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Everything posted by hoss87

  1. i have fished tournaments and am hoping to get back into it soon. for me the joy doesnt come from hauling *** down the lake. or catching the biggest and best limit i can. its trying to just get a limit and then improve it from there. and fishing with friends for bragging rights. so good or bad im always having a great time on the water. fun fishing or not. and as far as the subject of fish dying in a tournament. when i was fishing tournaments i did everything to not only keep them alive but comfortable as well. and when im on the water im very courteus to everyone on the water angler or not. unless there being really stupid. then ill let them now that they need to knock it off. i know thats not my place to do so. but here in california you get some real morons on the water. like wakeboarders getting so close to your boat they try and give you high five. ive had that happen 4 times to me. also if youve won a tournament you would know what all the fuss is about. i LOVE it. and hope to make it my job for the rest of my life.
  2. i have a question for all you cali tournament anglers out there. is there a club around there gilroy or santa cruz area that allows aluminum boats? dont care where they fish at cause ill get there somehow.
  3. boater. i have a little 12 ft aluminum thats decked out with a bowmount and a 7.5 horse outboard. i fish from shore still though.
  4. mine has to be my 4lb 5 oz largemouth that helped me with my first tourney win. my least favorite is actually my pb 10lbs 2 ozs. i pitched a brown jig to a laydown felt the tick and set the hook. started reeling in and it felt like a garbage bag. that was the fight. except for one little jump. at the boat. i was disapointed.
  5. ive had to deal with trying to get past cover. in my home lake for about 7 or 8 years. which is tough when your home lake looks like the cal delta but with more cover. you have to look at where your going to pitch pretty good before you make that cast. but its paid off i can now pitch my bait into a little tiny hole in the tules or laydown from 25 to 30' feet away. by the way heres a little tip that might help. when you have your coffee cup set up in the back yard and your pitching to it. put some tree limbs in front of it. and try to pitch the bait under the limbs and still get it into the cup.
  6. it will be broken again. but this time in america where it belongs.
  7. one time when i was a kid i didnt know how to tie a hook and i thought i did. tied on a cast master and threw it out while using my dads 100 dollar trout rod and reel. threw it out and the knot came undone. not only that i didnt put the pole together right and the top half came off and went right into the water. my dad was ticked. he tied on a castmaster and tried for hours to get it back. and finnally did to.
  8. up in the foot hills of fresno. i was fishing a farm pond a few years ago and cought an old colt peacemaker. in really bad shape. but still two bullets in it. i wonder who that gun killed. ive cought seagulls sealions a childs bicycle. lures crabpots all kinds of stuff. but the peacemaker is my favorite.
  9. i have a bow mount trolling motor and am trying to mount my transducer but its a skimmer transducer and im having problems because i dont have the bracket for it. any ideas?
  10. ya i would use please release me every time i have a fish in the box. and ice. thanks.
  11. the fish have those qualities and those of largemouth. thats why im confused. ill catch one and upload pics of different angles.
  12. will that be legal for tournaments?
  13. hey guys. i have a 12ft aluminum boat that ive decked out. and was wondering if you could help me out with putting a livewell in so i can fish tourneys? also my transducer on the bow mount wont mount right. though its not a puck but the ones made for cheap sonar units that are meant for the transom? id appreciate any help or ideas. thanks.
  14. i need some help on something. in my local lake in watsonville CA. we have largemouth. and i suspect spots to. im getting confused because ill catch a fish and it will have features that both blacks and spots have. i.e. rough patch on tounge yet the dorsal fins are barely connected or not at all. like they should be. then ill catch one that looks like a spot but no rough patch on the tounge. i know not all spots have this. i also have no idea how the spots got there if they are spots. the lake is 20 ft. deep at max capasity. the water is murky. its not clean. and the temp is always up there in the high 50's at the least.
  15. hi there new to the site. thought id give some input on this topic. a few years back i was fishing a tournament and we were actually on a pattern that resembled what you were explaining. and what we did was throw spooks and flukes. we won that tournament to. you can either toss the fluke out and work it back in and you will catch fish. but i liked tossing the fluke out and letting it sit for a minute or two. the bigger fish are the lazy ones that will sit under the ball of shad and wait for the food to come to them. hope this helps and good luck next time out.
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