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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. So what's your point? What's wrong with that? ?
  2. Truth be told, I like to c-rig a floating jerkbait during the early spring season.
  3. SAHWEET! Good luck buddy!
  4. Any of you boat owners ever take a safety course? I just finished up a course through Boat-Ed.com. Just wondering if you saved on boater's insurance? My boat is being shipped up from Florida later this month and I'm planning on getting insurance for it. In all honesty, I really don't care if I get a discount on insurance for the safety course, I was taking the course either way. ?
  5. Carolina rig it...?
  6. Mostly I T-Rig but also use the jig inserts. Yes, poke the line tie thru.
  7. You serious, you get reports on 10ths of an inch not a dusting? Who reports such things!? ?
  8. The snow is heading our way...
  9. Sounds like you're answering you're own question...?...So whatchya waiting for? Go ahead and cast those tubes! ?
  10. Sooooo...What’s your point? What’s wrong with used q-tips? ?
  11. Yep, Tucker does not look happy at all. ? Abby has an appointment yesterday at 9:00 am. I got out of the shower and found her bandage on the floor. “How in the world did she get out?” I’m thinking to myself. She jumps up in my wife’s car and the vet is like...yep, she’s fine...lol...the lamp shade came off and it was like Abby was liberated! ? Good luck Tucker!
  12. Ahh...my bad...you know us silly city folk. ?
  13. If you don’t know how to wrap thread like you were wrapping a guide you could put a thin coat of epoxy on it and see how she casts? For an investment that’s less than a half a buck it’s worth a try? ? If not, then go the fly swatter route. ? By the way.: Who would put up a broken rod for auction!? ?
  14. Nicely done. ? Please tell me you didn’t sauté up the leftover worms and include in the fish tacos. ?
  15. ^8^ While we’re on the 80’s cover theme a few posts up. Here’s another 80’s cover.
  16. Great news man, fingers crossed that it works out. ?
  17. Oh man Luke, don’t overlook what a tube can do especially on largemouth bass. Some of my large big mouths came on a tube. I got the idea years ago from Shaw Grigsby. T-Rig them for your upcoming spawn and let me know how you do. ?
  18. Some really good advice right there. Great post @bulldog1935!
  19. I actually like to start out with like 4 strands of the tab per side. Remember, it doubles when it's laid over the o-ring. See how that looks and adjust to your liking. I start top down. Black on top, say green sides and white belly. Install on the jig. I'll check that then will take say 3 strands, fold it over and by hand, put it up to where I think some accent will go. Should it be up toward the back or more in the middle? Once determined, you can fit it in. So for a recipe so to speak: 1 full black tab 1 full green tab - split in half for the side 1/2 white tab for the belly 2 sets of 3-4 strands of accent color. I hope I explained that right.
  20. Haha! As Burgermeister Meisterburger Said: "I HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!" By my kids waaaay too many times. Thanks @12poundbass, I'll pass. ?
  21. HaHa - This statement is so true. I renovated my bathroom a couple years back and my wife was set on getting this particular vanity and fixture. I go online and I read one of those 1 star reviews and the complaint was that - and I'm paraphrasing here - "it just didn't go right in, I had to hire a plumber to put it together and install it". ? "Don't waste your money on this product." ?
  22. I'd start off in the black family and branch out from there. All black The classic black & blue Black and pumpkin black and watermelon Then maybe start adding in a white belly and/or a couple/few strand of accent colors on the sides. Make as simple or as complicated as you want. You'll finally settle on a color scheme that works best for your waters and will find that you'll only make a handful of patterns. Good luck
  23. Thanks man. Looks like you got flushed down the ****** filter. ?
  24. Surprisingly this one made it past my 2 kids...which sounds like it's a good thing...not sure I could have made it through some of the jelly beans described on here. I know my kids would have set me up to eat the nasty ones for sure. ?
  25. Ah man that sux @A-Jay. Hope all is well with Tucker. Abby goes tomorrow to have the digit looked at and I believe the bandage comes off, but I think the lamp shade will be part of her beauty for another few days. On a lighter side, I won't be making any tackle purchases for a while, unless the vet will find it in his heart to part with some of the bill...?
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