I can't comment on using the 8", but 6" and under I use all the time in Ohio. I just go slow enough so it dredges the bottom and I can feel everything its swimming over. If I get stuck on something where the rod starts to load up like on a stick, rock, or piece of ground I give it a fairly quick turn or 2 so it pops up off it and that is where I get tons of strikes. I have been doing really well targeting the shore swimming it through beds or across BG spawning flats. As for the ROF I only have 5 and 12 and I dont know what it is for a grass minnow or shad but ROF 5 is a slow sinker and best in say 5' or less. It takes 10 seconds to sink 5' and with braid and if you reel to quick it might want to rise on you. Another tip that helped me atleast for weedless ones was don't be in a big hurry to set the hook. I get a thump thump and I instantly want to swing but take a little time because even though the lure smells toxic they inhale it. They hold on to it for some time so give them a second to run with it.