;D OK I want to put together a wall in my CHU with my BPS racing banner and some autographed pictures of fishing personalities. I have emailed a couple of folks asking if they would be so kind as to send me just an autographed picture and explained why I wanted it... well Bill Dance's folks got RIGHT and I mean that day RIGHT BACK with me and said SURE! so I gave them my address... so anyways as you read in the thread to Muddy... today I got three packages... 1 from my wife, 1 from muddy, and one from BILL DANCE... now get this... in the box he put in one of his trade mark hats and signed it... Hi Ralph, "Lets go Fishing" Bill Dance... so THERE... hahaha I had Bill Dance ask ME to go fishing! He also was so kinda as to include a signed photo, TWO of his bloopers DVDs as well as a shirt... so I am going to be entertained tonight while I watch these DVDs...
ALSO I would be VERY REMISS if I didn't include what my wife sent me...
two containers of creamy chocolate coffee mate, woolite (for my chu rug) some drier sheets so I can smell home in my wall locker, TWO CDs of classical music (to soothe the savage beast), and about a DOZEN bowls of Nong Shim Bowl noodle soup , Kimchi flavor... MAN IS THAT STUFF GOOD!!!
talk about going from a blue mood to feeling VERY lucky in a very short amount of time...
special thanks again to my wife, Muddy, and of course Mr Dance and his organization.
thanks for humoring me by reading this rambling