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Everything posted by GLoomis711

  1. I have the GL2 904x Flipping Stick, and is the only flipping rod I have any experience with at all. If any of you can tell, would ya'll consider this a Ligher Cover Flipping Stick, or a rod for the Thickest stuff ? Is this better for flipping jigs in tree tops, laydowns, ect. Or for flipping large weighted plastics into matted grass ? :-?
  2. I used these hooks for trick worms and did awsome, sometimes you dont even have to set the hook!
  3. The flipping was awsome!
  4. I have a house on Lake Seminole (georgia side) and was wondering if this is an ok flipping lake. Sometimes I dont know what kind of things to look for, because before you get up to the visual out of water mat, there is so much hydrilla you cant fish it. It seems like an awsome technique but vvery slow or even a waste of time if you dont know there is fish under the mat. What do you look for? The only way I could know when to flip something is if I fished a frog and got alot of bites I would refish that mat or grassline.
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