Video was extremely helpful!
In all honesty, I took your advice on the calm entry, low-trajectory, underhand throw and caught a 4.5lb large mouth first cast!! A few casts later I caught a 2lb small mouth...!!!
Now granted I didn't catch much the rest of the day, I still did better than I've ever done with those (2) big bass. I was fishing a small pond that is really over fished too, so I consider this to be an excellent outcome. Oh yeah, I also changed my spinner blade to a gold indiana blade (which I've never used before!!). The blade might be a colorado though, as I'm still not well versed when it comes to blades. You can see it in the pic. Anyway, to add to the excitement, I've used spinners at this pond for the last two weeks since I started fishing here and only caught 1 crappie, never a bass. Furthermore, this was the biggest large mouth I've ever caught (haven't fished a whole lot until recently). Some regulars came down shortly after I released the big one and I showed them the pics, they said they've never seen a large mouth that big come from that pond...I felt like a superstar. LOL Maybe I'll catch it again!
I took a pic with my iphone but it's hard to see since I had to hold the phone and the fish and take a pic of myself...
Thank you very much for taking the time to share your secrets. I can attest to the fact that your secrets definitely work!!