i have fished tournaments and am hoping to get back into it soon. for me the joy doesnt come from hauling *** down the lake. or catching the biggest and best limit i can. its trying to just get a limit and then improve it from there. and fishing with friends for bragging rights. so good or bad im always having a great time on the water. fun fishing or not. and as far as the subject of fish dying in a tournament. when i was fishing tournaments i did everything to not only keep them alive but comfortable as well. and when im on the water im very courteus to everyone on the water angler or not. unless there being really stupid. then ill let them now that they need to knock it off. i know thats not my place to do so. but here in california you get some real morons on the water. like wakeboarders getting so close to your boat they try and give you high five. ive had that happen 4 times to me. also if youve won a tournament you would know what all the fuss is about. i LOVE it. and hope to make it my job for the rest of my life.