At what size body of water does it start to matter to someone? Do you not fish places that are small because its not challenging enough for you? what is small 1000 acres 100, 50, 10, 5, 1? Not every one has big water to fish that is close to them and big is a relative term to where you live and what you consider to be big. Where I am we have hundreds of places under 20 acres or so within 15 miles. Actually its probably thousands if you counted what I consider puddles in peoples front yard. Luckily the biggest NATURAL lake in the state 333 acres is 8 minutes away from me and I have access to fish it. It is basically private water until the parks finally open it to the public in future years to come. Other then that it is somewhat of a trip and a all day event to fish other big lakes except for Erie and that dwarfs everything except the other great lakes. That seems more like fishing a sea then a lake even though I never fished a sea I am just assuming since its water as far as the eye can see. You can even see the curve of the earth on a good day.