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  1. according to the experts.. its a bear with mange... *shrug* looks mighty weird though doesn't it.. would cause me to scream like a 12 year old little girl if it crossed my path at night! AL
  2. had a bit of time today to actually do a couple of things here in the CHU... I love the decor! thanks again y'all AL
  3. actually the guy showed great restraint.. it could have been MUCH worse.. it could have been the end of his career had he struck her back... so my hat is off to the guy... he is OK in my book AL
  4. Mike, When I get home to Georgia you and your family have an open invitation to come visit and hit the Georgia ponds with me... leave the camera at home though... I am not very photogenic... besides... I that would be a true jinx LOL AL
  5. Folks it turns out that the sticker campaign that LBH was running was to help me decorate my CHU! Thanks to everyone that participated. I had a desk built and I am in the process of stickering that bad boy up! In this box was a "plethera" of stickers as well as shirts, hats, and banners, I am set up so I humbly say thank you very much... I am humbled at everyones giving. I will take a picture of my fishing desk as soon as I get done with the application.. On average I have less than 2 hours free time a day so it may take a while... SFC AL FOB Q-West Iraq.
  6. I want a 14 foot Jon boat decked out with all the trimmiings... unfortunately Mrs Claus hasn't a Clue what to get and she doesn't want it sitting at the North Pole while I am at the South Pole.. SOOOO unfortunately unless I find some elves to help me out... that dream isn't going to happen until next Aug or so IF I am lucky Santa AL
  7. I have two or three Citica 200s... I like them... they are decent all around reels.... I LOVE my Curado 100s though... I reach for them first when I am fishing... my favorite it the MG50 so ... yes I prefer the 100size of curado and the MG50 better then my 200D sized reels.. they just feel better in my palm... *sigh* enjoy whatever you get.. any one you get will be good.. AL
  8. This guy TRULY supports the troops... the man came here during Thanksgiving to give us a concert... THAT my friends is not just saying you support the troops but putting your money where your mouth is... I personally am not a country fan.. but I just as heck am a Aaron Tippen fan.. no I won't be buying any of his albums.. but he has my respect... AL
  9. Thanks, My Thanksgiving could have been MUCH worse... I got to eat some good food and they even gave me 2 hours off after I ate to go sleep off the Turkey!!! so I only had to work 8 1/2 hours today rather than the 12-13 that I normally work... Today was my Mom's birthday so I got to get on Skype and give her a call and tell her happy birthday as well I was able to get thru on the "moral phone (DSN)" and call and talk to my wife and kids before they went out for Thanksgiving... they are going to Shoneys since I am not home.. the Wife's mom and dad are visiting and they don't want to cook because I am not home... but all and all I will give it a 6.. it could be SOOOOO much worse... AL
  10. I used to collect redline hotwheels... until my wife lost her job and I then got into bass fishing... can't afford two expensive hobbies... so the cars are now stored in a closet... anyone want to trade a boat for them? there is about a 4K value of what I have
  11. Man, If you get to Q-West before you pop smoke and you don't stop by the 3 SUS BDE Headquarters and ask to talk to the Battle NCO.. you are in for some deep doo doo... glad your getting out of here... take it slow getting back into the "real world" AL
  12. I have both... I prefer the MG over the Curado... it just seems a tidge smoother and noticably lighter... I would give 225 for a reel and a rod anyday! That is a good deal as long as they are in good shape! AL
  13. hey Russ... pretty sure they don't deliver jon boats and trailers over here... but when your ready I will give my address in Georgia! AL p.s. I sent you pm
  14. *sigh* with the 15 month deployment... my R&R isn't until MAY!!! but I am going to get a 4 day break to Qatar sometime before then... but when I come back to the States in May I am getting the major part of my fishing package... my truck... then when my tour is done I am going to look for my uber jon boat... I want a 14 footer all hooked up like LBHs!
  15. after 5 months... I WOULD just about mount a fish! or most anything that would stand still long enough for me ;D figured I would go there before Avid or Muddy did hahahahahaha I am hoping to get a picture of me in the mook shirt in front of the wall after its done!
