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Everything posted by hatrix

  1. Or just maybe take off one of the knobs? The issue is your knuckles hit the other knob?
  2. You guys don't really give your self enough credit as fishermen. There is no denying the guy is a legendary. But fishing is a game of skillful luck. It is not the same every single time where as individual skill if basically the only factor. It is very much like poker. You can be the best in the world but if you get delt rags all day your probably going to loose. The same pros consistently make it in the money but they don't win. It is the same way with fishing. Doing a five fish bag only serves to help your chances of winning against a pro. That is kibda a flawed system. Who is a better fishermen for the tournament. The guy who caught 200 fish with some nice ones mixed in there? Or the guy who caught 50? But always had those few that were just a little heavier every time? Any one could have a chance but it would be naive to think you would run circles around the guy like it was not even a contest.
  3. Exactly this right here. If the added weight makes it suspend weird then remove the splitring. As long as it seems ok with both on it then it don't matter really/
  4. The Tourny and the Pro are like the same reel to me and I just ended up buying more tournys then pros. I also like the shiny finish to the tournys.
  5. Ya braid does make it more sensitive and it doesn't. You can't feel anything if they grab it with slack but then sometimes no matter what line or rod you use you can feel hits at times. It's crazy when you watch a fish grab something 5' in front of you and feel nothing. It probably happens way more often then we know. It might make you crazy if you actually knew you were getting bit and not feeling it.
  6. It is to bad I went to 2 different walmarts and had to see what was there obviously. It's pretty terrible. I could not find 1 off set hook. I finally found a couple at the second one . There was a couple inside that crappy little pack that as assorted bass hooks. There was also no weights except some steel egg weights. They do sell some awesome mustard tools and not the KVD stuff.
  7. Gander mountain has rods on sale for $50 half off. I am sure they are better then the berkleys. Shimano convergnce are not bad rods and Eagle GT rods. They are all similarly priced.
  8. It has happened to me plenty of times throwing moving baits. Sometimes i start looking around not fully paying attention and just mindlessly reeling for the millionth time and get bit. For some reason it always seems to be a big one too. It usually one of those hard impact bites that my my rod jump and kinda startle you. I had a giant hit last year on a buzz bait while not paying attention. I almost dropped the rod but ended up catching it.
  9. There is a place kinda similar to that in ohio. Its called the AEP recreation lands. It is massive and has tons of natural ponds everywhere. But it is basically all straight up forest and just getting to some places would be a undertaking.
  10. Like said before usually people use a 5 something for slow baits like hudds and a faster reel for hardbaits. A lot of guys like a 7 ratio for things like glides where there is slack in your line at times. It also helps to wake baits or burn stuff right under the surface. I am partial to using a Daiwa Luna but use a few different reels. Like mentiond a 300 size reel is usually standard fare for bigger stuff.
  11. I never really thought it could be possible for that to be a problem. In Ohio North East to be exact where I am from there is not enough. Places are kinda few and far between and most are crap or a good drive to a place that's half way decent. Well being in Florida like I am currently there is places everywhere I look. So many of the places look like the definetly hold some good fish for sure. I haven't been here since I was much younger and I could of care less back then. It makes your imagination kinda go wild with possibilities with all the places and potential for giant fish relatively speaking.
  12. 1400 acre pond? That must be the worlds biggest pond. What really determines if something is a pond or lake? I know places named X pond or X lake and some ponds are bigger then some named blah blah lake.
  13. Really just about any duolock is good. Even a pack of eagle claws for .97 work like a champ. You will have a hard time bending one out. You can hardly get the heavier ones open and you kinda need pliers they are so hard to squeeze. Those mustad KVD ones work really good also and I have never had a issue yet.
  14. I always had to get the becketts every month and the wizard. Me and my buddies would each buy a different sport so you don't have to buy them all. You would have the kids trying to trade going off prices out of some 6 month old Beckett. It's a good deal when it works in your favor though. I have quite a few Nolan Ryan's my self but nothing like your stash. I do have a insane amount of ken griffey jr's and almost all his rookies I think. He was my guy for baseball and I had to get every one someone wanted to come off of. I have a ton of Frank Thomas also as he was a fairly close second. I probably have more Michael Jordan cards then anything. Lots of his cards I have a dozen of if not two dozen easily and the same with Griffey. I might have 20+ of Griffey's tops rookie.
  15. Yes he does use some braid for backing to cut down on weight. I tried it and still have a couple reels with it still on from last year. He also will only put enough line on for the technique he is using that day. How ever far he might be pitching that day maybe 10-15 yard and it's basically all backing. Then he strips it off and puts on fresh again for the next day.
  16. You get a Trion of course. Everyone knows that. Some of this ish and comments lately are out there. You will always find the cheapest price online for almost anything versus buying it in person. Not everyone finds the same prices though and a lot depends on you Internet savyness and knowing where and how to find what you want. Anyone can find a cheaper price but are you sure it is the cheapest there is?
  17. The good old days of destroying kids in the arcade all day while they keep lining up to to get a piece. I probably would of let Jerry Rice win as long as there wasn't a line waiting to play. He was my favorite WR growing up. I have a ridiculous amount of his cards somewhere and 1 of them is a rookie. I don't even think kids collect baseball cards ect anymore. They were probably worth more back when I was a kid and people wanted them.
  18. Well arnt you clever.
  19. I don't use them together but individually. Only really spinning get swivels if it needs one. I do use a lot of snaps any more. Last year I really started using snaps and messed around with different kinds on ocassion. This year I am on some next level snap stuff. I use the hell out of them know and have tried tons of kinds. Duolocks are always a sold choice. I really like Fas-Snaps also they are probably the best for crankbaits. The KVD fastich work really good to and what I have been using lately.
  20. I am pretty sure they are around here somewhere. I won't be there for a little while but I am pretty sure they are somewhere very close by.
  21. I usually fill somewhere around 1/4 slightly less with backing. Enough so it covers and I can't see the soool through the line. I use to tie my backing using a uni to uni. Now I just use a piece of painters tape. I don't like the knot in my spool and if using heavy line it can cause the line to stack on one side or you might feel it at the end of a long cast. Try and put it on as tight as possible. You can hold it or do the phone book thing but I can't get it as tight as I like.
  22. Ya I suppose this sight line thing will help get you bit. Tons of time I have killed a bait and let it fall till I could nonlonget see t and get bit. It happens all day long with flukes for example. I also do it a lot with glides. Some are easy to track in clear water to th e head is marked. I will pause and let them sink and get bit a few seconds later or as soon as I move it. I think maybe some of it might be because they are in the shadows sorta down there. Near the surface the water is much brighter and you can see everything. It's like bass sitting on the shaded side of dock pillings or something. Looking from dark to light you can see everything. But when you look from light to dark you can't really see much.
  23. Sometimes you need to use a havier weight tom. Places that get a current in them can be hard to maintain bottom contact. I rarely fish a dropshot completely vertical as it is. I will make little cast with it and cover a small area. That is also one reason you make want to go a little heavier. For me it can be at leade.
  24. All this talk has me interested in checking one of these out. At the very least handling one in store just to see how they feel. I was not a fan at all of the old mojo bass rods and there were many far superior rods oh could buy and for less.
  25. I would not recommend a normal speed spool as they only have mag brakes. I would also not recommend buying a PQ unless they are on sale. PQ's are a fairly good reel but not worth it unless it's a sale. Are you left or right hand retrieve? I have seen tons of rods and reels for sale and even some nice combos peole are selling in your price range. I could point you to them if you are interested in maybe buying someone's used rod or reel.
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