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About wvuwhat

  • Birthday 10/07/1986

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    <p>Ashburn, Va</p>

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  1. My mom is driving around in a 2009 Nissan Rogue she bought for 10K off of some woman in her church who was getting divorced. Moral of the story, never get married, just keep fishing.
  2. I don't know about you all, but I haven't had to fish too much for strippers.
  3. Pfluger President. My reel of choice. However, if we're talking about baitcaster's I'd say Curado.
  4. Leaving early tomorrow morning to head up there. This will be my first time fishing there. From what I understand, this is a tough lake. Will update tomorrow evening or Sunday. Hopefully, someone on the boat will catch one of those 9 pounders. If you've got some spots PM me.
  5. I still love my Pflueger Presidents. I know there are probably better ones out there, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? A friend has a nice Shimano that is very smooth, we'll see if he'll chime in, he's "pikesnogle" on here.
  6. Lampshade. Caught it as a kid, about 18 years ago.
  7. Think a weedless spoon, with a lock of moose hair on the back that would "whistle" coming through the water. I can't seem to find them anywhere, but I'll see if my uncle can snap a picture of one if he has any left.
  8. Something I caught big *** fish on up in Maine a few years ago.
  9. I know this is a tall order, but just got a refund from a previous online purchase that I really wasn't expecting. Stipulations: -Baitcaster -Less than 7ft, if it's a one-piece rod. If it's a 2 piece, not a problem, it'll break down fine and will fit in my Accord. -I know this may be met with some skepticism, but I really like the yellow on the Skeet Reese stuff (I'm a WVU alum) -Where I purchase must take paypal About my locations: -Mostly small lakes with clear water -Some upper potomac river locations -Clear and deep resovoirs -Shore fishing (no boat, unless I decide to rent one) "Regular" baits -Senkos, senkos, and more senkos -Swimbaits if I'm at the river -Top-water in the evening if I'm there -Mooselock whistlers about 2% of the time (e.g. light baits for the most parts) If it really matters, I'm in the Northern Virginia area, so those bodies of water.
  10. Yep. Just put in 200 yards right, off the rocks at the entrance of Kip. You'll have great bass and black croppie fishing for as log as you want.
  11. I would just like to say. For the shore fisherman the new trail all down the Potomac and goose is amazing. Went the 3/4 mile from kipheart to the Potomac. Great fishing from wading to holes to cover all the way down. When you get to the river it's gorgeous not to mention golfers will like the view of river creek and the Norman course.
  12. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ashburn,+va&sll=36.848203,-76.271051&sspn=0.03108,0.062313&g=brambleton,+va&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ashburn&ll=39.00798,-77.556953&spn=0.060359,0.124626&z=14
  13. If you go up Evergreen Mills Rd. behind Brambelton and the Reservoir there is a bridge that crosses over Goose Creek a few hundred yards after Reservoir Rd. on the West side of the reservoir. About 3 years ago they had closed this down. But, a few weeks back I was talking to some people in Yak's saying they dropped in there, that it wasn't posted anymore. Not sure if the chain is still there. They had put in there and floated down the same way you are talking about and got out where my friend and I were shore fishing at Kipheart Bridge park, about 3/4 mile short of the river in Landsdowne. May be worth a look for you. I know my friend and I used to do well on the shore where they put in. I really wish I could get to the old bridge/concrete something or other that is off to the left of the bridge on Sycolin and it seems that is the closest point to put in and get to it.
  14. Send some proto's to me in VA. I'll tell you if they work or not. I'm getting in a lot of fishing time while I'm unemployed, even though I'm not a greatly experienced bass fisherman. Just kidding, but not really...
  15. I grew up fishing creeks in the Shenandoah Valley for stocked trout, as well as tying my own flies. My buddy has me hooked on bass fishing now. This was my first smallie ever, caught on the potomac with a pearl white 3/8 oz. swimbait, 2 days ago. It's roughly 3"'s away from my 260 lb. body, I'd say roughly just over a pound, based on what I caught today after weighing them. I'm hooked, he definitely put up a fight, my newbie self would compare it to a 3 pound largemouth I caught last week.
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