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Everything posted by GLoomis711

  1. I forgot one of my top 4,Idk how though. PEARL JAM is great !
  2. Don't worry, I get it alot. Rush isn't the easiest music to listen to, very different. Though if you ever get into it, it will be your favorite most likely. I just saw my forth show in September, and we're looking at tickets in New Orleans in June. They put on amazing shows. If you watch the documentary Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, you will be amazed.
  3. The Who is amazing. You rarely see someone that says Rush, thats what is crazy, they have 3 of the best musicians to ever birth. The best drummer to ever walk the earth in my opinion, along with Keith Moon, and John Bonham. The biggest cult band. Nuff Said.
  4. Everyone has been talking about it, them changing members and Espn, and stuff. Can someone please inform me of whats going on, Thanks.
  5. What kind of music do you fellow anglers listen to? I'm 15, and listen to Rush, Tool, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, ect. Rush in my opinion is the best Progressive rock band to ever exist. Just my thoughts.
  6. They're awesome. Texas rigged, is what I always did. Once you experience with them a little, try a chigger craw or Rage Tail craw, and decide whether you like the hollow or solid ones better. Paca Craw is hard to beat. AMAZING COLORS.
  7. The golf grips are awesome! My dad has one, but he was really upset with the hook keeper, its right on the trigger where alot of people fingers go, gives him blisters all the time.
  8. 1/4 to 3/8 ounce jigs. Docks.
  9. Same for me, I can do both spinning and baitcast, I use a Loomis spinning rod and 8# flourocarbon. But for the heavier stuff like a 3/8 jig and 14# line for docks, baitcast would be better.
  10. I'm sure I own more than one rod that could be used for this technique, but am curious to see what act. power. and model rods you guy's use? ;D
  11. Falcon's are so underestimated. The original is great for under 100$. The veritas is probably better, but you made a comment about full gripped only.
  12. So now to wear any logo items such as a G Loomis Tshirt, I have to be sponsored by them ? :-?
  13. So now to wear any logo items such as a G Loomis Tshirt, I have to be sponsored by them ? :-?
  14. So now to wear any logo items such as a G Loomis Tshirt, I have to be sponsored by them ? :-?
  15. It has to be the overall worst line I've ever used.
  16. Yeah, if I can help it, I'll stick with 100% flourocarbon and Suffix Siege. Trilene Max was very good for me, but I think its discontinued, the only store I see it in anymore is my Walmart and in green
  17. This line when I first started spooling it on, it felt really good and smooth. But after a few trips, this has been one of worst lines I've ever used, along with Vanish. It doesn't have much memory, but it almost dries out, and frays and breaks easily? Do you have any experience with Sensation ? What do you use copolymer for ?
  18. I have a lonely Cumara CUC70MH. I have tried it with a curado e5 and e7. The E5 was too slow for me, and the e7 too fast. Other than that I can't find another shimano in the 6:3:1 speed. Do you know of any reels that would fit for these techniques. I was thinking of a quantum energy PT VI or a Smoke.
  19. Oh okay, I think imma go with the 805.
  20. Okay, well I think I should be happy with it! I haven't heard one bad thing about Dobyns. But, what do you use the 766 for, or what kind of cover do you use it in ?
  21. Okay right now I'm leaning towards the 805, but what would you use the 766 for? Punching or just like pitching jigs to wood cover ? Also I think the extra 6'' would not hurt anything....
  22. Ohh, and I'll be flipping 1-1 1/2 oz weights with sweet beavers.
  23. I was lookin' at the 766. When does the 805 come in to play ?
  24. I do not want a telescopic rod, and I want it to be 7'6'' or longer. Ive been looking at the Dobyn Champion Flipping Series. Any Suggestions. Right now I have a GL2 loomis.
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