  16. don't give me any crap about my fish mount... its the only fish I have kept in over 10 years... and I released its twin the week before in fact I haven't ever seen it in person... only in pictures argh! its a definite work in progress.. but still... how sweet is that? AL
  17. hmmmm what do I need... well I NEED to be able to take a REAL shower... combat showers suck!.. I NEED a home cooked meal. I have lost 45 pounds since March of this year. seriously... the Army does take good care of me with the "what you need" I can't complain about how I live here. I COULD get fat eating all the food around here... but its the same stuff day after day.. but I TOTALLY understand why... with this many folks... you have to do it this way... heck I get seafood every Friday if I could just get out of my office for that long The food is available but my ability to get to the chow hall regularly isn't... I have to have my RTO (radio operator) bring me lunch and supper... I LIVE on COFFEE and TEA and DT COKE... I bet I drink a 12 pack a day... I know its not good for me.. but when you work 12-14 hour days 6 days a week week after week... you get run down and you have to do what you have to do... my hardest thing is coming up with things to do on my free time... hence the picture project... I miss my family so much it doesn't do a man good to sit around and feel sorry for himself.. so I keep busy... I collect music, play guitar hero on ps2 and oblivion and halo 3 on xbox 360 and now pictures of the Elite 50 and my favorite Anglers hahahaha Like I said... I have to keep busy or I will go nuts... AL
  18. I hope it didn't seem like I was bagging on Marcia, I in no shape way or form was... I am sure she is very busy and either missed the email or hasn't found the time yet... she is a class act all the way even if she doesn't support my picture drive. I got a response from Jimmy Houston's folks... he is in with a picture "soon as he gets back to the office" waiting on Hank Parker's folks.. but not sure if I even emailed the right ones. hehehehe Avid buddy.. its spelled Sergeant hahahahaha I will email you later on when I get off work... I sneaked on here... AL
  19. I have decided I need some fishing in my life ;D and since the nearest fishing hole is 10,000 miles away... I would just put together my shrine to fishing. Basically I have a BPS racing Banner, pictures of MY personal best fish as well , Bill Dance sent me an autographed picture... SO... I would like more autographed pictures... I have HOPEFULLY emailed Hank Parkers organization as well as Jimmy Houston's. I never realized how HARD it is to try and contact folks for something simple like this... *shrug* guess they don't want wackos like me to ask for stuff hahaha.. I even emailed Marcia but she didn't even respond... HELP!!! any direction or assistance would be GREATLY appreciated... with Christmas coming and all I need to keep my mind "occupied" so I am throwing myself into this project head first... I would LOVE to get as many "elite" anglers as possible... and hell Avid... have a glossy? hahahahha thanks for any help AL
  20. when I am stateside : I am just outside of Savannah... now THAT is a nice town.. its big enough to have everything yet small enough to not have that "big town" feel... IF you can find a job down in this area I would highly recommend it... I am hoping I can when its time for me to retire... I would hate to give up the fishing too bad you can't move here just yet.. but it is something to keep in mind next year! AL
  21. yes its real... I have a bottle of it sitting right here hahahhahaa don't use it... just thought it was TOO cool to pass up... the company sent CASES of the stuff to us AL
  22. well i sincerely appreciate the shirt... I will wear it out here with pride... I showed it to a guy from New York and he cracked up... he liked that shirt A LOT! AL
  23. every saturday I go to a turkish barber for a flat top.. he actually uses a straight razor on the sides... talk about low friction! and hides those grays VERY well ;D costs me all of 6 bucks... not including the tip AL
  24. ;D OK I want to put together a wall in my CHU with my BPS racing banner and some autographed pictures of fishing personalities. I have emailed a couple of folks asking if they would be so kind as to send me just an autographed picture and explained why I wanted it... well Bill Dance's folks got RIGHT and I mean that day RIGHT BACK with me and said SURE! so I gave them my address... so anyways as you read in the thread to Muddy... today I got three packages... 1 from my wife, 1 from muddy, and one from BILL DANCE... now get this... in the box he put in one of his trade mark hats and signed it... Hi Ralph, "Lets go Fishing" Bill Dance... so THERE... hahaha I had Bill Dance ask ME to go fishing! He also was so kinda as to include a signed photo, TWO of his bloopers DVDs as well as a shirt... so I am going to be entertained tonight while I watch these DVDs... ALSO I would be VERY REMISS if I didn't include what my wife sent me... two containers of creamy chocolate coffee mate, woolite (for my chu rug) some drier sheets so I can smell home in my wall locker, TWO CDs of classical music (to soothe the savage beast), and about a DOZEN bowls of Nong Shim Bowl noodle soup , Kimchi flavor... MAN IS THAT STUFF GOOD!!! talk about going from a blue mood to feeling VERY lucky in a very short amount of time... special thanks again to my wife, Muddy, and of course Mr Dance and his organization. thanks for humoring me by reading this rambling AL
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