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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I haven’t fished one but I like the nice compact profile …
  2. If I know that the fish are responding better to a dead stick bait, sometimes just dropping the rod tip down creating slack in the line and snapping up at the point when the line gets taught again is all you need sometimes to trigger a strike. The shirt or bucktail hair (I fish a lot of bucktail jigs) will flare out without moving the jig forward as @Catt mentions in his post. EDIT This post is how I move a jig while dead sticking. I don’t know Catt’s technique. I brought the popcorn to find out tho …
  3. Love it! Been that way for a couple of years. Get my parents squared away and hit the water. Nothing pretentious, just let the chips fall where they may. Love your post @king fisher
  4. Holy crap @A-Jay,1978 all over again. ”Yeah Guy, wicked lots of snow!”
  5. Seriously @woolleyfooley, they make jigs with all kinds of characteristics; some work in grass better than others like we’re talking about here. Take that same grass jig and it will swim better than the ones you posted earlier. The ones you posted earlier work great around rock and timber. A jig with the line tie 90* from the hook shank is a great vertical presented jig but also works well in a swimming application but maybe not as well as a grass jig does. I could go on and on. The one thing I’d recommend is to get to know what different jigs excel at and narrow your choices as to how it pertains to your fishing experience. Look for shape and line tie angles. Look at how a jig sits. Does it stand up or sit horizontal? Picture that jig in the water and how you want to retrieve it. The rabbit hole you go down is worth the investment in time.
  6. Ehh…it’s fishing. Some days my son is on them and I’m not, other days it’s the other way around. The best days are when we’re both on them. Either way it’s a good day for us and we’re making memories.
  7. Great article, thank you
  8. I was recently reading that tryptophan in turkey is not as significant as you would think. You would need to consume a large amount of turkey for tryptophan to have any effect. What makes you drowsy is the carbs. It was just an article I read. I am not a nutritionist …
  9. No down size Start-up retrieve upon splash down Really, bone is the on color I use. I figure that bass are looking up at a top water and the underside if a bait fish is usually white or bone
  10. Grass jigs for me is something that is more like a bullet head (or as closed to bullet head) and a line tie that is 30* from horizontal. Really think worm fishing. Slender and able to sit down to allow it to snake thru grass. Jigs that stand up generally have a harder time getting thru vegetation. The top jig stands up too much and really is great around rock. I personally wouldn’t fish the bottom jig in grass just because of the way it stands up. That to me invites more snags in grass. I’ll let others comment further.
  11. Bucktail jigs with jig strips will catch a variety of fish. Just need to pretty much swim it along. Diamond jigs with a surgical tube will be your friend on windy days. The soft plastics mentioned above were all great suggestions. Good luck Edit…forgot to mention If you using your freshwater rigs and lures make sure you rinse with freshwater and dry. I make my bucktails with black nickel hooks and use freshwater rods and reels. I dry with an 18v leaf blower. Been doing it for years with no issues.
  12. Saweet!! Everlasting memories! Great thread and thanks for sharing. Happy thanksgiving!
  13. Yeah, I know @A-Jay, I know what I said was a stretch Just spitballing Seeing what you guys deal with has made me really open my eyes over the years. Doesn’t mean I’m still scratching my balding head
  14. I know you’re a hearty new englander @A-Jay, but I’m scratching my head as to how you can like that
  15. Very sensitive with the Chianti talk. I’m sure @12poundbass and @TnRiver46 will have a GIF on it Sorry, different thread
  16. You as well . All my best for Lynn.
  17. I’m forcing myself to stay consistent with my workouts but man, my work schedule is so erratic. Keep up the good work my friend
  18. Man, they came such a long way with that surgery. Congrats to all here who had it done. Good luck to those who are about to get it done. Wish I can do something for my retina issue!
  19. Finessing a jig thru grass takes patience. If you can learn to take your time to lightly finessing a jig or even reeling it thru a grass snag will find you reeling more fish in. Once you get thru the snag stop b4 starting up again. Your patience will be rewarded. BTW: put a small jig up your line on a dropper loop while your drifting along you’ll be pleasantly surprised you tried that technique
  20. You’re a better person than I. Put me in a building and I can repair/build pretty much anything. Open the hood up to a vehicle and I’m scrolling thru my contact list looking for my mechanics phone number to make an appointment
  21. I’ve been navigating the same bay since 2010 and thought I knew it like the back of my hand. I went out at low tide, every thing AOK, saw the point of and island continuing on below the water, checking electronics, looking overboard…everything AOK….until it wasn’t AOK and bottomed out damaging my prop. Know exactly what you mean @TnRiver46! I got really good at reconditioning the prop at the mooring with dingy tied off to the boat’s transom
  22. One of the colors that’s worked very well for me is a dark red, almost like red wine. Not sure why it work considering that red is the first color that disappears in the water column. My guess is that the color is a lighter shade of black. So I keep fishing it until the fish read the final chapter in the manual
  23. It’s probably because you’ve been doing for so long you have that mind muscle connection to know how tight the nut needs to be. I don’t take on mechanical work enough to have that connection. Happy Thanksgiving
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