1969 the league had a total of 14 teams. You have 3 college teams that you're using to support your argument who don't play near the amount of games in a season than they do in their respective professional sport. You have a team who spent more in payroll in the 2000 season than 4 of the lowest teams spent in payroll combined. Imagine Belichick in Cleveland? Do you know who he coached? So because Brady didn't go 8-0 (5-3) instead of 4-0, he's considered inferior? Not very good comparisons here don't you think? I think you should really compare teams that have played in free agency and a salary cap eras in order to compare apples to apples, otherwise this topic is moot. JMHO
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