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Everything posted by Top

  1. SHEESH....George Gershwin's version is the one your talking about
  2. I paid 1.69 on post today that is up almost 15 cents... AL
  3. Top


    *silent post and prayer*
  4. Top


    I have a tendency to be grumpy.... she LIKES when I go fishing or to the gym because she knows that those two things KEEP me from being grumpy AL
  5. *sigh* I AM OLDDDDDDDD... WAAAAAAAAAAA there were a couple of parts there where i was like "if my kids did that I would tan their hides" hahahaha *sigh* I AM OLDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Glad ya lived to tell about the summer AL
  6. Burley is that a real ACU hat? if so... how do you like the double thick bill? AL
  7. have to love a productive night huh? AL
  8. ahem... no comment.... anyways... y'all will be happy to know.. well maybe not..but maybe... but the SKUNK IS OFF... another soldier and I met up for some fishing today and I caught 6... only one was keeper... but I throw them all back anyways... it was nice to feel that familiar tug and then the pull after I cross his eyes... AL
  9. Glad you had a good leave and are going back on a high note... NOW keep your head in the game.... the first two months and the last two months are the ones that will get you... AL
  11. lets all try WD-40 too! who is up for that? AL
  12. he was just a guy that was impressed with his own self importance... I run into those types ALL the time... AL
  13. #4 got me... #1 5,562 #2 9,713 #3 35,283 #4 is the reason I HATE MATH... ;D AL
  14. and here is the first "AXE"... I have another one coming it should be here the end of the week if I am lucky AL this is the original Avalanche not the new one (playmate) this one is actually a smidgen better than an entry level guitar... but man its purdy... AL
  15. So far I have D,A, and E... I do have to say.. its tough... I mean getting a nice clean sound... its tough... but hey nothing in life is easy and I will practice no less than 15 min a day... right now I keep it right at 15-20 min otherwise my fingertips are screaming... once they toughen up I can see messing around for 1/2 to a 45 min.. if I am busy.. more if I want to just goof around... AL
  16. that is true... most oil bought today won't be seen on the street for some time... so the spike is probably from us getting gouged last month or however long the lead time is from the date of purchase until the time that the oil gets to us as Gas... AL
  17. Well heck I am good with 1-3 but I ain't taking my tats off for no one! ;D but then again... the only way you would even know I had one is if I were to take my shirt off... but then I guess that would lead into number 3 AL
  18. that is awesome... congrats to the nose picker! AL
  19. AWESOME... now I can try and get in on some of this stuff... having said that... this coming sunday when I take my weekly trip to BPS I am going to see if they have any of those dark ones... those look like just the trick for these stained ponds on post here AL
  20. better yet.. I can't wait to see a gallon of gas under $3.00.... my dang Ram LIKES gas...
  21. now your talking... listen for fun and it IS fun... one day do a search of any local winery.. hopefully you have some... anyways take the wife and go try them out... do the tour the whole nine yards... you will get to sample some wine and have fun at the same time... and for the record... I like a Riesling... very good wine IMHO... not too sweet but not too dry either AL
  22. Thanks for the input... I do appreciate it... I am already anticipating my fingertips getting sore... and those old songs are what I live for... so all I need to do is learn to play one real quick to get the wife feeling better about this chunk of change I am plopping down on two guitars and two amps and two of everything else hey now.. anything worth doing is worth doing 150% right? the hard part is sticking with it... but my choice of occupations show I can stick with something.. and my utter obsession with fishing is another.. :o if I get good I will have to get a JOEHAWK huh Russ??? ;D AL
  23. *gasp* there are over 2,000 cords! hahaha I KNOW... just learn the basic ones... still think this is going to be awesome for my daughter and I.. AL
  24. Well at the young age of 42 I have decided I am going to learn how to play the guitar with my oldest daughter... I am sure she will be kicking my butt in no time... so I want to stack the deck ;D do y'all have any advice on the best way to learn? I know I have to put the time in with the practice and all.. just want to get some helpful hints.... and FYI we are getting a Squire (Fender) and I want to say a Dean Avalanche One, I know its a Dean, the guy is shooting me an AMAZING deal on it wife knows about the Dean... I failed to clue her in on the Squire (Another amazing deal) Thanks for any advice and yes I will pass it on to my rug rat... AL
  25. now I carry one fanny pac and three poles.... you should see what I used to carry when I was tournament fishing :o AL
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