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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. I think you're right. A quick search revealed this Nichols Pulsator Old School:
  2. On the weekends my daughter will go to Starbucks and will get me a Pike Place but my weekday cup in the morning is Donut Shop. Both are medium roast arabica bean. Straight no chaser for me.
  3. If a 10 lb brick only weighs 6.6 lbs, then that means your only a 7.9poundbass. ?
  4. Help me out here, I’m at a loss for words. ?
  5. Last piece. Wow, bad pic. ?
  6. I love this advice. When I first broke into commercial construction I got paired up with an older guy who was a couple of years away from retirement. His advice to problems was to "just ignore the problem until it goes away". ? ... I had a feeling right then I wouldn't learn much from him...? EDIT: BTW @galyonj, I'm not making fun of you, I know exactly where you were going with this. ?
  7. That's awesome news!!! Just the same, I'm still keep my fingers crossed for you.
  8. Wouldn't it be easier @PhishLI to say: "I respectfully disagree". ? I respect your opinion bud.
  9. Just as well, I can't imagine anything alcoholic would go well with a protein shake...?
  10. I can come down @TnRiver46 and we can go repair it? It will be a good learning experience for me.
  11. CRAP! Are you telling me I should cancel my order? ? JK
  12. She still has wiggle room. ?
  13. When my dad was dating my mother he used to go around to construction sites to pump out the Porta Potty's. At the end of his shift he would drive it to the tele-phone company to pick up my mom. All the operators would take 1 sniff and say "Kathy, your ride is here". Well I'm glad my father didn't take your hygiene advice, otherwise I wouldn't be here right now...?
  14. Skin issues can be a royal pain...glad your doc was able to dial that in for ya
  15. This is how I learned it...Nice post JJ
  16. There ya go. This provides a specific length, based on science and keeps it simple at tyhe same time. Now if we can get @J Francho to comment on this, I'm sure he could help. It's his favorite way to fish...?
  17. This is subjective on my part, but vegetation levels.
  18. For me it's a matter of "feeling" the bottom. Most water I fish needs a 3/16 once un pegged. Current will change the weight if I'm looking to fish slower and the current is moving my light rig.
  19. This thread just went WAAAAYYYYY over my head. I need to look this one up in the "The-ah-saurus". If I can find that dinosaur book in my son's room that is.
  20. Just logged in and noticed the title...we're talking about personal hygiene here...really!? ?...you beat me to it...? Next thread....Deodorant. ?
  21. No doubt and I agree. Just remember, these "professional anglers" don't seek out companies for endorsements, it's the companies that seek out the angler. The companies have 1 goal in mind and that's to push product. The companies will look for not only the big name elite anglers but also guys who may not be as big but who possess communication and people skills. These guys may not be making huge money on the trail but from what I read they get put on the company's payroll. Those guys collect a salary, health and wealth benefits. As being employees they get steep discounts on products. Some of the pro's who rely on fishing as their sole income (elite anglers) will set themselves up as a business entity. They are obviously sponsored and do enjoy the discounts on equipment. Heck, they may even get compensated as well. As a business entity they can write expenses off for their gas to an from tournament locations, housing (hotel) expenses...you name it, whatever can be written off from their taxes they do it. Within this, they have depreciation to equipment...fishing rods, boats, trucks etc. If you're an elite, why wouldn't you have the best you can have? Let's not lose site of the fact that their sticks may even be customized to their specifications. They don't exactly buy off the "rack". Baseball players have bats specifically made for them, Hockey players as well. I wouldn't doubt that professional anglers do too. Love the dialog....good job man.
  22. Seems like when I set the hook my thumb is clamped down on the spool anyway. I really only adjust the drag when I'm fighting the fish. If the drag is too tight for a heavy fish that keeps pulling, then I release the drag a bit. If it's a light fish who wants to be bigger, then tough $**t, it's coming in. Other than that, I try and lead a simple life. You don't want me thinking too much. Paralysis by analysis is all it gets me.
  23. Wow. Almost 2 pages of posts, all because you were born in Wor-chester-shire. ?
  24. There's been absolutely no updates on my package up until yesterday. This morning I looked and voila, out for delivery. Should be at my house when I get home. And BTW, when did you go all Dire Straits gangster on this post? This little ditty wasn't OG on that post.
  25. Having flashbacks? ?
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