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About Pikesnogle

  • Birthday 12/13/1985

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    Ashburn, VA

Pikesnogle's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Hey All, My Fraternity takes an annual fishing trip dubbed the "Beermaster's Classic" every year. Last year was to the John Kerr d**n/Reservoir in Southern Va. It was tough going, water levels were low and the fish were spread out with catches few and far between. I suggested a river float for this year, thinking that we would have a little more luck. I know a lil more about river fishing than reservoir fishing. Reservoir fishing is tough going, especially when you don't know the reservoir at all. But I wanted to ask around and see if any of the guys or gals knew a good place in the area (Most of us reside in Loudoun County & Fairfax County) to get a cabin or something of that nature and float a river for a long weekend. Maybe and outfitter that rents canoes or kayaks and take you a few miles upstream and let you float back to their outfit. I've been looking around for such a place for a while now with no luck. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks and good fishing this coming season, Snogle
  2. Hello, and welcome. Like mentioned there are plenty of lakes in Reston. Some are public, some are private. Some that are public have very limited access without a boat. Goose Creek is a favorite spot of mine, I have been a pond fisherman my whole life but really got into smallies last year. Goose is a great spot for them all summer, but as the year goes on and the water levels drop the fatties tend to 'migrate' into the river (I fish in a section that is very shallow, and is <1.5mi from the Potomac River). Where Goose and the Potomac converge I have always had a lot of luck. It's a bit of a hike but usually well worth it. There's a park off of 'River Point Dr.' over there by Landsdowne, it's called Kipheart Bridge Park. Research it, and check it out when ALL OF THIS SNOW FREAKIN' MELTS. I'd be willing to meet you come summer time. I am always looking for new fishing partners. I like to fish a lil more than my friends. Good Luck, Snogle
  3. X1,000,000 I don't think they let people of my skill level in anyways... ;D
  4. We just got back Monday. It didn't go so well. I caught a few LM, and I think there were two more caught by one other guy. He caught his on a crankbait, and I caught one on a jitterbug, and two on senkos. I worked the banks, cover, points, dropoffs.. basically everything that I can think of with little success. But the word around the lake was that no one was really doing well. Water level was down 3-4ft below normal pool. Sam, you were correct. I just don't think we were finding them. Regardless, we had an awesome time. We were away from the girlfriends/fiances/wifes for 3 whole days and did nothing but drink some beers and do a lot of fishing. Thanks for the advice gentlemen. Snogle
  5. Watermelon, black flakes Watermelon/Green Pumpkin, black flakes Watermelon, red flakes Green Pumpkin, black flakes Red Shad (works well for smallies) Texas rigged weightless, and wacky. Good Luck
  6. Blue Steak I am also very sorry to hear that, stay strong and keep fishing. Josh, I also agree with ebay. I don't think that I saw any recommendations for amazon, they have everything and not just new stuff. Members sell used lures as well. Craigslist wouldn't hurt either, I saw a guy not too long ago that was selling his ENTIRE shmorgus-board of lures. Good luck.
  7. I was fishing at Fountainhead by 0645 yesterday morning. We fished until about 1300, with hardly any luck. I caught one LM (about 1 lb. 4 oz) on a buzzbait. That was it! I couldn't believe it. We threw jarkbaits, cranks (deep/shallow), senkos, jigs, flukes just about everything that I could think of and in every fricken color. We fished all the structure that you were talking about to the left of the marina and back in a few fingers of the reservoir. I don't know what the heck happened to all the fish. Too hot I suppose. Yesterday put a huge damper on the pride, I haven't gotten my butt kicked in a while. At the same time, I wanna go back ASAP to kick some fish butt.
  8. I was going to post some insight, but it looks like you figured it out. And don't worry when I got my first baitcaster this year, I did the same thing. ALL of my brakes were off... so you aren't alone. After I had 3 of 6 on, I got it down in 30 minutes. Keep at it, there is no better reel than a caster for accuracy imho. That's why I bought a second one! ;D
  9. Never casted the Zillion, but I do own a the new Curado and Revo Premier. Of those two it's the Curado, no contest. The Curado casts better, especially the lighter weight baits. I also like the retrieve of the Curado better. Gear ratio in the Curado is a lil higher, this is a plus for me too. I really don't like the Revo. I think that I might try and sell it, only to buy another Shimano reel muahahahahahaha.
  10. Are you asking what color to use and when? Because that depends on the conditions. Water clarity, weather and such. I like green, black and brown jigs. Natural colors are usually good. But guys catch fish on a lot of different colors. Those are just the colors that I like to throw. I have a lot of confidence in them so those are the ones that I like to use.
  11. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1189609782 "Joe. S" had a great post, covers all aspects of jiggin. Hope that is what you were looking for.
  12. That is a great post. I will be remembering that the next time I buy hooks. I like strike king jigs. I do not have a problem with the Gammie hooks rolling as he said, I always loose the jigs before it gets to that point. I like to jig fish in heavy cover, that means a lot of lost jigs. Unfortunate, but the way that I fish it is a reality. Are you looking for the "proper" way to fish them as well? I say "proper" because there will be a multitude of responses for that question. There is a post from a little while back, I will try to find it and post it back so you can read it. It was a great post on how to use jigs.
  13. I've caught a bunch of the same size in Goose Creek (8-10oz). With the occasional fish that is maybe 3/4lb to a lb. But I haven't caught anything bigger than that. From what I hear the big ones are there, just few and far between. Guy on the forum said that either him or a buddy ( I don't remember which) caught a 19" smallie in Goose Creek. That's a nice fish! I think that it has to do with water levels, and the time of year though. But what do I know? I am just along for the ride. ;D
  14. Largemouth, and Smallmouth. We won't complain if there is a striper or two thrown in there though.
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