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Everything posted by Top

  1. here is the rod with a new curado on it... looks good to me! and this is yours truly holding his new prize possession... thing feels like a dream... come on Saturday!!!! AL
  2. finally late than never huh? *sigh* had an issue with the internet the last couple of days... apparently a ditch witch electrical and phone cables don't mix well... it was only a SMALL fire... and the phone company just left so here I am... ANYWAYS... yesterday.. Veterans Day... I had the UPS man drive up.. wife was out in the carport washing the jeep... guy asked if MSG Algiere lived here.. wife says yes... and off he drives.. I come outside and the MRS was looking at me like.. HUH??? I was like HUH??? I tell you when I opened that tube up.. I was blown away... I can't even put into words the appreciation and humble thanks for this amazing gift.. and its not so much the rod (well yeah it is but no it isn't ) ... its the who what when where and why of y'all that went out there so much for us to get a rod.. and a rod of this caliber.. WOW... I can't wait for next weekend... I will be posting pictures of my new addition to the family tonight or tomorrow... today is the first day back from a 4 day weekend... so I am sure I will be burning the midnight oil... THANK YOU... someday I would hope to shake a lot of y'all hands... because I am sure grateful to have some great friends... AL
  3. I just got 4 for the PC.... hopefully after 5 comes out the price will go down and i can afford to get 4 on the 360... its bad because some of the parts give me flashbacks LOL
  4. Bill Dance is a genuine guy and I owe him a debt of gratitude for his taking care of me in Iraq by sending me some VERY cool things.. *sigh* so cool that someone stole the DVDs ... grrrr NOT to take anything away from Mike D.. he sent me some serious SWAG too Bill just is a hoot... specially when he gets ticked and says DAG GUMMIT.. when you KNOW what he really wants to say hahahaha AL
  5. I tell you what... this kid... I am so freaking proud of him... I am serious... I can't wish I could just hop in the truck and head up that way this weekend... AL
  6. VERY COOL... just added it to my favorites AL
  7. both of mine are currently sitting on Falcon Caras... SWEET setups!
  8. ME now GOOD players.... that would be anyone BUT me
  9. congrats to you and your better half... your a lucky and blessed man... AL
  10. if you want just use a drift sock if your wanting to keep moving.. or do like I do... just drop anchor and fish that spot real good.. then pull and go to another spot... it will help you in the long run because you won't be so apt to "gun and run" just my .02 AL
  11. I hear you buddy... that is why I hang out here... great bunch of folks here that is for sure! CARE PACKAGES RULE!!!!! thanks for hooking a brother up guys! I sure do appreciate it... AL
  12. just look at it like any addiction... you can't EVER have even ONE puff again... it would be too easy to slip back into the habit... some guys in Iraq would have cigar parties and have some VERY nice cigars... but I wouldn't ever want to try and then have to go thru quitting all over again... most rewarding thing I have ever done keep it up AL
  13. I collect guitars... I am just learning how to play so I can't say I PLAY... so right now.. anything more than 2 is a collection right? LOL and now that I think of it.. I have a collection of guitar amps going too AL
  14. its a beautiful wood and it makes an absolutely BEAUTIFUL guitar... I went into the Music store to show the wife a different guitar... and it was sold.. so the owner said... "hey you liked the bubinga Patriot give me a second and I will see what kind of deal I can get you, OH and while your waiting sit down and play with it for a bit" WOW.. the neck is exquisite... I have been playing Squire and a Dean "Stratacasters" and was perfectly happy with them.. UNTIL.. I started "playing" this one... OMG my hand just FITS the neck... anyways the guy comes back.. now mind you this guitar is $100 bucks MORE than the other guitar I was looking at and i was like... uh huh.. NO WAY... I am not paying THAT much for a guitar...anyways the guy says... you have two choices... I will sell you the guitar for what the other one cost BUT I can't give you the hard case... BUT for 50 bucks more I will throw in the hard case... I was actually surprised the guy came down that much on such a beautiful piece of artwork... this is the new geeeetar and this is the link to the website... http://www.michaelkellyguitars.com/patriot_limited.html I actaully researched the guitar before I bought it and the reviews are amazing.. I also asked a couple of guys about it that had played it... their statements were... If I could afford it I would buy that thing right now... so there you are... while I suck at playing the guitar.. I am going to look good while I make noise... AL
  15. you suck! ;D
  16. Russ you can do it... with the will and something to help... its NOT EASY by any means... it was the hardest thing I ever did... but it will be 3 years this coming year... I got a LOT of support from this board when I was quitting... just like you will... come on BROTHER YOU CANNNNNNNNNNN DO ITTTTT!!!!! oh and get a stress ball and drink LOTS of water... and every time you get a craving... do something weird like push ups or something ... because the craving WILL only last about 5 minutes if you do something else to keep your mind off it. AL
  17. Top

    Your pics

  18. I have a THICK wall PCV pipe in my "fishin room" that I will use if I ever have to send one.. it looks indestructible.. not that thin type that was posted earlier Al
  19. yep.. i can relate... both rods inside were broke took forever to get my money back too but I eventually did AL
  20. my guitar playing TRULY sucks but I have only been doing it two weeks hahahaha
  21. they are what they are and if you think they suck then more power to you... I for one grew up a "metal head" so a lot of your sucky bands I like... NOW the music today.. with the yelling and no singing... THAT sucks... I KILLED MY FATHER BECAUSE HE WOULDN"T RAISE MY ALLOWANCE ARRRRRRRRRRR LOL but to each his own... AL
  22. my heartfelt condolences Zel... it wasn't your fault at all... things happen in our lives we don't understand at the time... and hopefully in time you will understand why it happened and gain comfort in that knowledge. AL
  23. Who's getting bent out of shape? :-? This guy is Broh that picture is wrong on just SO many levels AL
  24. HEY GUYS let me get in line too I want one too! hahahaha sweet work there Russ... AL
  25. its great you had a great time on leave... your waiting 11 months was tough I am sure.. I waited 12 and it liked to kill me.. or my soldiers because by ten I was so grumpy they WANTED me to go on leave hahaha... NOW keep your head in the game troop... the next 90 days will go fast.. then the last month will SLOWWWWWWWWWW down like nothing you have ever had in your life... the RIP/TOA process isn't too bad... just remember how it was when you came in.. and if there is any little bit of info you can pass on to make them settle in better TELL THEM...I tell you when you see your replacements arrive you say a HUGE sigh of relief.. BUT you HAVE TO KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME... the first and the last month were where we lost most of our soldiers. SEND STUFF HOME... I ended up sending SIX foot lockers home.. but that is a bit over the top... get your hooah stuff now and send it in the lockers ie: t-shirts, coins and all that other stuff you WILL want when you get home, the reason is going thru CUSTOMS SUCKS... trust me on this one... you can't send any of your TA-50 thru the mail so I would suggest you send everything BUT... I came thru with a carry one a ruck and a duffel and let me tell you... it SUCKED... see if you can get it down to your carry on and a duffel... you will thank me for this later ;D NOW KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME... get the theme here? Don't get frustrated your BS meter is going to be about pegged and you are going to be doing a whole lot of hurry up and wait.. packing conexes and all that stuff.. this is one instance where I would say... volunteer for the details... it WILL help the time go by faster... and if you need anything else let me know... Master Sergeant AL
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