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Jigfishn10 last won the day on January 11 2021

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Community Answers

  1. Unfortunately, as I get older and life becomes busier, it's time to step aside for a while ... Be good Auf Wiedersehen (until we meet again) John
  2. Unfortunately, there's no need for confrontation in my life when I'm fishing, I just walk away to another spot ... ignorance is bliss
  3. Hahaha ... I can't Keep going
  4. I haven't been called Jiggy since Tate (probably before your time), Grampa and Jonesy was around and we use to have get togethers a couple of time a season ... you're going to the way back machine BTW - we're the same age Hahaha ... Unfortunately, Mr. Howe, we lose hair where we need it and grow it where we don't
  5. Just cam back from the mail box and my boat policy just came in ... ha ... not kidding ... irony isn't lost. Anyway, not sure what happened between now and a month ago when I got the e-mail, but my premium is $150 HELLOOO BAIT MONKEY EDIT: Oh wait, I'm hearing my mooring fee just went up ... can't catch a break!
  6. Totally agree and wouldn't hit the water without it either ... Mine is thru Progressive as well The vanishing deductible is a new one on me...I probably have it and didn't realize it. Now I have homework to do, thanks a lot!
  7. Oh crap, glad this came up, I need to renew this year....last registration period was $44.00 per 2 years ... $22/yr. Insurance this year is $175 Let's not give them any ideas tho
  8. I agree. But I'm guessing over time, the rubber band collars eventually dry rot off and the skirt gets blown away blah blah blah ... anyway, not in my pay grade to speculate HAHAHA ... it's here to stay and we have alternatives to enjoy it, right? Love the dialog
  9. That’s funny you posted this @A-Jay, I was looking for it yesterday to post on
  10. It's a great question if you live up north. The boat spends 1/2 the time out of the water than in the water. BUT....there is something that is very calming to me about being on the water and drift jigging along. The stresses in life professionally just go away. Especially when you get that sweet tugging feeling on the end of your line, on a jig you made over the winter. It's worth all the stresses professionally that you have to allow you to make such a dumb investment in the first place
  11. Hate to admit this, but I remember her imitating Tarzan ... oh boy
  12. It has to do with loons and how they pick up rocks. I read about it years ago and really don't remember what they really do with rocks, I think it was a digestive thing. But the concern was that a jig heads and sinkers were being mistaken by loons as rocks and causing all kinds of problems.
  13. It was. I think they use nickel as a base metal
  14. I spaced out and totally forgot about the game last night. Man, “As I Get Older … “
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