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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Could be anywhere from a rocky bottom to rock piles to isolated boulders.
  2. Would you recommend fishing braid in rocky structure? Was hoping if you could help refresh my memory. Thank you
  3. Happened to me Thursday night as a matter of fact ... felt like I was in the penalty box.
  4. Winter blues sinking in early?...?...Although, last winter was pretty mild - here anyway - me thinks we're in for a much different winter this year.
  5. And I thought I was the only one that used Meguiar's on my reels... ?
  6. Anyone know any custom jig head makers or suppliers where I can get premade painted jig heads similar to this one? I'm looking at 3 different sizes with 4/0 hooks in like a chrome blue color scheme. Any ideas, lemme know. Thank you.
  7. Did you hit the Larceny last night?! Leave it to you to post something like that. ?
  8. It was a weird day and night. At times the snow would come down and pile up, then switch over to flooding rain. The winds were pretty strong throughout. I have to chase the trash barrels today as well, forgot to tie those up. ?
  9. Oh wow, I feel for you @WRB, the past couple of years dealing with vision issues hasn’t been fun for me either. I've been in and out of the eye doc so many times, and this is no lie, they asked me to write a review for their web site. My condition is known as central serous retinopathy. No known cures and a possible “we think it’s caused by stress”. “Usually, it corrects itself, but we may be able to do laser eye surgery with a 50/50 chance it will get corrected.” In my case the fluid build up is directly inline with the optic nerve and the condition has left scarring. Laser surgery will correct the fluid problem but potentially, could leave more scarring. I had an eye appointment this past Friday and the subject of laser surgery came up again. I got decisions to make. Anyway, good luck fishing Tom, my fingers will be crossed for you with your vision issues. I pray the outcome from your surgery restores your vision. You really don’t know what you got until you lose it. To those who posted on this thread, thanks a million! You gave me a lot of good ideas here. Now it’s time for some research to see which will work best for me. Have a great holiday season!
  10. Yep, nothing to speak of here. Driveway is clear, just gotta push some snow off the car. If anything, I have to drain my pool again and redo the Xmas decorations from the wind and rain. Boy, they better not say we’re still in drought conditions.
  11. Not asking a lot of questions, I appreciate your advice. Vertical jigging in waters that will reach 60’ max. There will be current and traditionally early and late season the wind really picks up. I’m guessing that it’s possible a 2 oz weight will be required. Vertical jigging will be SOP. Casting swim baits will be for those days where I fish at night. Few and far between but I do fish nights on occasion. I didn’t want this thread to get moved but this may help.
  12. It’s really serving a dual purpose. Casting swim baits and vertical jigging deep water structure.
  13. We were supposed to get the tail end of the snow tonight but it’s switching to a wintery mix now Good luck to you all in the North Country
  14. Honestly, you’re not wrong, I hear the same thing. Most high/low rigs I see will have at least 2 dropper loop knots in them so you can attach multiple lures above the sinker. The one in this thread I’m planning on using has 1 attachment above the sinker and the one that was recommended to me by a friend who guides for ground fish in Maine. I guess it could be language in different regions. Stripers in Maine love Atlantic Menhaden. Shad, in the herring family. In Maine they’re called bunker. In late September, early October when juvenile bunker swim out to the open sea you’ll often hear fishermen say that the “stripers are chasing peanut bunker”. You are correct in my opinion and thanks for pointing that out.
  15. Ah man, another one to think of! Perfect, thanks @PhishLI
  16. Where in southern Maine? I have a house in K-Port, can you go see if she’s still standing? I have a feeling this isn’t gonna be light fluffy stuff. ?
  17. You been out of CT for too long. ? How’s it going my friend
  18. 8-10 oz in 60’ of water? All day? Are you and @A-Jay working out together? J/K bud. A few years back - well more than a few years back - we fished Jeffrey’s ledge that dropped to the 150’ range and used a heavy weight like that b/c of the current and chop. Keeping the bait close to bottom was the key that day. Squid strips? Definitely will look into that. Thanks for the tip. Appreciate the advice on the line too. Perfect @J._Bricker!
  19. Oh wow, some great suggestions here, definitely have my work cut out for me picking something out. Perfect, thank you and happy holidays!
  20. Any baitcasting rods you'd recommend?
  21. Today is about 60* and my car automatically, for whatever reason, switched to air conditioning mode. Tonight we have a nor'easter coming our way with about 6" plus of the white fluffy stuff. Thankfully, being a true New Englander, my snow brush is in my car ready to go from last season. ?
  22. That response never gets old with moms...and it really is the perfect 3 word "shut-up" sentence. ?
  23. This is a good starting point for me. I'll be fishing in ocean current and wind so I at least know where to start with 20' & 30' and can adjust for the conditions. Perfect NH Bull.
  24. I know a lot of people who had them, thankfully I haven't experienced the "pleasure" of getting and passing one. I feel for ya @whitwolf. Not to sound ignorant, but what causes them? Is it a dietary thing to avoid?
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