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Everything posted by hatrix

  1. It's kind of funny to me that this is so huge now. I spent quite a bit of time last year throwing set ups I made with multiple baits. If it was possible for mento throw more then 1 of some thing I was trying it. Soft plastics, spinner baits, crank baits, jigs, top water, you name it. I have to say for the most part the more baits you can throw and do it effectively the better your chances. My only problem was not every thing I tried was not the best rig it could be. People might get creative and figure out how to throw 4 or 5 of everything.
  2. Has any one tried these out before. I'm looking to get some new jerk baits for when the weather decides what it's going to do.
  3. For sure learn how to fish a jig and get a good feel for it. As for the drop shot I don't really think there is to much to learn. It is pretty straight forward on how to work it. The only tuff part some times is learning the hook set on it. I tie drop shots on for the kids and they catch fish all day with it. The jig is another story though....
  4. For sure. I use braid and a medium heavy rod.
  5. So I was fishing a spro frog today and the fish were exploding all over it. For some reason thought I could not hook any thing today. I had 15 hits and 14 of them were bites you could set a hook on and only 1 was not but I only hooked 1 fish.... I was making these super long casts to open water and just steady walking it all the way back. It was like impossible for me to get a hook set when it was more then say 25' away and basically all the bites I got were way out there. Also I got my first black lash ever on a frog like that today (twice) A blind guy with no thumbs could throw those things with no back lash. I ended up getting so frustrated I just gave up on using it for the day even though it seemed to be the most productive by far.
  6. So I saw a commercial where KVD is on a dock and catches a fish but instead pulls in a boot and some people start laughing then he pulls a bass out of the boot. I don't know why but I thought it was really funny. It has to be the best fishing commercial I have ever seen. Also there was one where they are fishing the tank at the BPS store that is pretty good to.
  7. Maybe just try a new retrieve with your spinners or cranks. A couple you did not mention but are maybe familiar with is a stop and go retrieve with a crank. I usually catch the most that way or burn it down to the depth u want and slow way down. As for spinners some times a sorta yo-yo retrieve works best for me. I will try to stop my crank or yo-yo my spinner in high % areas I think a bass is watching it and just keep trying. It might take you 10 casts to catch it also try coming at different angles through the same place u think fish are holding.
  8. I always kinda thought bigger hooks for bigger baits. I hate when I get a bite and go to set the hook and it rips my tail off or something cause the hook was not in it's mouth.
  9. I use 30# power pro and have never really had a problem. It digs a little bit but nothing I'm worried about. I use it for any thing I can if at all possible. I like braid over mono or floro and I don't have as many set ups as I use to any more so braid is like all purpose for me. It kinda sucks though for cranks at least to me since it doesn't stretch so they don't get time to really grab it before you set the hook and it easy to pull a bait away from a fish with braid.
  10. I have tried to use that trap a couple of times to catch minnows for the kids. I never catch any thing in it though. I have even let it sit over night before and when I checked it the next day it had 2 dead minnows in it. I have tried using bread and worms and it just doesn't work for me.
  11. If only you need the odds it takes for a fish to get over 10#. That doesn't happen every day
  12. I use little BG or RES sometimes when I want to be lazy. I try to catch ones about maybe the width of your hand and re hook them deep and out the side of the mouth. I use to hook them in the back or tail but I think it kinda kills them faster and they loose energy quicker. You can kinda tell when its about to go down cause they try to make a mad dash for it then the float goes under and stays under. I give it like a slow 5 count before I set the hook. I have caught lots of nice cat fish that way.
  13. WOW 11.5# is huge! Congrats
  14. I haven't used to many swim jigs but what has worked the best for me is berkley swim baits the non hollow body ones. I thought they were hollow body when I bought them and was some what disappointed when I noticed I bought the wrong thing. I have been cutting there heads off right behind the eyes on it and it is by far the best trailer I have tried yet. The only problem is they keep biting the tails off of them and then they are worthless.
  15. Maybe its just me but sometimes I try to double set a hook. I will do my normal set and then sometimes give it another one to really drive it home. I really only do it when the fish are in some serious junk or I think some how it might get off. It can be difficult some times for me to get a good hook set when they are in really think stuff and if I really pull to hard it might just rip it out of there mouth.
  16. My buddy nose rigs the smaller flukes doubled rigged on a UL and when the fish are active he absolutely kills them with it. I watched him catch 4 double headers in one day like that.
  17. They work awesome as like a top water weightless. If you keep jerking it fast enough it will pop its nose out of the water and fish just love it. Or I will throw it over matts with hole and just work it really fast over the top.
  18. hatrix


    How weedless are spoons really? I am looking to fish it in some seriously tuff stuff that you cant even really fish a jig with out it getting fouled up. I am looking for something new to fish and be able to rip through the weeds and get in place that really on like a t-rig work can go without fouling up.
  19. I only have 1 chatter bait and it says the original im not sure if thats Z-Mans but I have had my best luck fishing it like a jig. It stand perfectly straight up when sitting on the bottom.
  20. Try rigging up the double fluke rig. It looks super awesome and when there busting bait fish I am sure it is just deadly.
  21. Well I caught a few on my main pond yesterday with a KVD 2.5 ripping it through the weeds. But on the other pond next door on like my 4th or 5th cast I caught one over 7# on the KVD crank. That was the first fish I caught on that pond. I ended up catching about 12 more there but nothing even close to that first one maybe about 2.5 pounds at best. It is only like a 2 acre pond and I am sorta thinking it might of been the biggest bass in the pond. It was sorta luck being in the right place at the right time.
  22. hatrix


    Well the guy almost killed me once shooting at geese on his pond and the bullet ricochet off the pond and went right past my head so close that i could hear the bullet whizzing by. So Its kinda like a unwritten thing where he wouldn't say any thing about me fishing since he kinda owes me.
  23. hatrix


    Can any one who fishes spoons recommend some good weedless ones. I have only fished spoons a couple of times and it was never for bass. I was looking at the northland jaw breaker spoons and it says you can also fish them top water.
  24. I think it depends on the body of water. Not all pond are easier to catch big fish. If they are small there might not be many big fish so if you catch one its like 1 out of only a hand full.
  25. hatrix


    So I decided to fish this pond that I never fish and only sorta have permission to. On like my 4th or 5th cast about 5' from the shore a big girl grabbed my bait. I ended up being 7.1# and being the biggest bass I have ever caught on a crank bait. I have been throwing tons of cranks this year really trying to improve with them and hopefully catch a big one. Kinda sucks it grabbed it so close so it wasn't much of a fight but I caught on my current favorite bait a KVD 2.5. I didn't have my phone with me so I have no picture of it .
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