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Everything posted by hatrix

  1. Might sound kinda weird but windex works if your in a pinch and have nothing else. It works about as good as off deep woods stuff and you have to also reapply it eventually like you do off.
  2. They sink slowly but once you get it on the top of the water they stay up pretty easily. I reel it about as slow as I can and still keep it on top of the water. I used some more of them today and they worked great again but... They seemed to roll every once in a while on me. I imagine I could fix that with a swivel but I think the baits are designed to flip right side up if it lands upside down. Either way right side up or upside down it still catches fish for me.
  3. I didn't hook it. I was just letting it bite to see how many times it would. As for bedding I think that is over with. At least for now it is where I am located.
  4. I like to imagine what the worm is doing in the water and how it looks. I sorta pretend there is always fish watching it and try to move it how I think they want it. Like if I was a fish and watched it go like this and like that I would bite it so then they should bite it to.
  5. I almost forgot. On a side note there was a fish I knew was sitting back in this little cut so I decided to try something. I got the same fish to bite 6 times in a row on 6 consecutive casts. That was pretty incredible to me and blew my mind a little bit. I was pretty impressed with these baits after that. I have had a fish bite 2 or 3 times but never 6 and not 6 casts in a row!
  6. Well I took my little 11 year old cousin finshing and we fished for about 3 hours. We burned through 4 packs of them and caught 100 fish or more between the 2 of us. The bite was really on and he had a amazing time so it was more then worth it. I think he caught the most fish ever today and next time we will try to beat that record.
  7. Strike King Rage Toad I caught so many bass on these today I almost didn't even want to hook them any more unless I knew it was 3# or more. They really wore out the bass today like nothing else. As for fish catching potential there great, but that's about all its got going for it in my opinion. They for sure are not winning any awards for casting distance. As for durability they don't seem that great either. I didn't have all my tackle with me so I didn't have twist locks and had to use normal hooks but either way after a few decent fish they were wasted and I had to put on a new one. It would be much cooler if they made them out of that new plastic they make worms with that last for about ever. At $6 for a 5 pack there sorta expensive for plastics but if they keep catching fish like they did I guess you cant put a price on that.
  8. Well they are fairly expensive baits 20 dollars or more and I would like to keep them as new as possible.
  9. I have a few hard swim baits I just purchased and the paint is starting to wear off. Can I put some kind of clear coat on them to keep the paint from wearing off? Also what kind of clear coat do you use and how do you apply it. Thanks
  10. You should check out lews. They have some very nice reels and the speed spool is really nice for $80.
  11. Lots of great replies in here. I guess I do about the same as most people. I do about 5 casts or so to a spot, unless it a spot I know is holding fish. If that the case I will probably do about 10-15 then move. If after I move a few times and nothing ill try changing lures.
  12. The carp I see are usually close to the surface. Some times they swim around with the fin out of the water like a shark so I know its a carp for sure.
  13. Last week i bought a bunch of weedless single hooks for some of my crank baits and other treble hook lures. I have to say it works great as long as its a bait that will still run properly with them on it. Only thing i cant stop is weeds from wrapping around the line and gathering on top of the lure. But other then that its a great improvement and I don't ruin as many casts by grabbing tons of salad as soon as it hits the water. By the way poppers/jitterbugs with weedless singles fished over grass mats is just amazing now. I think more companies should make weedless versions of cranks and stuff.
  14. I have always liked top water in the rain poppers/jitterbugs. As long as its not pouring buckets that is. Just a little rain or slight drizzle and top water seems to work good for me.
  15. Check pondboss.com I think that site and this site are affiliated.
  16. I also use to use bacon to catch them when i was a kid. For the most part we would just flip rocks and grab them but some times the big ones had hiding spots we couldn't grab them in. We just tie bacon to a string and slowly pull them back till we can grab them with our hands. My mom told me that trick
  17. I have a 3 step program that will cure almost any one. Step 1: Fish 7 days a week 365 days a year (sounds good right) Step 2: Get fired from you job (easy since all you do is fish every day) Step 3: Get your car repoed and your house foreclosed on (easy since you have no job now) Once you follow these 3 easy steps you should be cured. If you have completed all 3 steps and are still making outrageous lists of stuff you NEED from you local tackle store you might be beyond saving.
  18. I'm looking to get a SPRO BBZ1 but I don't know if I should get the floater or slow sink. Most of the lakes/ponds I fish have tons of weeds so that's why I cant decide what would be better. How well does the slow sink one wake? Is it fairly easy to keep it up at the surface if you want? For the most part I would like to keep it no more then 1' from the surface usually. The slow sink seems more versatile since it actually sinks but I am not sure what way to go. Has any one used or own both? Any opinions or suggestions are much appreciated. Also does having the slightest bit of weeds on it ruin the way it swims? I have some baits that if they even look at a piece of grass they wont swim right and it really annoying.
  19. I use to miss a ton of fish on frogs trying to set the hook on every bite. It seems at least for me they don't actually grab the frog every time. Like they attack it the first time to injure or daze it then they come back and grab it for real. Unless they pretty much grab it and start running with it I wait to set the hook. If I try to set and miss, that fish is pretty much a wash cause I scared it away now. But if they miss and I wait and give it a few tiny twitches to ripple the water like it go hurt or something they almost always come back and hit it again.
  20. My PB is 8.6# on a 3/8oz back and blue jig with a berkley chigger craw. It was freezing out like 40 degrees and I had gloves on lol. I didn't even feel it bite, I just felt the weight when I raised my rod tip and set the hook. Last year I caught one I think was bigger but I never weighed it.
  21. The shape of a jig head really helps keep the weeds off maybe more then the guard. Eakins jigs work really well for me and have a fairly stiff guard.
  22. (Ad ***) and (No Script) are add-ons for browsers and will basically remove all advertisements for all sites(unless you tell them not to). It can also stop malware from infecting your computer. People sometimes put these in advertisements so when you visit a site and it loads that annoying flashing banner guess what else it loaded. It's known as drive-by malware even though you didn't download any thing or open a file someone sent you all it takes is for that banner to load and that's it. Hope this might help and good luck. Also FYI please don't fall for those stupid commercials saying they will speed up your pc and blah blah. It's a scam and they install unwanted programs on your pc and show false positives about viruses you don't really have so you buy there software to remove a virus that never existed. It should be illegal and they should all be jailed for taking advantage of people who don't know better. If you still feel the need to buy there product you see on TV send me the $ instead and ill come to your home and smack you really hard.
  23. I am a lefty and have always reeled with my right hand. I think the reason for that is the push buttons I started with as a kid on have a right hand retrieve. Not till I graduated to spinning gear did I have a option to pick what hand I reeled with and by that time I was to comfortable to change. It makes the most sense to me that my left hand is on the rod. I cast more accurately and can work baits much smoother using my left hand. Another plus is when using a casting rod my left hand never comes off of it. I don't have to cast then change hands like I see a lot of people do.
  24. I saw some new reel i think its a daiwa and it is supposed to stop backlashes. It has a bar that snaps down if the line come off to fast. I guess you can throw it at a wall and it wont backlash.
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