On the ones I got it looks like cheap paper eyes glued on partially sticking up on top. I got the same color as the on on top. I'm sure the package said Tennessee killer. I could be wrong.
I have a Nitro 2002 901 cdx "bought it new" no probems at all. I fish the rough waters of Pickwick, Kentucky lake, and Wheeler a lot. Smooth dry ride. 200hp. will give you 73mph or so. I have driven and fish out of a lot of boats "nitro is one of the best". As for resale Nitro does not cost as much as some of the over priced boats so it just seems to look that way. With other boats you are paying for big commissions and fees because of being small dealerships so you take a big hit as soon as you drive of the lot. Just look at what a insurance co. will give you if you total your new Ranger 6 months after you bought it compared to what you would loose with a Nitro. Over the years the over priced boats depreciate more because they were over priced like the housing bubble . If you buy a used boat do not pay more then a insurance co. will pay if you total it the next day.
YA RIGHT! I would not trust B.A.S.S. they could change at the last min. again. Does this make up for the money lost for everybody for the 2007 championship. I DON'T THINK SO!
It was intended as a joke. These things come up when co-angler is mention. But in a draw tourament you have to take them along. I often front end my co-angler so he can't get a cast in like on the show match fishing. ;D
There is no difference. They both burn holes in your carpet, spill spike-it , drinks and what not on the floor, brings mud in your boat and hooks your seats, scratch your gel coat, and just mess up you boat. Oh ya and skip out of giving you gas money. Thats what they do. ;D lol
Who would be interested in fishing tournaments in north mississippi on a weekday because of working on the weekends or heavy boat traffic and fishing pressure on the weekends?
you can't tell me that he did not know that was against the rules or unsafe boating. it was set up and and he got paid for it. some more of that espn good tv/drama. he or the camera man did not even have sunglasses on. they allways have sunglasses on when they are running.
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