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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Without actually seeing what "stained" is in your body of water, I'd start with white or black. They both seem to show up in any color water. Purples and blues work well especially in darker environments. If the stain is a greenish color then green is the ticket. From there, take a set of dice and roll. If snake eyes its red, 1-2 is yellow .... ?
  2. Looks like something for the Simpson's nuke plant lake.
  3. Green for me. Although I started fishing clear and caught just as many fish back then ...so whatever ?
  4. Well hopefully @Nitrofreak you get a chance to figure that lake out again and hopefully it’s this season! Say hello to your family. How’s the grandkiddo’s ? Betchya they’re keeping you busy! ?
  5. Alright @bulldog1935, not finished yet, the paint is drying on the blade so I’ll finish tomorrow, but ‘what you say’? My version of a flying c spinner: The hook is actually a freshwater hook. This spring I’ll see how it casts and swims. you think the back needs a little trim?
  6. To me any lure or technique takes so long to get the hang of because of seasonal change, fish location and conditions of water and atmosphere. Seems like these factors need technique adjustments constantly. To say I have my favorite lure or technique dialed in would be a lie. My saving grace is that I picked a few that I have confidence in and cut my learning curve waaaaaay down, Good luck and hope you find your happy place.
  7. You catch enough fish this time of year that you could take that milk and make chowder.
  8. That's great stuff @bulldog1935. I got in some squid skirts to be used on a dropper loop for the deep fish I'm targeting. Where they're pretty much a tube, I have this idea of making up a few flying C type spinners in a #5 with them and using for the surf. Those hooks you have on the glass minnows would be perfect! Thanks for posting this. Great mods you did on those spoons too,
  9. Low 40*’s next week with sun. Keep that white fluffy stuff down south where it belongs. ?
  10. I'll be doing a lot of drop shot fishing this summer. Just got schooled here. Thanks for posting this!!
  11. Have we gone to the LBC yet?
  12. I haven't built a buzzbait in a while but to my recollection the double winged blade came in 2 sizes. The smaller size was for 1/4 oz and the larger for 3/8 & 1/2 oz. You'll be surprised how slow the 3/8 oz ones can be fished and depending on how you bend the wing tips, you can make them go faster ans even slower still. You can buy tri-winged blades now?
  13. Better luck next time Nitro.
  14. Sorry about the bad pic and spinnerbait without blades, but it it was what I found laying around
  15. Wow, what a big thumb you got...? Congrats, that's a beauty you caught!
  16. You know, you post that photo a lot, was that you in a high school math class? ?
  17. Workout (year round) Read a lot Make some lures for the season Clean reels This year I'm taking a boating safety course Make chicken chili, pizza, pasta or whatever strikes me Most of all, just try and relax from the hectic work schedule
  18. Just before Christmas we got 15" of snow. Christmas day it wad 50* plus and got 3" of rain melting all the snow. Today's high is 42*.
  19. Hey @diehardbassfishing thanks a million bud! You saved me some time researching this.
  20. Will powder coat work on brass?
  21. Doc told you that you need to eat more Omega 3's huh? ?
  22. Would it make sense to try and get something from the flea market here? I got a nice 6'6 Fuego from here to be used at my summer home for a very good price. It came in and to my surprise, it was never used. Still had the tags and the plastic protector on the cork handle. You could have the seller ship to your sister's home.
  23. This BC is being used for salt water I'm assuming @the reel ess?
  24. I don’t fill the tube but I like the idea. I rig it just like a Texas Rig worm just in reverse. I also like to rig it with the whole spinnerbait shaft and hook shank inside the tube with the hook Tex posed. Pretty wheedless. Slow roll it on the bottom and hold on. You may as well call it a rake rig. You’ll be raking bass up off the bottom like a spring cleanup in the back yard. ? I don’t know when I’ll get time, work is pretty busy but I’ll pm you som pics
  25. Can't tell ya how many bags of tubes I have from the 90's. Not gonna lie, love to fish them.
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