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Everything posted by MattyG

  1. Craw pattern, lipless crank bait. LC Pointers, or a hollow body frog...Tough choice. :
  2. That looks deadly!
  3. Most of my childhood bass was a by catch from striper fishing. Never thought about it until devoting my fishing life to the plugs. Then bass was the main target. I still enjoy a fat striper pulling drag though! ...
  4. nice work. They look like killers!
  5. I want one of those! lol...thats cool! 8-)
  6. nice... :-*
  7. I use tungsten wieghts only for the delta! 8-)
  8. hey thats my boot! ;D
  9. For the delta I keep topwaters year around. But for the upper lakes only spring threw fall. Cold water = jigs.
  10. Lunker Punkers, Huddleston Deluxe ROF12, Weedslingers, Big Baits, For bottom bouncing I use HUDS, for topwater i use Lunker Punkers, for rip baits I use Triple Trouts and weedless weed slingers by black dog. I have no idea where your fishing but thats a genral starter point for what I use. Hope this helps... Big baits are more about commiting to them then they are having a variety! That was hard for me to learn! I wanted one for every occasion like crankbaits...Dont do that. Find what works and stick to it!
  11. Always wanted to throw some HUDS in there. :
  12. thats awesome! 8-)
  13. Names Matt. i live in nor-cal. Ive been fishing for what seems like a lifetime but mostly Delta species like stripers and sturgeon. Really been focusing on big bait bass fishing for the last few years. My favorite lakes are Don Pedro, New Melones with a secret lake here and there. But the Delta owns my fishing heart. I love evry part of it. Its like its own little world. lol... Love the site, cant wait to start sharing my fishing trips while getting a little more, well rounded as an angler. Tight Lines!- MattyG 8-)
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