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Everything posted by Jigfishn10

  1. Yep, usually happens late summer trying to get in a dinghy to get out to the mooring...can't tell you how many times I either got washed up on the beach or tossed out of the dinghy...?...the latter is an indicator that it'll be prudent to do a little surf fishing...?
  2. Looks like the best answer so far!!
  3. I understand, you guys are very generous people, but you have to realize something, we have our own trials and tribulations to worry about. And BTW, can you tell your Canadian friends to the north of you to keep their geese up there, they make a mess of our golf courses...Sheesh! ?
  4. We just had our 3 days of frigid temps and a nor'eater roll through, you guys mind keeping that stuff out there for like ... oh ... say ... a month or 2? ? That will be all.
  5. Exactly how I learned it. From trough to peak wave. Talk of swells is more often the topic of conversation.
  6. Would have been nice if you mentioned that 8 posts up, I could have saved some time trying to help you. I'm done here
  7. You’re on the jazz again aren’t ya Guido! ?
  8. Take blue painters tape and tape around each scar within an 1/8” from the scar itself. If your just looking for a seal just use a 2 part epoxy and apply with a throw away brush or a tongue depressor. After you apply and the epoxy has taken a set where it’s not runny pull the tape off and you’ll have a neat patch.
  9. Just to plant a seed. My son wanted to get rid of his bed frame and wanted something hung from the wall. I framed it with 1 x 3 strapping, banded the exposed framing with select pine and topped it with 1/4" birch plywood. about $60 complete. My son is bigger now (pic deleted) and still sleeps on 1/4" plywood with a mattress on top.
  10. That explains things...?
  11. Oh sheesh...it must be February! ?
  12. My fingers are too fat...
  13. If you put the table/bench in the corner of 2 walls you can cleat the walls with 1x stock and screw to that, then all you need is 1 additional leg.
  14. SAHWEET @Big Hands, what a memory your daughter has with dad!! Congrats to you both.
  15. I shouldn't be laughing at that @J Francho, I've been dealing with a separated retina for 3 years now that left permanent damage in my left eye. I see the doc tomorrow about surgery. It was funny tho none the less. I just may need one of those phones after tomorrow...?
  16. Wait, I just read this...Do you still have a flip phone? If you do I'm jealous, I want to go back to one.
  17. There is just something about fishing a top water at night. Actually, if you think of, if you have issues hooking fish on topwater because you're pulling the bait out it mouth before it has it, night fishing will teach you to set the hook by feeling the added weight of the lure.
  18. Let's not, PLEASE! ?
  19. It is a different mentality, no doubt. My house is 2 hours away from my permanent home. It took me a few years to get used to the fact that it will sit unattended during the winter while I'm paying a note on it. Some of the boats in the bay are worth well over $100K. I'm not sure I can stomach that. I saw one beautiful sail boat drift off the mooring because the chain rusted/rotted. Chains need to be replace every 2 years and I think this sail boat owner wasn't aware of what salt water can do. The other reason to leave moored and get down the river is that 2 times a day, you have a 4 hour window to get down the river to the ramp. You can only do 1 boat at a time. There's at least a 5 year wait for a mooring permit so you can imagine the mayhem of people looking to get their boat out during a pending storm not to mention the disagreements around the ramp. Agree, a lifting eye is inexpensive, but Marina fees in a seasonal market isn't. Just another thing to consider.
  20. I use spoons as well early and late season for multi species fishing. I'll add a small panfish tube to the treble. Not sure what it is, but it's been very effective.
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